
The Only Leveling System

Nobody on Earth expected monsters to suddenly rush out from portals that appeared out of thin air. What happened was what would only appear in novels, mangas, or animes. Everything seems surreal. Unfortunately, for those who are in denial, none of this is a dream. This is REALITY. Rem’s "peaceful" life was shattered on that day. Many years had passed since then. Rem somehow ended up being the last human alive on Earth. She succeeded in defeating the Demon King. Despite all the rewards she received, Rem didn’t have the will to live anymore. Suddenly, a man in a white robe appeared before Rem. "I'm Alchit, the God of Light. Congratulations on your victory." 'What is there to celebrate? My family, friends, comrades... Everyone but me is all dead!' "What kind of god are you??! Alicht, the God of Light? More like A SH*T, the God of all sh*ts!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! This is the first time anyone has insulted me like that. For that, I'll tell you a little something...!" Alchit leaned over to Rem's right ear and whispered: "This happened because I find things like this entertaining. You're simply a CHARACTER I took interest in. That's how you survived for so long." Before Rem could process what she just heard, Alchit ended her life ruthlessly with his blade. Was Rem going to die just like that? Yes! Of course, she is. Not even plot armor can protect her from this. How can a mere human survive any sword that pierced one's heart without dying? At least her death was quick and probably painless, right...? After dying, Rem got reincarnated into another world. The only problem was, she was reincarnated as a MONSTER. A monster that's the size of a CAT. Actually... Make that two problems. Rem can’t remember anything in her past life except for her first name, the day the portals appeared, some knowledge about the monsters she met before, being brutally murdered by Ash*t, and her immeasurable hatred for Gods. Having an annoying yet somewhat helpful system barely helps in the situation Rem’s in. "Why am I here, just to suffer?” Let's look at the bright side. Rem has another chance. A chance to get revenge in this new life of hers. Nonetheless, her priority right now is to survive. How will Rem survive in the current cat-sized monster body she's in? Will she ever succeed in getting her revenge? Can she get her memories back and uncover the truth? Join Rem on her journey and see for yourself! ——————————————————————— Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, FemaleMC, FemaleProtagonist, GameElements, Magic, MedievalWorld, ModernWorld, Monster, Monsters, Nonhuman, Overpowered, Portals, PowerfulMC, Rebirth, Reborn, Reincarnation, Revenge, System, Transmigration ——————————————————————— TOLS = The Only Leveling System ——————————————————————— ^Please note that everything in this novel is made up and isn't real. I have no intentions of trying to hurt or offend anyone! Thank you for reading!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^I'm back!!! :) I'll be rewriting and editing every chapter. You can see what I've edited under the auxiliary volume, "Revised Chapters." Hopefully, this will improve my writing tenfold!^ ——————————————————————— ^This is my first novel! I'm writing this novel as a new hobby I had come across, and to improve my writing skills. If there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, please inform me. Feel free to make any suggestions you have! All suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading this novel!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^This cover is by swd3e2 (I did some research, and this was all I could find about the artist)! I will take this cover down if the artist asks me to do so.^ *This Cover’s Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/660788 ———————————————————————

JUnknownC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
180 Chs

Receiving The Prizes

It was the afternoon and the group of 5 decided to eat lunch at a restaurant. Kaito left just before they had lunch because he had to do his job as the Student Council President since he had many responsibilities. After eating lunch, it was almost 2 in the afternoon.

"That was a good meal... I'm so full..!" Yukino said as she rubbed her stomach.

"Training is over for today. I have something to do right now. See you guys tomorrow..!" Rem waved and walked towards the Arena.

"Bye!" Karina said and waved back.

The twins waved back as well, walking towards their dorm room.

'I need to put on my disguise... Over there looks fine.' Rem walked to a dark ally where there weren't any people.

Using her disguise and transformation skills, she changed herself to a man known as the Unbeatable Shadow. Although Rem could change her appearance however she wanted, her hair and eye color would always be the same. Her skill had a limit and that limit was not being able to change her own appearance to someone else's.

'Perfect.' Rem took her black cloak out from her inventory and put it on.

A few minutes later, Rem arrived at the Arena just in time to watch someone say the tournament's results.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I shall now announce the top 10 ranked people in this tournament! Are you ready?" A man who stood in the middle of the Arena next to a magic projector screen asked, holding a microphone.

Most of the audience screamed yes and cheered in reply. The magic projector screen had nothing on it except for ranks 1-10 titles. The ranked third has a bronze color on it while the ranked second has a silver color on it. Of course, the ranked first has a golden color on it. Each of these three different designs surrounded the numbers 3, 2, and 1. The ranks 4-10 were all colored in blue with no special design on them.

"Alrighty! These are the results. Starting from the ranked 10th person... Francis!" The man said.

The ranked 10th person's name appeared at the bottom of the magic projector screen.

Many of the audience clapped while some just booed.

"The ranked 9th person is Victor! The ranked 8th person is Grace! The ranked 7th person is John! The ranked 6th person is David! The ranked 5th person is Sara! The ranked 4th person is Arthur!" The man continued.

As the man said these names, the names would appear on the magic projector screen. Every time the man announced someone who was ranked in the top 10, the audience would either cheer, boo, or not make any noises at all.

"Now for the time you all have been waiting for... The person who is ranked 3rd is... Anastasia!" The man said as the audience was chanting the ranked 3rd person's name.

The ranked 3rd person's name was now on the magic projector screen. Next to his name was a title he was known as by others.

"The ranked 2nd person is... Leon!" The man said.

The audience cheered as they chanted his name.

"Now for the ranked 1st person... Rem!!!" The man said.

The audience cheered loudly. Some of the audience was confused as to why the ranked 1st person didn't have a last name but they just decided to move that aside.

Rem's name appeared on the magic projector screen. Next to her name was the title, 'Unbeatable Shadow.'

"As all of you may know, there will be rewards for the top 10 contestants of this tournament. The ranked 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th person will receive 500 gold each and gain a special card that would give you a few privileges. Further details will be explained to the ranked 4-10 people after this. The ranked 3rd person will receive 2,000 gold, their own special card for being ranked 3rd, and choose any epic weapon in the weaponry. Just one. The ranked 2nd person will receive 5,000 gold, their own special card for being ranked 2nd, they may choose any two epic weapons in the weaponry, and they also may choose which epic magic item they want in the treasury. Finally for the ranked 1st person. The ranked 1st person will receive 10,000 gold, their own special card for being ranked 1st, choose any five epic weapons, choose a legendary weapon in the weaponry, choose three epic magic items, choose a legendary magic item in the treasury, choose any 10 materials that are purple ranked or lower, receive their very own personal mana pool room, and gain the privilege to meet the king and tell him your wish." The man said.

Some of the audience were jealous while others were surprised. After choosing and receiving her rewards as the ranked 1st person in the tournament, Rem left the Arena.

'So far, I have 10,000 gold, this fancy golden card, 5 epic weapons, a legendary weapon, 3 epic magic items, a legendary magic item, 10 materials Roy needs to evolve, my very own personal mana pool room, and I even got permission to meet the king and tell him what I want. Meeting the king sounds so annoying... I really want to not meet him but that man said I had to since the king always meets the ranked 1st person every year in the Arena's tournament and grants their wish. The man said he'll give me a letter and notify me. This is troublesome... Well, whatever. At least I got the correct materials I need for Roy to evolve.' Rem thought as she walked towards her dorm room.

Ahhh!!! Genshin Impact is so addicting..!


By the way, my UID is 614646364!


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