
The Order Of The Stones #1

Narrator:our world is covered by secrets legends some may call it stories,unknown,but some may call it:lies...it was covered by darkness because of the evil creature named caleco and no one is to stop the chaos,but one group of heroes called THE ORDER OF THE STONES,Gabriel the Warrior who would slay anything with his mighty sword skills,Ellegard the builder whose creation would light up in the era of invention,Magnus the rouge whose destructive creations would blow up in the face of their enemy,soren the engineer,the leader of the order of the stones.

united to save the world from darkness and banished calco on the parallel world...From that day on those heroes slip away in the pages of legends...

But When one story ends another story begins...

Olivia:wich would you wrather fight 100 chicken sized zombie or a 10 zombie sized chicken?

Jesse:*training with his sword* hmm... I would fight a 10 zombie sized chicken


Jesse:because it would be an abomination!

Olivia:*laughs*Imagine their giant feet!

Jesse:like I said an abomination..

Olivia:so I connected a sensor on the roof...


Olivia:and connected it on these lights...


Olivia:so the light should lit up when its night time...I don't want to leave Reuben here with nothing

Jesse:what?!where taking him with us...


Olivia:in the buildcon building competition?!

Jesse:why what's wrong with that?!

Olivia:um...nothing,I just don't want to give people another reason to call us losers...*sad*

Jesse:who cares what other people thinks?!At least we are trying our best!

Olivia:uh.I know I'm not saying we shouldn't bring him with us...


Jesse:what's that?

Axel:boo!*wearing scary mask*



Reuben: oiiiinnnkk!!!

Axel:hahaha you should have seen the look on your faces!

Olivia:Axel what's wrong with you!!!

Reuben:*charged Axel in the stomach with his head*



Jesse:what's wrong with you you almost scared us to death!

Axel:nothing I just scared you guys...oh by the way I made this for Reuben *puts out a dragon costume* he cant go there without a costume so..

Jesse:he looks awesome Axel!

Reuben: oiiiinnnkk!

Jesse:thanks Axel

Olivia:come on guys lets go!

Next chapter ===>