
The Ultimate Game of Tag Part 1

"Oh, Victoria's clones covered me from my hands to my forearm," Shelia said after she took some Blobbies from me.

I should be resting since I still haven't completely recovered my mana. But I don't think I will use much magic here other than portal to return back home, so it's fine. Even during the game, or should I say training, I don't think I will use much magic.

After all, Victoria's clones are from her own ability. Not mine. So I didn't waste any mana to made this much Blobbies.

I added some new rule after watching the kids' game. Everyone understood the game's rules after watching the kids doing it. But I thought that it's too much for training if anyone can just grab someone so easily. 

So for now, I will make the game easier. By adding a defense mechanism.