Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?
Over 1 year has passed since Orion met Princess Vegeta. They fought regularly due to Princess Vegeta wanting to defeat him. She had always lost whenever they had fought and always vowed to defeat him one day. It was really funny seeing her pout and run away after every match that she lost. They became really close to the point where she would sometimes fall asleep in his arms after they spar. His stats also increased a little bit.
[ Host Status]
Name: Orion
Age: 6
Race: Sayian
Bloodline: Ancient Sayian, Legendary Super Sayian, Elite Sayian
Battle Power: 228,000,000 (1200)
Lifespan: Infinite
Body State: Healthy
System Points: Incalculable
[ Ki Techniques]
[Ki Control (B-], [Ki Sense (C+)], [Ki Blast]
[ Chakra Techniques]
[Shadow Clone Jutsu]
System Bloodlines: Gates Of Babylon, 2 tomoe Sharingan, Great Red Dragon God, Lightning Dragon Slayer, True God Essence, Indra Otsutsuki
Inventory: Senzu beans x100, Super Dragon Ball Radar, Excalibur ( Fate Series)
I'm not really training as yet since my power level is so high and I want to stay under the radar. I had also been on a couple missions with the princess, just to erase life off some planets to sell them. Orion didn't really want to, however, he didn't have a choice. After his last mission, he received a reminder from Mia.
[DING!!! System has to inform host the Beerus the Destroyer and his Angelic Attendant Whis will be coming to Planet Vegeta soon]
Orion: " Oh shit I actually forgot about this. Mia how until until they arrive?."
[ They shall be arriving on Planet Vegeta in approximately 2 days.]
Orion: " Ok I know that the chances of me beating Beerus in combat is practically zero, like seriously, he finger flicked goku while goku was in Ssj 3 which is way stronger than my current battle power. But at the same time, he has a major weakness to tasty food. Mia can I buy a food manually from Toriko and Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma."
[DING!!! Food Manuals for Toriko and Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma have been purchased, Would host like to learn?]
Orion: " Yes please."
[DING!!! Food Manuals for Toriko and Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma have been Learnt]
[New Skill Created: Cooking Lvl Max]
Orion: "Ok that takes care of that, now it was time to cook up a storm. I hope I don't accidentally eat everything."
For the next 2 days, Orion bought a stove, pots and cooking utensils along with the cooking ingredients from Mia as planet vegeta didn't have any of the right ingredients. He cooked so much stuff that he ended up eating some of it. Ok this should be enough he thought.
Orion: " This should be more than enough, Mia how soon until they arrive."
[ They should be arriving in less than one minute]
Ok this was the moment. Food for the Gods, Zenkai boost for me. It was a win win situation. Suddenly a bright light appeared and two individuals stepped out of the light. The first individual was a purple hairless cat with Egyptian clothing while the second individual was a light blue skinned man with really high white hair and angelic robes along with a scepter in his hand. They were Beerus, the God of Destruction and his Angelic Attendant and Teacher, Whis.
Whis: "We are now on Planet vegeta my lord, what shall you do next?."
Beerus: " First we talk to that stupid sayian king, then Frieza has my permission to do whatever he wants."
Before they could fly off to their destination, they see a small child fly up to them. He looked to be around 5-6 years old.
Orion: " Hello Lord Beerus. Welcome to Planet Vegeta."
Beerus: " Oh, A sayian child knows about me?."
Orion: " I have read books about the Great God of Destruction, Lord Beerus."
Beerus: " Is that so?... I'm flattered. This is my attendant Whis.
Orion: " Very nice to meet you Mr. Whis."
Whis: " Nice to meet you as well young sayian."
Orion: " Lord Beerus, may I ask that you have a spar with me?, I will provide you with food as a way to say thank you."
Beerus: " Food you say.... very well then."
Orion instantly charges up to his maximum battle power, surprising both Beerus and Whis. He charges at Beerus and tries to land a punch, but beerus easily deflects his punch using his finger. Beerus teleports behind of orion, knocking him into the ground.
Beerus: " That was quite strong for a sayian, however, still not a match for me."
