
I Made a Mistake

"Roy, your right hand. That's your dominant hand, right?" Albert asked me.

"Hmm? It is. Though I can't write with my left, it should still be as strong as my right. I can still fight," I said as I raised my missing right hand. The blood keep gushing out of it. I guess I should ask a healer to heal me.

Before I ask, Albert called a healer right away. And the healer stopped my bleeding. I'll figure out what to do with this right hand later.

"Your right hand was destroyed by this guy, right? What will you do then?" Albert asked.

"I'll figure it out later. For now, make sure that the restraint holding this guy is the strongest. He's strong physically. Also, if you can, appraise this staff. It can block Aura and very strong. For you, it's just strong. But this thing might be able to render me useless if they have more of it," I said.

After knocking the Archbishop out, I also grabbed the staff before I left. And I gave the staff to Albert to be appraised.