Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?
These are the Super Sayian Multipliers for normal sayians and normal legendary super sayians. They haven't been confirmed by toriyama, but these have been officially calculated based on the anime, manga and interviews. Also based on the facts stated in the anime and manga. These may not be 100% accurate, but they are not far from the actual multiplier.
Great Ape/Wrathful/Ikari = 10x Base
False Super Saiyan (FSSJ) = 25x Base
Super Saiyan (SSJ) = 50x Base
Super Saiyan Grade 2/Ascended Super Saiyan (ASSJ) = 350x Base
Super Saiyan Grade 3/Ultra Super Saiyan (USSJ) = 500x Base
Mastered Super Saiyan (MSSJ) = 500x Base
Super Saiyan 2 (SSJ2) = 2x MSSJ= 1000x Base
Super Saiyan 3 (SSJ3) = 4x SSJ2= 4000x Base
Golden Great Ape = 40,000x Base
Super Saiyan 4 (SSJ4) = 400,000x - 4,000,000x Base
Super Saiyan God (SSJG) = 400,000,000x Base
Super Saiyan Blue (SSJB) = 20,000,000,000x Base (50x SSJG)
Super Saiyan Rage = 10,000,000,000x Base (Based on how powerful trunks became after transforming)
Super Saiyan Blue Evolution = 4,500,000,000,000x Base
Ultra Instinct 'Omen' = 10,000,000,000,000,000x Base
Mastered Ultra instinct (MUI) = 50,000,000,000,000,000,000x Base
Legendary Super Saiyan (LSSJ) = 250,000x Base
Legendary Super Saiyan 2 (LSSJ2) = 500,000x Base
Legendary Super Saiyan 3 (LSSJ3) = 2,000,000x Base
Legendary Golden Great Ape = 20,000,000x Base
Legendary Super Saiyan 4 (LSSJ4) = 200,000,000x Base
Legendary Super Saiyan God (LSSJG) = 200,000,000,000x Base
These were calculated my multiple sources and they may not be 100% accurate but they are not too far off.