
Chapter 2: Mom's pissed, hide

"Matt, we need to talk. It's about your father,"

That was the first thing my mother said after she had been out of the picture for several years.

"Uh.. what do you mean? Where's dad?" I begin to panick as I hear the words leave her mouth.

She takes a sip of her coffee before continuing, "Has your father ever told you about the Order and the Causonihilists?"

"The Order? Causonihilists? Is Causonihilists like a new chain restaurant? Mother, if this is a joke it's certainly not a funny one." I respond dryly.

"It's no joke son. The Order - also known as The Order of Ages - is a pseudoreligious cult that reveres the concept of causality. So much so that theyve extended the realm of control that causality has to beyond the point that it naturally should be," She shifts in her seat as she speaks, "The Causonihilists on the other hand? They're a bit of a rebel faction that like to delay their plans so we can still make use of Causality's limitations"

My brain metaphorically bluescreened at this long winded explanation.

"What does this have to do with my dad?" I asked.

"Well, your father is currently... not In the timeline so to speak," she says.

"'So to speak?' What does that even mean? How is that simplified at all?" I begin to panic.

"If you want to find out come with me, to london. Im going to save him." She replies bluntly.