Suddenly the air got thicker, and stones and debris started to fly up into the air. Beerus turned around to find Orion slowly walking out of the hole in the ground, but he was different. His eyes had turned from black, to bright glowing green with a black pupil. Roaring in anger, Orion's Battle power started to rise exponentially.
...[ 228 Million]
...[ 342 Million]
...[ 423 Million]
....[ 563 Million]
....[ 697 Million]
...[ 802 Million]
...[ 934 Million]
His power skyrocketed from 210 Million to a whopping 934 Million. Rushing towards beerus, Orion quickly stared sending punches towards beerus. Beerus was slightly shocked, this child had a higher battle power than a majority of the entire universe. Beerus lowered his power significantly so that he could match the boy's power. Whis who was watching was beyond impressed. He also sensed what beerus was doing, lowering his battle power so that he could have a better fight. This child was very much different from the other sayians.
Whis was watching as the fight continued and he realized something that made his eyes widen in slight surprise. The longer the boy fought, his body was learning and growing stronger with each strike. He would definitely have to keep an eye out for this boy. Back in the fight, Beerus realized the same thing that Whis did, the boy's movements and attacks were becoming sharper and sharper as the fight went on.
Orion's power continued to grow as he fought, as he fought he felt himself becoming stronger and stronger. His sayian blood was boiling as he fought.
.....[ 934 Million]
....[ 1.6 Billion]
...[3.4 Billion]
...[ 5.6 Billion]
...[ 6.24 Billion]
His power just kept on increasing and his attacks were becoming sharper and stronger with each blow. Beerus smiled slightly and teleported behind him, using his finger to touch the nape of orion's neck, knocking orion out for good this time. Before orion could start falling to the ground, beerus caught him and slowly descended to the ground.
Beerus: " Whis, this boy is far stronger than any being I've faced within the universe. This will boy will become very interesting in the future."
Whis: " Indeed Lord Beerus, this seems like a very special child, surpassing a majority of the universe at such a young age."
While they were talking, Orion started to wake up. He felt a minor headache but he ignored it. Looking back at the two who were staring at him, he realized that he was probably knocked out.
Orion: " Thank you for sparring with me Lord Beerus, the food that I have prepared is right around that massive boulder."
Without asking any more questions, beerus and whis immediately started to head for the boulder. They ate everything and by the looks on their face, he would say that they enjoyed it a lot. After they had finished their meal they both looked at the young sayian.
Beerus: " That was a lovely meal, however we must get going. I hope that you somehow surv...."
Before Beerus could finish his sentence, Whis put his hand on his shoulder. Mortals were not suppose to know the actions of the God of Destruction, but beerus couldn't seem to remember this rule. Whis has a feeling that this child would indeed survive the destruction of the planet.
Whis: " Thank you for the meal, however we must get going."
And with that said, they both flew off at neck breaking speeds.
Orion: " Oh thank God that was scary. Mia why didn't the bruises on my body take a little while to heal, I wished for basically instant regeneration.
[ The older host becomes, his healing factor will also increase]
Of course God had to nerf not only my shop, but my healing as well. Sigh, I guess there's nothing I can do about it now. How much time until planet vegeta goes boom boom?.
Orion: " Mia can I see my stats please?."
[ Host status]
Name: Orion
Age: 6
Race: Sayian
Bloodline: Ancient Sayian, Legendary Super Sayian, Elite Sayian
Battle Power: 6,240,000,000 (3900)
Lifespan: Infinite
Body State: Healthy
System Points: Incalculable
[ Ki Techniques]
Ki Control (B-), Ki Sense (C+), Ki Blast
[ Chakra Techniques]
Shadow Clone Jutsu
[ Transformations]
Ikari (20x) [Due to host being an ancient sayian and a legendary super sayian, all sayian transformations are 2x stronger]
System Bloodlines: Gates Of Babylon, 2 tomoe Sharingan, Great Red Dragon God, Lightning Dragon Slayer, True God Essence, Indra Otsutsuki
Inventory: Senzu beans x100, Super Dragon Ball Radar, Excalibur ( Fate Series)
Orion: " Oh damn, talk about a zenkai boost.Mia, how long until planet vegeta is destroyed?.... and where will princess vegeta be by then?."
