
The Oppression

John, a 60 yr. old filipino general, a big nerd about gunsmithing and also a virgin whose only experience with romance are those dating simulator games found himself on the verge of death, thinking about what happened all throughout his life, looking at the void, thinking about what he could have done to improve the life of those around him and probably himself, he regrets not being able to speak up and do something about the corruption of his country's government despite his power, he could've done more yet he didn't, he thinks of himself as a failure, a hypocrite and a traitor to his own country, as he believes in the saying that "those who close their eyes to the injustices around them are also one of the perpetrators of said injustice" He gave one last breath in his deathbed thinking about those things, yet what he doesn't know is he'll have a chance to be so much more, an opportunity none ever had.

Archclasher · War
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55 Chs

Well shizz

Hello guys, I unfortunately tested positive on covid despite being fully vaccinated, I never go out of my house but my father tested positive too so I suspect that I got it from him because he works as a nurse in VMMC. I can't write in my cp for a long time because of my headache, the symptoms I have rn is diarrhea, fever, headache and conjunctivitis, I hope that by saturday or sunday I'll be able to write, because I'm super excited for the Mindanao Liberation Arc, I will introduce the Juramentados in the coming days, they are really cool!!!

PS. Does anyone know a vet around QC that is cheap? My dog is turning yellow and I don't know what to do :(