
The Optimist

How does one deal with alien invasions, magical shenanigans, and incomprehensible horrors out there in the universe? The answer lies in the hands of one man, alongside his pet dog. Born with a gifted mind, he uses his genius and optimistic hope to set out and save the universe from literally everything where no one else could all. Join him in a series of anthology-like stories consisting of 4-10 chapters per story and with the look on our main character and his escapades across the universe.

Spartan_217 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

18. Maddening Voices

Garrick was in the hospital with the crazed guy already strapped in the stretcher. From the looks of it, his symptoms aren't going away anytime soon. He was pacing around in circles and lashes out from time to time. 

"Are there any cases of this "madness" going around?" He asked the doctor at the desk. 

"This is the only one we saw got mad. We checked for any historical cases but none popped up." He answered which was interesting enough as this was the first case of Nivean madness as he noted in his mind. 

He wanted to explore his mind but after his experience with the entity back at the ruined wedding event. Instead, he grabbed a pill from his container and forcefully swallowed it to the strapped victim. This caused him to convulse violently before his eyes went back to normal. 

The doctor was in shock as to how he did it and asked how he exactly did it but he didn't want to reveal any information so he dodged his question as the victim felt dazed. 

"Do you remember anything?" Garrick asked him which at first didn't answer but he felt a sense of anxiety. 

"I remember being an electrician trying to fix the electrical wiring of the city until I got electrocuted and then I arrived here strapped in cuffs for some reason." He answered him as Garrick and the doctor looked at each other in confusion. 

However, Garrick took mention of him being an electrician and taking into consideration of what Vixen told him of the truth behind their electrical supply, it would be easy to draw a simple cause of this guy's sudden madness. 

With that piece of intel, he left the hospital in a rush to see if he can find any electricians, or people working with the electrical systems of the city. But he was too late as there was another explosion, and one of the Niveans in front of him screamed out loud. 

Her eyes turned red just like the first victim and began to wildly attack anyone on sight. The nearby police officers attempted to subdue and restrain her as another one succumbed to the madness and turned bloodshot red and started attacking the civilians. 

It wasn't long as this madness spread around like a plague. Lights in the city began to turn off as the wires around the city start catching fire. Then the army showed up with buses coming in and soldiers who wore the same outfit as those two before who caught Garrick upon his first glance at the city at that time. 

They restrained the infected and were carried inside the hospital. Vixen arrived but she was in her suit of armor in which Garrick looked at her with beauty before snapping out. "Secure the hospital!" She ordered the soldiers as they threw disks which transformed into automatic turrets. 

Another bus arrived with more soldiers to try and secure the perimeter around the sides of the land. "What's happening?" She asked him. 

"Was she an electrician before or anything related to working with power?" He asked her to which she nods. 

"It seems that this "Madness plague" is affecting the electricians. I'm not a hundred percent sure how but I might be certain on who's affecting them." He deduced the situation as Vixen orders the soldiers and the remaining police to catch or bring all the power line workers in the hospital. 

Garrick and Vixen then drove outside the city and arrived at the power plant facility. "Why now?" They entered inside the facility and found 10 guards were standing there, all naked. He looked at them and saw no response, even yelling at them didn't do anything. 

"It's awakening. I knew that our efforts only served to prolong the entity's slumber but I never thought it would slowly awaken this early." She was stunned as Garrick walked to the elevator and descended down. 

Then a headache emerged inside his head, along with the others who were infected. They all screamed in unison as they heard voices all screaming and yelling at once. 

The elevator descended and opened as Garrick tried to resist the voices screaming inside his head. His nose began to bleed as his vision became blurry and hazy. Even his headphones don't work against the mental screams. 

He looked down and saw the head of the entity seemingly filled with glee as its eyes woke up and he was filled with more dread while under the influence of the mental screams. He kept his sanity intact with 5 anti-depressants and 5 pills of anti-headache pills as he swallowed them all at once. 

It took effect immediately, and the screams lessened inside his mind but heard a phrase that was now clear to him and constantly repeating "Fear and Rage." He didn't understood what that phrase meant. 

The entity now raises its head and reveals itself to Garrick. When he looked at the entity, it's face was nowhere near capable of completely describing, other than it was a huge mess. It induced a lot of dread and anxiety towards him but with the intense drug doses he had to take, he was still fine. 

"Who dares defy my presence?!" The voice was not of this Earth but from somewhere. He couldn't fully understand what he was saying but knows the words coming out of its incomprehensible 'mouth' which further gave him more dread. 

"Asshole!" He swore at the entity to which the entire area shook violently, with the rest of the city feeling the sudden shaking of the earth. Outside the cave systems, some people have felt the earthquake as multiple emergency alert systems activated due to the result of the earthquake.