
The Optimist

How does one deal with alien invasions, magical shenanigans, and incomprehensible horrors out there in the universe? The answer lies in the hands of one man, alongside his pet dog. Born with a gifted mind, he uses his genius and optimistic hope to set out and save the universe from literally everything where no one else could all. Join him in a series of anthology-like stories consisting of 4-10 chapters per story and with the look on our main character and his escapades across the universe.

Spartan_217 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

9. Final Death

The two went outside the house and prepped his weapon into the rocket launcher. But not having one last drink as he pops a can of cold soda from his pocket. "What's gonna happen to you?" He asked his older self. 

"Who knows but if it will bring satisfaction to my death, I'll take that chance." He finished his can of soda and crushed it with his hands. 

"Once the Zero Particles becomes unstable, it will trigger the destruction of the universe. You better hurry up to the Green Lake and hopefully go back to the previous universe you live in." He said but not throwing a hard drive at him. 

"What's this?" He asked. 

"Schematics for the Dimension Hopper. The fact that you came here already provides the capability of Multiversal Travel. Now go, get the fuck out of here!" He readies the rocket launcher as Garrick drives away. 

The older Garrick smiled and spat at the ground. "You didn't invite to Death's ballroom, huh? I'll just have to force my way in cause I fucking deserve this!" He shouted at the sky as he pointed his launcher up in the sky. Garrick arrived the Green Lake and wasted no time and jumped in the lake. 

The launcher fired the rocket in the sky as it released the payload. The Green Fluid was subjected to violent conditions which caused it to glow brighter and brighter. The whole universe shook and the space around it literally started to crack and shatter like glass. 

The stars in the universe all died in various ways, planets began destabilizing from orbits, galaxies slowly disappeared its shape and many more. The older Garrick was relieved that his weapon worked. "Hmm, how about that Death? Now you can't ignore me anymore." He laughed as he laid down. 

In his final moments, he finally cried his emotions out. "Pride cometh before the fall." He stated a quote from the bible. A bright enveloped the whole world and including the universe as it cracked and exploded in a blinding array of light. 

Back in the original universe, Garrick swam back to the surface and after looking around, it was his own home dimension. The Green Lake suddenly started to bubble and it disappeared. The once huge lake was now a normal lake of blue-colored water. 

"Looks like the Zero Particles were also taken down by the Parallel Garrick's weapon." He said as he commuted his way back home with a taxi. He rushed to Kasey's home and she was there outside. 

The lady saw him and rushed towards him and hugged him hard. "You were gone for 2 weeks!" The time span shocked him and the house was covered with the slime. "Your Universal Cleaner didn't work! I had to live in your house for 2 whole weeks." She said. 

"These are the remaining Zero Particles. I must extract them without causing as much violent energy as possible." He grabbed a small can and threw it at the house. The can exploded and created a huge bubble that surrounded the house. The slime began to move and it clung to the bubble itself. 

All of the slime is getting sucked out as the bubble is being littered with so much slime. It took 2 minutes to clean out an entire house and the bubble shrank and it transformed into a small canister containing the Green liquid. 

"What happened while I was gone?" He asked her as he grabbed the canister and placed it on his pocket. "Not much. Boring news but I've asked the watch to record all the news for the past 2 weeks." She said and he was astonished. 

"Thanks. And you can live in your house now, it's safe to enter." He replied and walked back to his own home. His pet dog came to greet him and licked his face in excitement as he wagged its tail. 

He sat down and plugged the hard drive to the TV. "Computer show me the schematics of the Dimension Hopper." He said and the screen showed the full schematics on how to build this gadget. The materials, the time and the science were extremely complicated but not Garrick.