

Light and Dark, engaged in an eternal conflict. But from their union, Shadows are born...

Joya_Zuni_Shikdar · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter IV


I woke up with a gasp. The surroundings that greeted me were familiar and unfamiliar at the same time leaving me quickly confused. But within a fraction of a second my confusion vanished leaving me sure of myself.

A crazy grin appeared on my face at the next moment.

I slowly got up and made my way the built in closet allotted to me. It contained only one item that wasn't there before, a small backpack. This should contain my special gear.

I made my way to the fresher carrying the backpack. After closing the door, the first thing I did was to examine my new self.

Two words. Devastatingly handsome. Especially the eyes. The haunting violet eyes with six silver tomoe that were continuously spinning ever so slowly...

Damn..I'm turning into a narcissist..

I opened the backpack to equip myself. The first thing I got was a single piece form fitting black bodysuit, completely black. As I pulled it on, some information related to it trickled into my mind. It was extremely durable, could be used as a sealed armor, with auto cleaning and auto repairing function with color change schemes. It could take a couple of hits from a lightsaber. Next came a pair of goggles that could be used as a high ranking HUD with or without integrating itself with the armored suit. A pair of extremely light and thin boots similar to the bodysuit.

A lightsaber with a transparent blade disguised as a multi tool. A pair of heavy blasters. A thin and light vibrosword and a vibroknife. Credits, medpacks, an armband with a built-in VI.

With a smile, I put on my gear along with my standard issue Republic uniform ones as discreetly as possible, which is quite a lot.

As there was nothing missing, I came out of the fresher, took a deep breath and exited my cabin.

Right now, I am Private Rush Cage, a Republic trooper serving on the Ender Spire like many others. But unlike them, I am going to survive when the Sith attack the Ender Spire destroying the ship above Taris.

This is just the beginning...