
The OP Anime System: God's Blessing

Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?

The_Wild_Trill · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

In the End.......it didn't even matter

(P.S- the status list from the previous chapter has most of the shit in it sealed up except the stuff that are from the DXD universe and the stuff he unlocked in the DXD universe.)

Let the Story Continue.....


Izuna: "You are a God?...I doubt that."

Orion: "So you don't believe me even tho I brought you from death itself."

Izuna: "I was raised as a killing machine, I never had time to question if there was a Deity."

Esdeath: "If you claim to be a God, then why don't you prove it."

Orion: "Fine, then Esdeath."

Esdeath: "Wait.....I never told you my name."

Orion: "I summoned you here, of course I know your name. And to answer your question, fight me along with Summer and Izuna."

Izuna: "Fight you?"

Orion: "If you three can even make me bleed then you win, but if you don't and I make you three bleed then I win...deal?"

Esdeath: "You sound arrogant...fine then, I accept."

Izuna: "I also accept."

Orion: "Great...what about you Summer?"

Orion noticed that Summer was silent for the entire conversation. Summer looked up to see the others staring at her. She had a slight blush on her cheeks as she was embarrassed that everyone was looking at her.

Summer: "U-Umm ok

Orion simply put his hands inside of his pockets. He was confident enough to know that he wouldn't have to go all out to beat them. Summer was high class going into Ultimate class, Esdeath was Mid- Satan class and Izuna was Satan class as well.

Orion: "Alright come at me then."

With incredible speed, Summer rushed towards Orion with white rose petals following her. Using her semblance, her speed went from around low ultimate class to about high Ultimate class to low Satan Class. She used her twin sword to try to slice Orion but he dodged it by jumping backwards. To Orion's surprise, he saw Izuna already behind him with his tanto coated in chakra, ready to slice him apart. Orion quickly used his Adamantine Chains to defend against Izuna's strike, much to Izuna's shock.

Izuna: "Uzumaki Adamantine Chains?...you are an Uzumaki?"

Orion: "I am not, however I can use these powers as I am an Progenitor of the Uzumaki, the Senju, The Kaguya, the Hyuga and the Uchiha."

Izuna: "WHAT!!!! Impossible."

Orion: "I will talk to you about it later but right you you have to focus on the fight."

Orion teleported in front of Izuna and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying back. Orion was about to rush him but a massive wall of Ice sent him flying into a wall. He wasn't hurt or even damaged in the slightest but he was surprised as he didn't sense Esdeath attacking him....he then remembered that Esdeath isn't using magic to fight, but she was using her imperial arms, Demon's Extract. He turned his head to see Esdeath looking at him with a dangerous smile.

She started releasing a freezing aura that would send chills up a normal person's spine.....lucky Orion wasn't a normal person as he smiled back. She sent a massive wall of ice towards Orion but he just coated his body with flames which melted the ice before it even hit him.

Esdeath seemed surprised for a split second but it quickly faded away. Meanwhile, Izuna and Summer rushed towards Orion trying to engage him in close combat. Orion using Blade Blacksmith created two holy swords that he used to fight them. The pair quickly realized that close range was not a good idea as Orion was actually winning the fight against the both of them. Summer and Izuna jumped back to reveal Esdeath sending giant spikes of Ice towards Orion but he just flew over it. While flying, Orion turned to his left to see Izuna launching a massive fire ball towards him which he dodged.

Orion: "You guys wanna continue?"

Orion got no response as they all rushed towards him. Orion smirked as he went into his stance.

(Two Hours Later)

Orion sat down on a rock as Esdeath, Summer and Izuna were on the ground tied up. They had been trying to beat Orion for the past two hours but they were getting no where. They all used their best moves and abilities against him but he easily countered, blocked or avoided it.

Orion: "Sooooooo...do you guys give up now?"

Summer: "F-Fine I surrender."

Esdeath: "I also forfeit."

Izuna: "I acknowledge defeat as well."

Orion: "Good, now that we are done, I can finally explain some things to you."

Orion snapped his fingers, causing the ropes that were holding them to disappear. They all stood up and relaxed as they knew that he could have easily killed them during their battle.

Orion: "Ok firstly, I don't want mindless drones. I want people who are fully capable of thinking for themselves, got that."

Summer: "Got it."

Esdeath: "Sure."

Izuna: "Hn."

Orion: "If you got a problem or you wanna say something then do it, I won't kill you for stupidity."

All: "Sure."

Orion: "Secondly, my wives are in charge if I'm not present. You will meet them in the future."

Summer: "W-Wait a minute.....did you say wives?...as in plural?"

Orion: "Yes, I have multiple wives."

Esdeath: "Like 2 or 3?"

Orion: "I have 8 wives currently but I potentially have more on the way."

All: "...."

Orion: "...."

Summer: "W-Wait....you're serious?"

Orion: "Yea.....I am."

Izuna: "Well in my world, harems were not illegal, however they were very rare....and even so there were only a maximum of 3 women involved."

Orion: "Well my life has been way different from normal....anyways the final rule is that you shouldn't kill an innocent. Always make sure that they are guilty before you have the go ahead to kill them. Other than that, you are free to do whatever you want....except a few other rules that are common sense."

Izuna: "That's understandable....so what do we do now?"

Orion: "I'm going to fight some being that can apparently destroy this world....you guys can come and watch if you wanna."

Summer: "Wait.....a being that can destroy the world...Is such power real?"

Orion: "Yup, and you're currently looking at someone who possess that level of power."

Izuna: "I'm not gonna lie...I wanna watch your fight with this so call being. Sounds fun."

