
The Only Leveling System

Nobody on Earth expected monsters to suddenly rush out from portals that appeared out of thin air. What happened was what would only appear in novels, mangas, or animes. Everything seems surreal. Unfortunately, for those who are in denial, none of this is a dream. This is REALITY. Rem’s "peaceful" life was shattered on that day. Many years had passed since then. Rem somehow ended up being the last human alive on Earth. She succeeded in defeating the Demon King. Despite all the rewards she received, Rem didn’t have the will to live anymore. Suddenly, a man in a white robe appeared before Rem. "I'm Alchit, the God of Light. Congratulations on your victory." 'What is there to celebrate? My family, friends, comrades... Everyone but me is all dead!' "What kind of god are you??! Alicht, the God of Light? More like A SH*T, the God of all sh*ts!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! This is the first time anyone has insulted me like that. For that, I'll tell you a little something...!" Alchit leaned over to Rem's right ear and whispered: "This happened because I find things like this entertaining. You're simply a CHARACTER I took interest in. That's how you survived for so long." Before Rem could process what she just heard, Alchit ended her life ruthlessly with his blade. Was Rem going to die just like that? Yes! Of course, she is. Not even plot armor can protect her from this. How can a mere human survive any sword that pierced one's heart without dying? At least her death was quick and probably painless, right...? After dying, Rem got reincarnated into another world. The only problem was, she was reincarnated as a MONSTER. A monster that's the size of a CAT. Actually... Make that two problems. Rem can’t remember anything in her past life except for her first name, the day the portals appeared, some knowledge about the monsters she met before, being brutally murdered by Ash*t, and her immeasurable hatred for Gods. Having an annoying yet somewhat helpful system barely helps in the situation Rem’s in. "Why am I here, just to suffer?” Let's look at the bright side. Rem has another chance. A chance to get revenge in this new life of hers. Nonetheless, her priority right now is to survive. How will Rem survive in the current cat-sized monster body she's in? Will she ever succeed in getting her revenge? Can she get her memories back and uncover the truth? Join Rem on her journey and see for yourself! ——————————————————————— Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, FemaleMC, FemaleProtagonist, GameElements, Magic, MedievalWorld, ModernWorld, Monster, Monsters, Nonhuman, Overpowered, Portals, PowerfulMC, Rebirth, Reborn, Reincarnation, Revenge, System, Transmigration ——————————————————————— TOLS = The Only Leveling System ——————————————————————— ^Please note that everything in this novel is made up and isn't real. I have no intentions of trying to hurt or offend anyone! Thank you for reading!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^I'm back!!! :) I'll be rewriting and editing every chapter. You can see what I've edited under the auxiliary volume, "Revised Chapters." Hopefully, this will improve my writing tenfold!^ ——————————————————————— ^This is my first novel! I'm writing this novel as a new hobby I had come across, and to improve my writing skills. If there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, please inform me. Feel free to make any suggestions you have! All suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading this novel!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^This cover is by swd3e2 (I did some research, and this was all I could find about the artist)! I will take this cover down if the artist asks me to do so.^ *This Cover’s Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/660788 ———————————————————————

JUnknownC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
180 Chs

Unwanted Attention

'I read books so fast... Oh well, I finished in less than half an hour. These books are quite large too..!' Rem thought, feeling exhausted.

'These books were just about some dragons and the history of Starim Academy. Nothing interesting or helpful...' Rem sighed as her brows furrowed.

"Kiii!!!" Roy flew to Rem.

"What is it?" Rem asked.

"Kiii!!!" Roy said.

Rem understood what Roy said because she had a special bond with him. Plus, she could understand every language.

"Sorry Roy, I don't have the materials for you to evolve. I'll obtain it soon!" Rem apologized.

Roy pouted and went back to eating his jerkies.

"Did you gain some weight?" Rem was almost sure Roy was a little larger than usual.

"KIII!!!" Roy said, sounding offended.

"Yep, you've definitely gained some weight. You should eat less and get some exercise somehow or else you won't be able to fly anymore since you're too heavy!" Rem said, chuckling.

"Kiii..." Roy ran away from Rem and dragged his jerkies under Rem's bed.

"Alright, alright... I won't say anything about your weight anymore..!" Rem tried not to laugh.

'I probably should rest a while...' Rem thought, laying down on her bed.


{Wake up! Wake up!!!}

'Okay...' Rem yawned as she got out of bed to get ready for school.

'Today's Friday... I can get my rewards for being ranked 1st in the Arena tournament tomorrow!' Rem thought happily, feeding Roy a few jerkies less than usual.

"KIII!!!" Roy was mad, seeing how he got only a little bit of jerkies.

"You're just a baby so you don't need to eat much. I don't want an oversized lizard in the room! You're a type of dragon, not a lizard." Rem teased Roy, finding it fun to do so.

