This story is about a young curvy woman meeting a handsome male orc as they struggle to understand each other and the world around them. warning there will be sensitive topics blood, killing, sexual abuse, physical violence, etc
Part 2
I walk til the sun starts to set, I sit down under a tree having gathered wood to hopefully make a fire I grab two rocks hold it close to the wood and pile of leafs hoping to make a spark and catch the grass on fire, after about an hour I finally manage to get a fire started I sign in relief as it starts burning the wood and putting off a good amount of heat as I sit quietly listening to the sounds of the forest I start to feel very nervous and scared at how dark it is and realizing I'm lost in the woods, I remember my father telling me many stories about the Orcs that live in the forests my father had told me they where killers big strong and ugly savages, he said they will eat and kill anything they can to eat and how they have two sharp teeth that stick out of the bottom jaw pointing up, he said some have multiple teeth like that some only have two they range in sizes. I shake my head trying to ignore my thoughts, i think about the wild life that roam these areas as well which doesn't make me feel any safer I jump at every sound in the night I look into the darkness trying to convince myself that nothing is there and I'm just being paranoid, I pull my knees into my chest trying to calm myself down I start hearing low growls they sound very close jump and look up as I hear a rustle from a bush, that's when I seen six pairs of glowing green eyes, I grab at my spear and sharp stone as I stand quickly my legs and hands are trembling.
Whitney:" get back" I scream at the wolves as they start to circle around me and the fire, my back is up against the tree as one of the wolves lunges at my leg I move and stab at the wolf the wolf dodges my spear when another bites my spear and snaps it I scream for help desperately a third wolf lunges at me he bites down on my leg, plunging his sharp teeth into my flesh I scream out in pain as he starts biting down multiple times the other wolves are soon directly on top of me I cry and scream thrashing around as much as I can but the pack of wolves doesn't give up. Just as another wolf bites down on my thigh I hear a deep voice yell and one of the wolves yelps as it's tossed away from me, I stare in shock and fear as I catch a glimpse of who is beating the wolves back, before I knew it the two wolves that hard been biting my leg and thigh where both stabbed multiple times and thrown off of me I started to get light headed, I tried to pull myself up but my vision went black.
Zuls pov
I walk towards my home it's night I've failed to find anything to hunt for dinner as I walk I hear a scream I look in the direction of the sound waiting to hear it again I wait for only a few seconds before another feminine scream comes, I take off running in the direction wondering if its a female from the orc village in danger as I see the camp fire light I stop dead as I see its not an orc at all it's a human she stands with a sharpened stick trying to keep the wolves back I look closely at the woman, her face is filled with fear her long wavy brown hair is a mess I look down her body taking in how curvy her body is she's not skinny like most humans I've seen but she is night fat like the royal humans either, her big breasts are plump and big, her waist is slimmer but still chubby her hips and thighs are thick they squish together as she stands leaving no gap between them, all of a sudden I hear a blood stopping scream as a wolves start to bite her, her scream snaps me out of my daze I grab my knife and charge the wolf's. I pick up one wolf by the scruff and throw it several feet away it yelps as it hits the ground I go after the two wolves biting her and start to stab them multiple times they release and bleed out quickly I start getting attacked by the others as I slash and kick them fighting to get them off of me as they bite and claw my skin I grab the one hanging on my upper left arm and smash him into a tree he yelps loudly and retreats I grab another on my leg and stab him in the side he lets go and retreats the rest of them do the same this time I stand panting making sure they do not turn around, once I'm sure they are long gone I turn and look at the woman she's no longer conscious her blood is on the ground spilling from her thigh and calf I limp over to her and quickly put her over my shoulder as I grab one of the dead wolves in the other hand I start quickly back to my home, I see the giant willow tree that has grown on top of the cliff it's long branches and leafs cover the opening to my cave I go in dropping the dead wolf as I gently put the woman on my bed grabbing bandages I look at her laying in my bed unconscious I go over and gently start to wrap the wound on her calf, her skin is pale but soft my heart beat gets quicker the more I think about how her skin feels I cut the bandage and tie it off then look towards her thigh, my mind is buzzing as I look at her exposed skin I gulp as I move her dress to the side so I can wrap the wound I see her white panties but immediately I look down ashamed of my thoughts "no I cannot allow myself to think like that" I mumble as I wrap her thigh wound I tie the bandage quickly and cover her with a fur blanket and exit my home to clear my head.