
The Optimist

How does one deal with alien invasions, magical shenanigans, and incomprehensible horrors out there in the universe? The answer lies in the hands of one man, alongside his pet dog. Born with a gifted mind, he uses his genius and optimistic hope to set out and save the universe from literally everything where no one else could all. Join him in a series of anthology-like stories consisting of 4-10 chapters per story and with the look on our main character and his escapades across the universe.

Spartan_217 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

1. Civil Ceasefire

The young man in a lab coat was in the kitchen, experimenting with culinary science. He held a plasma-modeled knife and sliced some vegetables with near perfect precision. 

His pet dog arrived and cheerfully barked at him, waiting for the food to arrive at his mouth. "I know boy, just wait for them." He said. 

"Time to test my new Instant Gamma-Rad Fryer." It was a regular frying pot, but it was surrounded by suspended metal rings and a transmitter ray on the top of the machine. He placed the ingredients and turned it on. 

It glowed a bright red for 1 second before it started cooling down as the pot began to lose its bright red color as the heat dissipated. He opened the lid and it created instant fried vegetables and meat. Satisfied by the result, he placed the dish on his plate and went to the living room. 

He then gave some food to his dog as it happily gnawed down on the bowl. He watched some tv shows to pass the time as he had nothing to do. But as he was about to eat his meal, his watch beeped. 

"Strange alien activity at the top of Mt. Fuji." The artificial intelligence in his watch notified him and smiles in excitement. "Let's go boy!" He called to his wonderful German Shepard as he barks and walks with him. 

Outside the house, was a young woman with absolute beauty from his eyes. She had pearly gray eyes, with red, long hair. It was his personal love interest or his crush, Kasey. "Hello, Gary!" She ran towards him and gave him a warm and firm hug. 

"Funny way to greet someone. Wassup." He blushed. 

"Nothing. I was just passing around and saw you. Classes are over and I got nothin else to do except walk around." She said. 

Unfortunately, as much as he would've loved to chat with her more, the more urgent matter awaits him as he gets in his car. Pressing the green lever on the left seat, the car's wheels changed and reconfigured itself into thruster jet as the hull of the car began to change to a lustrous silver image. 

It flew away as Kasey watched in awe of the most genius man. It's top speed would let him traverse the globe in nearly 5 seconds thanks to the brilliant engineering of Dr. Garrick. 

Arriving at the summit of Mt. Fuji, he landed the car and was met with sounds of gunfire. Looking through the window, he saw 2 humanoid figures wearing black and thick armor. They were equipped with futuristic shotguns as it fired at the other humanoid creatures, buried in the snow in the form of snow mounds. 

In order to cease fire, he grabbed a metal sphere and threw it on the ground. The ball bloomed and it released a pulse of energy that disrupted every weapon and tech, except for his. This action caught the attention of the two opposing parties. 

"Under the protection of the United Extraterrestrial Coalition, I hereby call a ceasefire." He said as he planted a flag of the UEC which was a USA flag combined with the UN and NASA designs. 

The two tall humanoids in black suits dropped their weapons. The snow mounds crumbled as multiple human-sized creatures, with a head almost as armored as crabs creating a nearly covered face with exoskeletal skin as smooth as a snail's shell, stood up and looked at the man. 

"We are the Xun Xian. We were informed of a missing piece of Xu Xian tech located here on this mountain, until these creatures ambushed us." One of the black-suited aliens greeted themselves. 

Garrick wasn't surprised as he knew what they were. "How the hell did your stolen tech end up here on Earth?" He asked the two with a raised eyebrow of suspicion. 

"Classified information. However, we only attacked them in self defense." From the looks alone, they weren't kidding. Garrick looked at the creatures that hid earlier in snow mounds. 

"You must be the Klarton, native species here to the Fuji summit." He said as one of them approached Garrick. "I am the commander of the Klarton Defense Force, Danik. I understand the necessary ceasefire but these two outworlders are desecrating our snowy landscape. We can't let them interfere with our territory as part of our culture and survival." She said. 

"I know but these two have their stolen tech here and if I were you, don't further antagonize the Xun Xian. However, considering how their tech got here in the first place, I will investigate this matter secretly." He whispered to her.

The two races put aside their differences and accompanied them to their village. The houses were constructed out of snow coupled with some of their advanced technology. "Your village is growing I see. Last time I came here around 2 years ago, you were playing with miniscule nuclear fission technology." He noted. 

"Yeah, unlike humanity with their petty political squabbles, us as a community use our time to improve our tech and our lives." Danik replied in which he agreed with her after looking at humanity.

The Xun Xian looked around as well and the Klartons looked at the two with discontent and abhorrence but it didn't mind the two as they were only fixated in their stolen technology. A slightly older Human-crab creature approached them. "Greetings, Dr. Garrick. We've been expecting your arrival, just not so early." He said.

"Ahh the elder Klarton, Volste. I'm impressed by how your people are improving. How's Mt. Fuji?" He asked him. 

"Well, thanks to our new Magma Harvester, we would be able to limit and mitigate the volcanic activity of our home and use it for energy." He replied. 

"Nice. Okay, skipping the whole theatrics. We are gonna need everybody's cooperation here. You two, who's gonna be the representative for the whole Xun Xian race?" He asked the two tall aliens. 

The two turned to face each other for a few seconds before the one with the most decorated armor stepped up. "Han Chun, here will be our rep." The other one said and Garrick nodded.