Roy didn't say anything and turned his head away from Rem.

"After we find a way for you to get some exercise, I'll give you more jerkies." Rem said, trying to make Roy feel better.

"Kiii..." Roy said as he nibbled on a jerky.

"Yeah, I know that will be in a long time. I need to find a way somehow." Rem nodded as she walked towards the door.

"Be good, alright?" Rem opened the door.

"Kiii." Roy nodded.

Rem exited her dorm room and walked towards her homeroom. On her way to homeroom class, Rem saw Karina and the twins together.

"Oh, hey Remie!" Karina smiled brightly as she ran towards Rem.

"Hey." Rem replied, happy to know that Karina was the same as always.

"Good morning!" Yukino greeted Rem.

Yukio bowed slightly.

"Morning." Rem greeted, feeling a little tired.

"Did you know someone new was finally ranked first in the Arena? I heard someone beat everyone without losing." Karina said excitedly.

"Really?" Rem asked, acting clueless even though she knew who Karina was talking about.

"Yeah, I think it's some dude. People call him the Unbeatable Shadow. It's a pretty cool name if you ask me. I really want to see him myself and get an autograph from him. I don't know how he looks like though..." Yukino said, desperate to see who the Unbeatable Shadow was.

"I also want an autograph!!!" Karina said, also desperate.

"The Unbeatable Shadow is what everyone talks about now?" Rem asked.

"Yep, that's right!" Yukino answered.

'Oh, no... I didn't want that to happen. Urg... How annoying. Well, whatever. It shouldn't be a problem.' Rem thought.

'Haha, these girls are just like those fangirls I saw on t.v.' Rem softly laughed.

The group of 4 arrived at homeroom. Rem could hear people talking about the Unbeatable Shadow everywhere.


It was lunchtime and the group of 4 was waiting for Kaito at their usual spot.

"Are you Rem?" A boy asked.

"Yes, what is it?" Rem didn't know the boy who suddenly decided to talk to her.

"Kaito has an important meeting so he can't come." The boy said, notifying Rem.

"I see. That's fine I guess. Thanks for telling us. Let's go." Rem walked towards the training room.

Karina and the twins walked next to Rem, having a small conversation as they walked towards the race track. After a while, the group of 4 arrived at the race track. The race track was huge, about half the size of a football stadium. There was nobody at the race track so the group of 4 could use it for themselves without any interruptions. Rem then began explaining what they would be doing.

"First of all... If you want to get stronger, you would need good stamina. It doesn't matter if you are a healer or not because at some point, everyone would need to run. You'll never know if this would save your life one day. Now start running. By the end of this period, I want 15 laps to be done." Rem said firmly.

"What??? I'll die!!!" Yukino complained.

"Don't worry, I'll run with you guys at your pace." Rem said, walking towards the starting line of the race track.

"Now... Start!" Rem ran next to the others.


Rem finished first while Yukio finished second. The person who finished third was Karina and finally, Yukino finished last.

"We're finally done!!!" Karina said, trying to catch her breath.

"That... Was... The most running I've done... My whole life!" Yukino said, still huffing.

Yukio nodded in agreement.


"At least you all finished in time. If you didn't I would have told you to run an extra 5 laps." Rem smiled devilishly.

"E-evil!" Karina had goosebumps.

"A real devil!!!" Yukino speed walked, away from Rem.

Yukio nodded again.

"It's fine, it's fine. You finished in time so you won't have to do that!" Rem said.

"Oh, no! We better go to our next class or else we'll be late!!!" Karina sighed, not wanting to run any longer.

"I'll just take my time because I don't want to run!" Yukino said, not caring about whether she was late or not to her next class.

Wherever Yukino went, Yukio followed. Yukio would always agree with Yukino.

"Well, I don't want to be late so... Goodbye!" Rem laughed as she ran towards her next class.

"You traitor!!!" Karina yelled playfully.

"Haha!" Rem giggled as she ran.

"Hey, you! No running in the halls!!!" A janitor scolded Rem.

"Sorry sir, I'll be more careful." Rem stopped as she bowed slightly to the janitor as an apology.

"Ahaha!!! That's karma!" Karina laughed loudly.

"You there! No yelling! You'll disturb others." The same janitor scolded Karina as well.

"Pfttt..." Rem contained herself to not laugh in front of the janitor.

Yukino laughed a little and Yukio had the same indifferent face.

"Whatever..." Karina walked to class.


Almost everyone in the city knew the Unbeatable Shadow. Some didn't know their real face or name. However, many rumors appeared and many problems were created. Classes were over and Rem decided to find a way for Roy to get some exercise. She went back to her dorm room to pick up Roy.

Moving is a pain..! Since I only went outside around five times since quarantine (April 2020) till now, my legs and shoulders hurt from walking and moving stuff all day. T^T

Sorry for complaining... I had to tell someone! xb

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