
The One Within

Adonis is a typical rebel teenager with one major difference. She is an orphan and her two elder brothers abandoned her for some reason. She leaves the only place she knows- her hometown Cleveland and moves towns, landing in all messy business until she reaches San Francisco and everything changes. She learns the reason for her brothers' abandonment and gains so many insights into everything that even though things could have happened in a better manner she becomes glad that everything atleast turned around to be the way it is. FIRST DRAFT- NOT EDITED P.S.: ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME WITH A GRATEFUL HEART

Riya_Rishab · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter Six

It had been two weeks since I saw that guy who I felt resembled my brother. No, who I was sure was Azeus. I had started to think it was nothing but just a figment of my imagination but each time I closed my eyes I was reminded of that scene in front of me as if it was still happening . I saw Jake in class often but I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to make any acquaintance here.I didn't want anyone to come and ask me: Who? What? Why? Where? When? How? or basically, anything for that matter.  If my brother was somewhere in this town, I knew that I would find him no matter what.

Most of the people had gotten used to seeing me around and so very few heads turned when I passed them between classes or when they saw me sitting alone in the canteen. I walked over to a lone table and sat there keeping my bag on it. I never carried lunch. Eating at school was something I never liked. I sat there and started staring at the gardener mowing the grass pitch.

I knew that according to people at school all that they knew about me was that : I WAS NEW IN TOWN. I STAYED ALONE IN SOME DESERTED OLD PLACE QUITE SOME MILES AWAY FROM SCHOOL,BEYOND THE WOODS. I DIDN'T HAVE NO FRIENDS AND DIDN'T WANT ANY EITHER. I HAD NO FAMILY AND THAT I COULD BE ANYTHING FROM A JUVENILE FUGITIVE TO A MENTALLY RETARDED PSYCHOPATH OR A MERE RUN AWAY. Well, that was exactly what I wanted. I didn't want anyone to know anything about me. The more people that stayed away, the better it would be. It had always been that way. I never really liked company. Fact is: I couldn't withstand company. Not since I saw how they treated people who they considered weak and I had seen that many times.

My oldest brother Arthenius wasn't exactly the powerful kinda boy that everyone expected a high schooler to be. He was a meek, calm fellow who was very sweet to everyone. Since a very young age he used to try to wear my clothes and stuff and as we got older, we started exchanging them. I used to dress like a guy even in public but he used to try on makeup and stuff only in the privacy of our home. One day, our stepbrother Brandon brought some of his friends for a sleepover. I knew them - they were the most arrogant jocks in school. At night, when me and Azeus were sleeping, Arthenius had been trying on a Lolita makeup look - complete with the costume and everything- when one of Brandon's friends walked in thinking it was the washroom. He apologized and left but that was the end of Tenis' secret staying a secret. By the next morning when we went to school, everyone knew what Arthenius Moraitis did within the four walls of his home. How he was a "sissy" who anyone could bed if they wanted to. I heart people chanting "sissy" and pointing at Tenis as we walked the halls to the extent that Tenis pulled up his bag to cover his face and ran to boys' stalls with Azeus running behind him. From that day on, Arthenius never smiled nor dressed up. He was diagnosed as clinically depressed and during summer break, he chose a program that took summer classes in San Francisco in order to get away from Cleveland. When he returned he was much happier and more at ease with himself than when he left. That was until the party happened.