[ Planet vegeta will be destroyed in 16 hours and princess vegeta after meeting with lord beerus will be sent on a mission 12 hours before it's destruction.]
That's more than enough time to get grab mom and get off this god forsaken planet. Orion starts to feel for his mother's ki signature, he feels her at home with someone else. He immediately makes his way to the house. After arriving home, he sees his mother talking to another female sayian who looks disturbingly familiar.
Orion: " Hi mom, what's up?."
Martha: " hello Orion, this is my best friend Gine, say hi."
Oh shit that's Raditz and Goku's mother, no wonder she looked so god damn familiar. I wonder if I can save her as well cause she was one of the only kind hearted sayians.
Orion: " Hello Ms. Gine, it's really nice to meet you."
Gine: " Aww, arent you just adorable, and so respectful as well, I wish raditz was as respectful as this."
Orion: " Mom can I speak to you for a minute?."
Martha: " Ok hunny, be right back Gine."
I lead her upstairs in my room and locked the door and the windows. I didn't want anyone at all hearing this. She looked a little concerned.
Martha: " Orion is everything ok?."
Orion: " Mom, frieza plans to destroy the sayian race."
Martha: " WHAT!!! hunny it's not nice to play games like that."
Orion: " I was experimenting with a scouter and I discovered that the scouters were bugged to listen to every conversation. I thought it was only for that scouter but when I checked 3 of the newer models, it was the exact same thing. So I reversed the transmission so that I could hear what they were saying on the other end, and I heard them saying that Frieza plans to call back all sayians to planet vegeta then destroy the planet."
Of course everything I was saying was absolute bullshit. I just knew because I watched the anime and read all about it before I died, but I'm not gonna tell her that.
Orion: " Mom we have to leave, you don't have to carry anything, we can easily get food and clothes on some other planet."
Martha: " Orion this all seems too far fetched, why would frieza want to destroy the sayians when the only thing we have done is to serve him."
Orion: " He fears that the legendary Super Sayian will eventually overthrow and kill him."
Martha: " Legendary Super Sayian, but that's a myth."
Orion: " Mom it's not a myth."
Martha: " How do you know that it's not a myth."
Orion: " Because I'm the Legendary Super Sayian."
Martha's eyes widened at what her son had said. She had her doubts, but orion has never lied to her before. She needed proof before she could continue.
Martha: " How can I believe what you say is true?."
Orion hands her a scouter that he bought from the system, it didn't have the bugs that the other scouters had in them.
Orion: " This is a scouter that I removed the bug from. You can test to see that it actually works."
Martha then tested it on herself and saw her own power level. Feeling satisfied, she nodded towards orion.
Orion: " Ok use it on me now."
Martha: " I'm using it on you and it says you have a battle power of 3900. I understand that you have a high battle power but that doesn't mean that you're a myth made true."
Orion: " Mom, I can control my battle power, just keep on reading it."
Martha kept on reading on reading his power, soon her eyes widened at his rising battle power.
( 3900).....( 5800).....( 12,000)....( 28,000)....( 56,000).....( 87,000).....( 98,000) (BOOM!!!)
The scouter exploded on her ear. Her eyes were wide as saucers and her lip was trembling. I could see that she now believed me, good.
Martha: " You really are the Legendary Super Sayian.... my son is the Legendary Super Sayian. Oh God, Frieza really wants to destroy the sayian race. What should we do?."
Orion" Mom, I have a spaceship that is undetectable. Is there anyone that you would like to carry? What about your friend gine? She seems nice."
Martha: " Yes, she is my only true friend as the others are despicable. My "Husband" can stay here and die, I never loved him anyways. I was forced to marry him because of a agreement my father and his father had."
Wow she really hates him huh. She probably hates him more than I do. Sucks to be him.
