
Adventurer's Guild

A few minutes later, Jake stood awestruck before an impressive five-story building with a relatively flat roof except for a small tower ending in a dome with no chimney nor windows.

From the outside this mansion looked snug and comfortable. It had been built with red pine wood and had white brick decorations. Large, octagon windows added to the overall style of the mansion and had been integrated to the house in a very symmetric way.

The building was shaped like a short U. The two extensions extended into stylish gardens circling around half the house, while the interior housed a patio partially covered by glass overhanging panels.

Each floor was smaller than the first, which allowed for larger and larger balconies and even what sounded like a pool on the fourth floor from the sounds of splashing and relaxed giggling Jake heard from below.

"These Adventurers really have it good!" Jake smirked. It was hard to believe that the end of the world was upon them.