
The Only Necromancer

It was the time of the end of the world, everyone thought that would be the end. But when these monsters appear, humans are endowed with the power to fight the monsters. Lee Won Myung is one of the people who became a hunter. He had extraordinary abilities, he was the only person who got the necromancer class. How will he use his powers? Can he save the world from destruction?

Bijuudark · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Next Step

Today I'm going to do another portal raid with Ji-Hae after relaxing a bit yesterday. And also we'll be moving into a new apartment soon and Ji-Hae will be my neighbor. Ji-Hae said that he'd help us take care of moving our stuff, well… that really helped me a lot.

I've been sent the portal address by Ji-Hae and we'll meet there.

"Hyungnim! Woah... those earrings look cool when you wear them"

"Yeah... of course I have to use a good item like this, the stat bonus is good too"

After that we entered the portal, and this portal felt very easy. We completed the portal in less than 2 hours.

"Hyungnim looks like we have to do 2 portal raids in a day, since we finished it quickly"

"Well... I think that's good too, since I want to improve my skills"

After that we started doing 2 portal raids every day. We've been doing this for a week. And of course it's easier to communicate now because Ji-Hae is my neighbor now.

Thanks to the many raid portals I seem to have improved quite a bit.

"Status Window"

[Hunter Status]

Name : Lee Won Myung

Age : 20

Title : Goblin Slayer, Orc Slayer, Werewolf Slayer

Class : Swordman | Necromancer

HP : 2000

MP : 3500

Stats :

Constitution = 89(+3)

Strength = 92(+6)

Dexterity = 91(+7)

Intelligence = 96(+1)

Magic = 96(+9)

Endurance = 88(+3)


Call Upon the Death (Necromancer) MP : 20 Max 50/50

Blank Space (Necromancer) MP : 5

Bone Shaper (Necromancer) MP : 20

Shadow Step (Necromancer) MP : 15

Black Aura (Locked) (Necromancer) MP : 20/second

Slash (Swordman) MP : 10

Side Step (Swordman) MP : 10

My stats increased drastically, and I felt much stronger. Even I easily killed a D-Rank boss monster. Actually defeating a D-Rank boss monster alone is incredible, usually it takes 10 D-Rank hunters to kill 1 boss monster. But now I can kill him easily.

I also don't know what rank I'm in right now, but it doesn't matter because I don't care about my rank. As long as I become strong it's already very good. Besides that I got a new title because many portals were filled with werewolves.

Too bad even though my stats have increased this much but I still haven't unlocked my Black Aura skill. I don't understand why this skill is so hard to unlock. In addition, Diar and Luck also experienced a drastic increase.

[Skeleton Status]

Name : Lucky

Race: Goblins (Commander)

HP : 800

MP : 100

Stats :

Constitution = 39

Strength = 45

Dexterity = 56

Intelligence = 28

Magic = 2

Endurance = 48


Goblin Commander (Passive)

Seeing the increase in stats from Luck seems like this is amazing. He's not an ordinary skeleton goblin, his movements are very agile, maybe later he will be on par with a high rank thief job hunter. In addition, Diar also experienced many improvements.

[Skeleton Status]

Name : Diar

Race: Trolls (Commander)

HP : 1500

MP : 50

Stats :

Constitution = 78

Strength = 70

Dexterity = 30

Intelligence = 20

Magic = 2

Endurance = 54



Seeing this incredible increase in his stats, I had a feeling he would become a tank. He is very strong besides that his health has also increased a lot. He will be useful later in the big fight.

For now at least I feel I can protect myself even if a middle class guild tries to kill me. But I don't know if I can defend against S-Rank hunters.

"Next Ji-Hae we will be doing a C-Rank portal raid right?"

"That's right hyungnim! But that would be much more troublesome than an E-Rank or D-Rank portal raid"

"Yes I know, so what should be prepared?"

"C-Rank is a portal that has objectives you should already know, and the party must have been granted permission by the Hunter Association"

"Does that mean we can't raid with just 2 more people?"

"Yeah, I don't think that's possible."

"Then I don't mind doing a portal raid with a party of other people"

"Then I'll find a good party hyungnim!"

Well I already know that C-Rank portal raids won't be as easy as D-Rank or E-Rank portal raids. If the objective is to fight the boss, I think it's still quite easy. But sometimes there are various kinds of objectives, well, you can think about it later.

Besides that the hunter league is getting closer, I can't wait to fight with other hunters.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"Yes hello who is this?"

"Umm... it's me Pyon Hee-Ra"

"Ohh... what's wrong? Why are you calling me?" I was a little surprised after hearing that it was Pyon Hee-Ra.

