
They Can't Stop Me

"He's too strong! The monsters alone won't be enough to stop him. He could even fight using Etherstone weapon!" someone said.

"That thing is just to block him from using Aura. He's still a master in close combat even without Aura. And he's also a master level summoner at least. The only effective plan would be for him to not be able to use Aura while we restrict him. Let's do that!"

I guess that's true. But I'm covered with Armor though. So unless the Etherstone weapon can pierce through my armor, I can still use Aura.

There are some parts in the gauntlet area that are not covered with armor. And I didn't even bother to use gloves as well to cover for my hands. That's why when I'm holding Etherstone, I can't use Aura.

But for other parts of my body, they have to use strong attack to destroy my armor. And I won't let them do that.

In fact, they weren't even able to do that at all. Because Cooldra and the other dragons are coming closer.