
The Op System

Marcos_Jaime · Others
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16 Chs

Dragons and a New Title.

"Hey system, you said that I can just leave the eggs here unattended right," Barrington said walking into the newly placed portal. He looked around in awe ignoring the system's response. "Oh my god, this place looks too fucking cool. Just from walking into this place, I can see volcanos, forests, mountains, plains, and so much more." He began to walk towards the forest nearby. He saw a little movement out of the corner of his eye. Looking back at what he saw, it was a little white bunny. "Well, won't you take a look at that? I don't remember putting animals here." Putting his hand out to see how the bunny would react. The bunny seeing Barrington quickly ran away. "Aww that's a bummer but moving on, system going back to what I asked earlier can I just leave the eggs on their own?"

{Ding} Yes you can. I recommend you use this time to train your wood element magic while you're here waiting for the eggs to hatch. From what I can see, the time difference here is much greater here than in your other dungeons. Correct me if I'm wrong but it's 100 years here for 1 day there.

"You are very correct. I might as well train my wood element magic while I'm here." Walking up to a very large tree. "Let's see if I can make this hollow to fit one of the eggs here. Placing both of his heads onto the side of the tree, he concentrates his magic into his hands than into the tree. The tree before him began to grow rapidly, it became much taller and wider than it was before. Parts of the tree trunk became hollow creating compartments. Each one is almost twice the size of the eggs. The tree's growth stopped as Barrington began to take his hands off of the tree. "Hmm, that seemed to work better than I anticipated."


Wood Element Leveled Up

Wood Element Leveled Up


Hatchery Creation Complete:

Wood Dragon Hatchery

"Alright that was not intended but that's great." Counting the open compartments on the tree trunk. "Hey system, am I limited to how many of the compartments I can use currently." Seeing some had a thin white glow around them, while others did not.

{Ding} You currently only have access to 3 of them. In total there are 15, you gain access to one more every 10 hatches. To begin the hatching process, simply place one of the eggs into one of the open compartments with a white glow. Once the dragon egg is recognized it will change from white to green.

"Thank you system." Place one of the dragon eggs into a compartment, watching the white glow become green. Right after he placed the other dragon into the compartment right next to it. "One thing, why are the compartments shaped like a hexagon. Similar to that of bees."

{Ding} It is shaped like that to minimize any damage to the tree and maximize space.

"I thought so. Moving on to training, what are the ways to train the wood element?" Looking at the eggs that are now forming a light green glow around them.

{Ding} The first and easiest way is to change the shape of any existing wood. The second way is to accelerate the growth of a tree without causing deformity, this is much more challenging. Finally the final and most difficult one, creating wood out of nothing. Very few people ever make it this far if they have the wood element. Many have tried and just as many have failed.

"I should start soon, I'm not going to be going to school tomorrow anyway." Walking a nearby tree. "I'm just going to break off one of the tree branches. I'm very sorry tree." He said while grabbing a tree branch. Snap! "I think I can make a sword from this." Picturing a sword, he got to work. As he moved his hands up and down the branch, parts of the wood started to fall off. The shape of the blade began to take shape. He moved his hands moved to the bottom of the branch. after a few minutes, the handle began to form. "That should be it." Picking the sword up, pointing the blade away from himself. "That looks nice and shape, It really does look like an NCO's sword."


Sword Made:

Wooden NCO Sword (Master High Tier)


New Skill Learned: Crafting

"Oh, I have a crafting skill now. Hey system, tell me the rank for crafting." Lightly running his fingers across the blade.

{Ding} There are 4 ranks Low Tier, Mid Tier, High Tier, World Tier. Each rank has 2 stages, apprentice and master. The difference between each rank is sun and moon.

"It's that big of a difference huh. What rank are the m27 rifles of my soldiers?" Lowering the sword that's in his hands.

{Ding} They are ranked Apprentice High Tier. They are one stage weaker than your Wooden NCO sword.

" Not bad for my first time making something." Laying down the sword on the floor. "Let the training montage begin." Cracking his knuckles with a grin on his face.

-1 year passes-

"Hey system the eggs should be hatching soon right." Removing his hands from a rapidly growing tree.

{Ding} You are correct, they will be hatching very soon, I recommend that you make your way to the hatchery.

"I should, shouldn't I?" He starts to walk towards the hatchery. Passing by new trees and wooden structures, made by his very hand. "Alright now I'm here, wait they are green now." Seeing the light around the eggs is now green. "How do I get them to hatch, so I just pull them out and place them on the floor?"

{Ding} The final stage of hatching a dragon is to place them on the ground after its incubation period. Now you must let them recognize you as its master. Place your hand on the egg and slowly push your mana into the egg. You can stop pushing your mana into the egg once it starts to crack. Also, should your dragons were to have kids, their baby will automatically recognize you as its master.

"Alright, that seems simple enough." Placing his hands on the eggs in front of him. Slowly pushing his mana into the eggs. A very light white glow started coming from the eggs. Crack! He stopped as soon as he heard the crack. He watched as the cracks started to grow longer and larger. This continued for about 2 minutes. Out of now where 2 chunks of the eggshell popped right off. 2 brown wood-like heads showed themselves.


Dragon Hatched:

Male Wood Dragon

Dragon Hatched:

Female Wood Dragon


New Title: Father of the Dragons