
Time to Go Home

"Kron, which way will you go? I'll take the other side," I asked Kron.

Ha had just reached master level and he's going to fight the monsters to adapt with his new strength.

And when he's going to fight the enemies on one side, I will take care of the other side. Because everyone is still there wishing to see how powerful a master level mage is. A real master level mage who also learned magic control. 

So unlike other master level mages we managed to recruit, everyone's expectation of Kron's strength is that he's much stronger than ordinary master level mages. It's even to the point that the master level mages here are interested in seeing how strong Kron is.

As for me, I experienced it firsthand. Not just master level mage. But it was an Aura Master and a mage who has reached the stage beyond master level. Timmy.