

Wake up Mr. Williams she said.

what Mrs. Knight I've been awake I would never sleep in your class I said.

The bell rings time for lunch as I proceed to head up to chill on the roof. I'm met by a familiar figure.

Hello Aoi, how are you I said with a smile?

Aoi she is the most beautiful girl in our school why is she talking to me?

Hello Kai I was just wondering if I could eat with you she said.

why I said with a confused look on my face?

well, you just looked lonely so I thought... Aoi said.

yeah, u thought I'm not lonely so I'm fine I said as I stormed off.

after I finish eating lunch I have to go back to class. Oh, shot I have to work with Aoi on the project which means I can't avoid her.

As I make my way back to class

Ugh, I said as I was thrown against a wall

haha look at how dumb he looks yelled someone!!

we should throw him again!!

hey, what are you doing over there class is about to start.

oh no, it's the student council president and it just so happens to be Aoi oh god I'm screwed.

Oh So why are you on the ground this time Kai she said.

oh yeah, I just tripped yeah yeah that's what happened.

Hey, we need to get to class I said as I got up.

we start to run to class as we just make it after we work on our project

What did u say Aoi I said as my face turned red

do you wanna walk home with me and stay over for a little bit she said well laughing.