Esdeath: "I'm also interested in your full power now."

Orion looked over to Esdeath to see her watching him with a smile that sent a small shiver down his spine. He then remembered that her whole motto was that the weak die and the strong live.....and he did mention being basically one of the strongest......Oh no.

Orion: "W-Well let's get going. Stand close to me so that I can teleport you with me."

They all walked close enough to Orion so that he could teleport them to the End of the World. There they saw a massive beast with 7 different animal heads. It was even slightly bigger than Great Red. However, there were seals all over it's body that kept it in a dormant state. There were over 1000 seals on it's body that was changing very often so that it would be near impossible to unlock or break the seal.

Orion made a clone using magic to keep them safe while he fought against the Trihexa. They were all strong in their own right, but fighting the trihexa was a suicide mission if they even teamed up against it.

Orion: "Well I hope this works."

Orion summoned the Holy Grail, the True Longinus and Incinerate Anthem and poured their energy into the seal while using his Divine energy. Suddenly the seals stopped moving and faded out of existence. The Trihexa's eyes slowly opened as it looked at Orion. It let out a terrifying roar as it started to move it's body towards Orion.

Orion got into a fight pose and was ready to use his Dragon God transformations at any time but something happened that shocked him. The Trihexa began to glow as it began to shrink into a more human-like form. It was now a female with golden blond hair and yellow eyes. She was wearing a dark armor and she greatly resembled saber alter from fate/stay. She was looking at Orion is confusion and interest. She flew over to Orion until she was standing directly in front of him.

Orion: 'W-What the fuck is happening?'

?????: "You feel my creation.......but you also feel like my brother. Who are you?"

Orion: "U-Umm I am Orion Lucifer."

Umbra: "Orion Lucifer?...Interesting, I am Umbra, younger sister of the God of the Bible, also known as the Trihexa."

A/N: (I fucking kid you not, this shit is fanfiction. Apparently in the a fanfiction web novel she is the younger sister of God and the creator of devils.... and Ophis and Great Red are her siblings apparently...who Fucking knew? I literally didn't post the chapter for a couple days caz I was reading the fanfiction novel to make sure that I don't post shit to you guys.)

Orion: "Wait......what?"

Umbra: "How do you possess my brother's aura and divinity?"

Orion: 'Ahh fuck.....I actually didn't remember this part of the fanfiction. It might not be canon but it still kinda made sense......and I had to be in this universe and not the original storyline. I can't tell her that Mia gave me God's powers, wait a minute, I can just tell her what I told the devils.'

Orion: "Well he's my grandfather so before he died, he passed his powers onto me."

Umbra: "Interesting so he passed his powers to you before he died......truly sneaky."

Orion: "Sooooooo............what happens now?"

Umbra: "We fight that's what happens."

Umbra punched Orion in his face, sending him flying backwards. He regained his composure as he looked at Umbra in slight shock and annoyance.

Orion: "Why do you want to fight me?.....I didn't do anything."

Umbra: "My brother was a selfish asshole who trapped me in a seal for thousands of years because he was afraid that I would endanger his little 'Human experiment'. You wouldn't know how much pain it took to sense the outside world and to want to experience it as well but was trapped in a whole other dimension, never to even see sunlight."

Orion: "But I'm not your brother! Why are you taking out your anger on me?"

Umbra: "Because you have his divinity and his aura. It helps to know that your facial structure is almost identical to him as well. I came to hate him and everything he represents and you represent him so I will kill you."

Orion: "That's messed up."

Without any further words Umbra materialized a demonic sword as she rushed towards Orion intent on turning him into mince meat. Orion seeing her smirked as he pulled Caliburn as he parried her attack. She looked surprised at the sight of Caliburn.

Umbra: "I see you also have that sword too, it makes me sick when I realize just how similar you are to him."

Soon they were locked in a fierce kenjutsu battle as their swords clashed together causing hurricane like winds to rip through the surrounding area. Luckily they were at the End of the world which was a different dimension in itself so there wasn't any visible damage.

While Orion and Umbra were having their battle; Esdeath, Summer and Izuna were watching the battle from afar along with Orion's clone. They were shocked when they could actually feel the shock-waves from a battle using only swords.

Esdeath: "That bastard, he really was holding back on us."

Summer: "S-Such power......incredible."

Izuna: "So this is his full power."

Orion Clone: "Not at all."

Izuna: "Huh?....what do you mean?"

Orion Clone: "Most of his powers are currently sealed away, if he were truly using full power then the entire multiverse would turn to ash."

They all looked at the clone of Orion as he said this. Their eyes went wide at this new information.

Summer: "W-Wait.....you said multiverse and not universe. Why is that?"

Orion Clone: "Simple, because his power can destroy a universe tens of times over without him even transforming."

Izuna: "Wait, he can transform?"

Orion Clone: "Yea, in his strongest form he should be able to destroy a universe by flicking his pinky finger."

Izuna, Esdeath and Summer looked towards where the real Orion was fighting the Trihexa with a mixture of shock, awe and terror. Esdeath had one extra emotion and that was raw unadulterated lust. Power turned her on and after hearing the level of power that Orion possessed she immediately felt her panties grow damp as her pussy started watering like Niagara falls. The Clone of Orion who had super senses could smell the arousal from Esdeath, he looked over to her with a confused look before shrugging.......it wasn't his problem.


Ok so I'm tryna wrap up the DXD universe for now and head off to the Naruto universe. I will return to this universe in the future for a few things but for now we must continue.

The whole Trihexa being God's sister comes from a FanFic, comment the name of the fanfic if you know the name.

Next chap should be released tomorrow or the following day. Later Peeps

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