
Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday afternoon.

Maddison was in the parking lot of the Braccio Accounting Firm, waiting on her friend to show up. She had extended the lease on the SUV for another week, with her prized convertible appearing to be worse shape than she thought. As she sat in the large vehicle, she began her online search for a new car. She was not about to give up on the current one because of its sentimental value but one had to be prepared. Before she could move to the next website, the front passenger door opened.

“I’m so sorry. That last bit of paper work took a little longer than I’d anticipated but we can still make it,” said Liliana D’Amiano, flashing her perfect smile.

Liliana D’Amiano was not only her colleague at work, her junior to be precise, but one of her closest and most dear friends. To anyone looking at the pair from the outside, they were considerably different. Liliana was three years younger, three inches shorter and relatively thicker when compared to Maddison but this hardly bothered her. Hardly anything bothered the ever cheerful lady.

She had emigrated from her native country, Italia, for her university studies at The USC, also known as The University of Sangela City. She fell in love with the country and it became her second home, where she had been residing ever since. She would often fly back to see her family during the holidays.

“I don’t know how I always allow you to drag me into your last minute plans.” Maddison could not help but smile as she said this.

“It’s our plan now because it benefits us both. If you weren’t so curious, you would not have come this far,” Liliana replied, fastening her seatbelt.

“Okay, okay.” Maddison said, with a dismissive wave of her hand.

“I see you are still rocking this... uh... beautiful car,” Liliana quipped.

“Your enthusiasm is heart-warming.”

Within a few minutes Maddison was on the road heading towards their destination. Liliana, the self-appointed DJ, began to play music from her phone after connecting it to the car’s stereo. A few tracks later, their favourite song came on and the sing along began. Maddison knew her singing was slightly bad to average, at best but the difference between her and the songstress Liliana was like night and day but she persisted.

The afternoon traffic was steadily building and the car gradually came to a stop. Liliana stared nervously at her watch and it didn’t take a mind reader to know what she was thinking.

“We’re going to make it. That much I promise you.” Maddison said with an air of confidence.

“Since we are stuck here for a little while, why not tell me about your little trip to San Valentino?” asked Liliana as she turned the music down.

Maddison smiled bashfully. Uncharacteristically, she got carried away with her trip and missed work for the first time in her life. Luckily, Liliana covered for her. Another thing that worked in her favour was the fact that she had finished all her work before the weekend. In the words of Steve McQueen: attack life because it’s going to kill you anyway.

“Thanks for covering for me by the way, I really appreciate it. My trip was pretty amazing. I saw Margaret and she’s expecting. The shopping was great and I went on a date. Before you ask anything about the date, it went well and I gave him my number.”

Liliana smiled. “So... Did you do a background check on this guy after you gave out your number? More importantly, has he contacted you for another date?”

“It’s a no to both,” Maddison said emphatically.

“We can rectify one of those right now. What’s his name?” Liliana opened one of the social media apps on her phone.

“I don’t think that will be nec-”

“It is completely necessary. I won’t let this go until you give me a name. What if he’s a serial killer? What if he’s weirdo or worse, a deadbeat?” Liliana interjected.

“He’s actually a...” Maddison caught herself. She knew they would continue to go in circles.

“His name is Morgan Drake and he’s a doctor by profession.”

Liliana went to work, typing away on her phone. When the search on one social media app turned up nothing, she moved to the next. After a few minutes of searching, she put down her phone and let out a sigh. “I can’t find him. I think he’s a ghost.”

Maddison laughed and patted her hand. “You did your best to find this ghost in spite of the fact that you’re neither a detective nor an officer of the National Department of Federal Investigations.”

Traffic began to flow once more and Maddison floored it once the road opened up a little more. She had to admit to herself that she was indeed a little curious about why Morgan Drake had no social media account and more so about why he had not contacted her yet. Most men who she had deemed worthy of receiving her number contacted her within a day but she was not overly concerned. Maybe he was indeed a ghost.

Twelve minutes later their destination came into view: the Silver Shadow. The Silver Shadow was a trendy, upscale restaurant located at the heart of Sangela City that had recently added a new meal to their menu that was all the rage across social media. The name of the meal was the Spanakopita Tart. After finding a spot in the seemingly full parking lot of the restaurant, the pair made their way towards the restaurant with Maddison trailing the obviously excited Liliana. Inside the restaurant was a long queue and Maddison assumed they were all here for the same thing.

Thirty minutes later, they were finally sitting in a corner booth with their long awaited prize before them. Several selfies later, they slowly dug in. Liliana was the first to taste, her eyes watering. Maddison followed suit, her eyes widening after her first bite.

“Was it worth it?” Liliana asked with excitement in her voice.

“You have no idea.”