Orion: " Ok mom we leave in 14 hours. I take back what I said, you can pack anything that you can carry, I will be back soon."
Nodding, she hurries to her room to pack. I teleport outside then fly to a private spot I found some time last year. I asked Mia to buy me a Fast Spaceship with a cloaking device.
[DING!!! Spaceship Purchased]
[Spaceship is placed in Host's inventory]
Taking it out of my inventory I saw that it wasn't humongous, but it was quite large. I immediately entered and started buying food items so that mom wouldn't ask why I'm pulling food out of mid air. After waiting for about 14 hours, I decided head back to the house. As I enter through the doors, I see my mom but I didn't see Gine.
Orion: " Mom where's gine?."
Martha: " I couldn't find her orion, she wasn't at her house. I'm worried orion."
Before I could even respond, a familiar sound echoes in my head.
[DING!!! Mission: Find and save Gine]
[Mission Rewards: High- Class Box]
Orion: "...."
Really Mia?, now of all times?.... sigh fine.
Orion: " Ok mom I will find her, you stay here."
Orion immediately took to the skies, he had remembered her ki signature and found that she was in the middle of the market area. He teleported close by and ran to her.
Orion: " Ms. Gine, can you come with me please?."
Gine seeing orion here was slightly confused but decided not to question it. After leading her to a safe spot he explained the situation. She didn't seem that surprised, I guess Bardock already sent goku to earth and was on his mission to confront frieza. After finishing my explanation and telling her about the spaceship I had and my mom ready to leave, she gained a thoughtful expression.
Gine: " This is exactly what Bardock said to me as he thought it was suspicious to call back all the sayians at once. Bardock is too far for me to call him back to accompany us. Very well, I will come as well, we don't have a lot of time I presume."
Orion: " No we are almost out of time, hold my hand."
After gine held his hand, he teleported to his house and martha immediately hugged gine. I took off and they both followed. I landed by the spaceship and went inside, by the look on their face I could see that were impressed with the spaceship. Without wasting a single second, I immediately put on the cloaking device and started the engine. As I looked back at the planet, I thought about all the young sayian kids that will die. After goku defeats frieza on namek, I'm going to rip frieza apart... piece by piece. But until then, I will lay low. Soon we were a good distance away from the planet..... Wait is that cooler's ship?... Right the movies are now canon. Suddenly a bright light comes through the spaceship window. I look and see planet vegeta exploding. I hear quiet sobs behind me, I turn around to see gine crying while martha hugs her. I will personally be killing frieza's lizard looking ass, at least the people I care about were safe. I won't be seeing princess vegeta for a long while as well, she has a long journey but we will eventually see each other again. I smiled a bit... her constant trying to defeat me has made me enjoy her company. I wonder where she is right now.
Meanwhile far away from Planet Vegeta on a planet that has just been exterminated by the princess and her 2 companions. A distress call has come in that planet vegeta has been destroyed by a massive meteor. Nappa, an elite class sayian, is the first to hear the news.
Nappa: " Princess Vegeta, Raditz, a distress call just came in that Planet vegeta has been destroyed. We were the only sayians that were not on the planet."
Raditz has wide eyes as he thinks about his mother and father. He had a much better than childhood than most sayian children due to both his parents being kind so he loved his parents. Princess Vegeta on the other hand looked as if she just lost a piece of her very own soul. She didn't like her father that much since he basically treated her like a trophy, but orion was a completely different story. Orion was the only sayian to treat her like a normal sayian and not like a princess. She felt her heart break and shatter into a million pieces.
Vegeta: "..."
She couldn't say any words. Soon she felt something wet on her cheeks, using her hand to feel what it was, tears were streaming down her face and they wouldn't stop. She started walking away from the other two, not wanting them to see her tears. She soon found a quiet spot, and started silently crying for her only friend.
Yes guys, chapter 4 is here. Its a little longer but who cares. Leave you comments below, I read and respond to all comments. Thanks for the support and special shout out to Phil_Morris, sonic360 and Drake_san for being the top 3 who voted for my story. I appreciate everyone who voted and commented. Thank you guys so much.