
Race to the Last Treasure

Still inside the dungeon. We're going to get all the undiscovered treasure chests here.

From what I can see with my Divine Vision, there should be five more treasure chests. One of them is going to be discovered by another party. So it's four left.

But that's only what I can see with my Divine Vision. There might be more.

Though before that party can discover that treasure chest, we will encounter another human being in this dungeon. He's the only one who came here alone other than me. Well, I can't really say that I'm alone since I'm with Victoria.

"Victoria, we will meet another hunter soon. Don't talk," I said.

And Victoria just continues moving forward without talking. She's acting like a monster. Well, she is a monster.

With this, other people will only think of her as my familiar. Though I hope no one will connect me to the Aura user. At least not now.

I hope he's not with the cult.