"Did you forget? That time I said I would treat you to dinner"

"Oh yeah I remember"

"Then can we have dinner tonight?"

"Umm.. I think I'll be free tonight so I guess I can"

"Alright! then let's meet at The Blossoms"

"Okay.. I'll meet you there later"

Uahhh... It was so shocking that he suddenly called me. To be honest I even forgot that he said he wanted to treat me to dinner. After all, isn't The Blossoms a luxurious and expensive place?

I'm not sure I can eat there, I've never eaten expensive food.

"Ji-Hae do you know The Blossoms?"

"Of course Hyungnim! One of the most luxurious places in Seoul has restaurants, amusement parks, malls, and hotels. That place is very crowded!"

"Woah...as I thought that place is too much"

"What's wrong hyungnim? Are you going there?"

"Well... Pyon Hee-Ra invited me to dinner there"


"Shit, you're too loud. It's nothing out of the ordinary anyways"

"Hyungnim you don't understand, Pyon Hee-Ra hunter S-Rank in Korea besides being strong he is also famous for being very beautiful!"

"Yeah... but you're overreacting anyways it's not like we're going to do anything weird, we're just having dinner"

"Still hyungnim having dinner with him was awesome!"

"Well it's up to you"

"By the way Hyungnim, what clothes are you going to wear later?"

"I don't have many clothes, so I'll wear that black shirt again"

"NO HYUNGNIM! Don't do that! I'll be right back!"

After about 30 minutes, Ji-Hae came back to my apartment and he brought a lot of clothes, pants, ties, even shoes.

"Why are you carrying all this stuff?"

"Isn't it obvious? This is for tonight! Choose the one that suits you best"

"Where did you get all this from?"

"That's not important now! Hurry up hyungnim 1 hour before your dinner"


After 30 minutes of trying different sets of clothes, I finally got one that fits me.

"Hyungnim you look perfect!"

"You're exaggerating...."

"Then hyungnim, here are my car keys. You have to use a car to go there"

"But.. I can't drive"

"Whaaat?!?!?!? Okay hyungnim I'll send my driver to take you"

"Stop making that stupid face!"

Damn... when it's only for dinner why does this feel like an exaggeration. Finally I was escorted by Ji-Hae's private driver to The Blossoms using Ji-Hae's car.

Woah.. this place looks very luxurious, and very crowded people here. They all wear fancy clothes, it's only natural that Ji-Hae told me to wear nice clothes. At least I don't look weird.

"Woah... that guy is so handsome"

"Looks like an artist"

"Who is he? He's so handsome"

Damn... this seems too flashy. People are paying attention to me.

"Hunters... Lee Won Myung"

Then I looked back and it was Pyon Hee-Ra. Damn... she looks so pretty.

"Woah.. is that Pyon Hee-Ra?!"

"It's Pyon Hee-Ra!!!"

Immediately a lot of people gathered around us, then I pulled Pyon Hee-Ra's hand away from the place. After that we arrived at a fairly quiet place, and her face looks a little red, is she sick?

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. I'm fine"

After that Pyon Hee-Ra took me to the restaurant she had booked. This place looks great, and there aren't many people here either.

After that the waiter came and gave me the menu. I was surprised to see the price of the food here, it exceeded my expectations. How can people eat food this expensive. Well... even though I have a lot of money now because we did dozens of D-Rank portal raids. But I'm not used to spending money on food this expensive.

"Just order whatever you like Hunter Lee Won Myung" Pyon Hee-Ra said with a smile.

"T-alright, and there's also no need to add a hunter every time you call me"

"A-Alright then"

After waiting for about 15 minutes, the food finally arrived. We ate in silence and to be honest it was awkward. I don't know what to say in a situation like this.

"Um... Lee Won Myung may I ask a question?"

"Yes of course"

"Why did you refuse to join my guild?"

"T-that... there's no special reason I just felt at first I wasn't worthy of joining your guild"

"Why is that? I think you really deserve to join my guild. How about now?"

"Now I don't think much about joining a guild, and I plan to create my own guild later."

"Oh I see." He looks a little disappointed, but I really don't want to join any guild. I want to create my own guild.

"By the way Lee Won Myung, are you going to join the hunter league?"

"Yes of course! I want to fight against other great hunters"

"Woah... that's amazing I can't wait to see it"

And after that we talked until late at night. Looks like I have to go home soon.

"Then I'll be going home now, thanks for the treat"

"It's okay, see you later"

I was finally able to go home and rest, but I didn't expect that I would be able to eat at a place like that with an S-Rank hunter. And also the hunter league is coming soon, I can't wait to fight with other hunters!