
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Heroes to the rescue...

??? Point of View

It was the same for me, as we were suddenly taken captive by those revolting creatures that smelled and looked like they were stuffed with fat.

When I looked at those repulsive creatures with the name Orc, who were an unending foe of our race, I clenched my teeth and glared at them with a fierce expression.

In what way are they able to enter our territory? The impression that our territory was shielded from the outside world by some kind of invisible barrier, which gave the impression that it was concealed from the rest of the world

The first thing that comes to mind is that human being who suddenly materialized close to the lake at the time that the queen and princess were washing themselves...

Then there are those revolting things... As if... there is some kind of force that caused them to pass through the barrier...'

I was preoccupied with my thoughts as I could feel the furrows in my brow becoming so deep. Our elf's kingdom was at peace and was being protected so effectively.

"... "

After that, a sudden thought came to me, and I recalled that many years ago, there was an incident in which a rebellion took place within our internal kingdom. The rebel was someone who possessed the ability to perform some sort of magical act.

It was a female elf, or to be more precise, members of one of our races...

A dark elf.

Due to the fact that the queen made the decision to keep the incident a secret for the sake of the kingdom and to avoid embarrassing those elders, it was considered a taboo story.

I had a natural curiosity about it, despite the fact that it was a forbidden tale; however, I was still a dark elf as a result of it, and my reputation was damaged before I was promoted to the position of Captain Knight of the kingdom.

To the best of my recollection, every single one of those elves who were not Black Elves looked down on us because we were Black Elves. It was torture for us, as because of one fault it affected the whole of our race.

It is a huge relief that our race improved during the time that Queen Agraliel was in charge of the kingdom. Additionally, Princess Almia is a well-mannered individual who, in her role as an older sister, always looks up to me.


Despite the fact that I was quite confident in my ability to break free if this rope was a typical rope, I could not help but curse my fate as the rope completely ensnared me. However, I could sense that there was a fluctuation of magic on this rope, and the more I struggled to break free, the more it clung to my skin and became more tight.

As a result, I decided to give up on the struggle because it caused me to become exhausted, which in turn hurt me. As a result, I made the decision to relax more and work toward the possibility of achieving freedom.


The realization that I was in a position that resembled an X while all of my hands and legs were being tied gave me the impression that there was a possibility for me to get out of this situation.

I was preoccupied with my own thoughts when I became aware of the conversation that was taking place between those vile individuals.

"It is a brilliant idea to make a trap like that person suggested that we could get this dark elf," the speaker said through a chuckle.

Indeed, the chief! Just take a look at those chubby bodies from her! The boobs, hips, and ass of that woman!

Yes, absolutely! The sow that is going to give birth to our descendant is going to be of the highest caliber!

Hearing their conversation made me want to throw up, and my entire body began to shake because it was so revolting to think that my body could be used as a breeding tool in the same way that they described themselves.

"Stop talking! I am well aware of how eager you all were to fuck that dark elf. I have a strong desire to rape it, to exercise complete control over it, and to make it my slave! Even so! Due to the fact that this is only the beginning of our strategy to dominate the kingdom of the elves, we need to wait for the next instruction from that individual."

I am sorry, but... This time, when I hear the reason why those filthy bastards are doing what they are doing, I find that I cannot help but curse my own thoughts.

What about that individual?

Please do not tell me... I have a gut feeling that the person that those cretins are referring to is the one who is responsible for the upheaval and the betrayal of our race.

This is going to be a big problem if it was. It has been said that the individual in question possessed a potent ability on the magic field.

Agraliel-sama! Alicia! Everyone!

Despite the fact that my anger and frustration are gradually increasing at a tremendous pace, I am unable to help but grit my teeth.

"*Snort* Then, my esteemed leader!" "Can we take those knights, as I am already aroused just by looking at their enticing bodies!" said one of them.

The fabric stretched taut between their thighs, revealing the undeniable presence of something substantial concealed beneath.

"Hahaha, you all are truly at a loss!" Indulge yourself, do as you please with those, for they hold no greater significance than their captain! the Chief's smirk was a sharp blade, cutting through the air with a taunting edge, a cruel reminder of my perceived inadequacies as a captain, leaving me exposed and vulnerable before my soldiers.

Absolutely not! "Do not you even think about it, you bastard!" My body moved instinctively, a fire coursing through my veins, igniting every nerve with a primal urgency. If looks could slay, perhaps those fools had already met their demise under the weight of my fierce glare.

"Oh... It is truly amusing..." the Chief remarked, his imposing figure towering over the others as his rotund belly swayed with each step he took towards me.

My skin basked in the warmth of the sun, yet it was effortlessly shielded by those towering figures around me.

"Bitch..." he growled, his fingers curling around my head, making it feel so small in his grasp.

"Just be quiet and wait patiently, following that person's lead." "You are already savoring this powerful presence, completely at its mercy," he murmured, pulling my head closer to the undeniable bulge straining against his pants.

Dammit... My mind swirled in a tantalizing haze as the scent wafting from his belongings enveloped me, stirring something deep within. I recall the deep-seated enmity between Orcs and Elves, a rivalry fueled by the Orcs' possession of a perilous allure that could effortlessly ensnare our women once they fell into their grasp.

With this knowledge in mind, I focused intently on drawing in breath through my mouth, determined to avoid the temptation of my nose.

"Buhihihi, it appears you've uncovered the hidden truths of our tribe. The way you draw in air through your lips, it was undeniably a clever choice." He sneered, his twisted grin revealing the darkness within him.

"A soft, lingering breath escapes my lips... Perhaps I shall offer you a glimpse into the truth of why our kind will forever reign supreme over the elves!"

This twisted individual appears to be making a bold advance towards me! In the background, the sound of laughter and cheers rises, a chorus of admiration for their formidable leader, his imposing figure casting a long shadow over the scene.

The twisted fiend abruptly seized the fabric at his groin, revealing his intimate parts directly before me, mere inches from my face, the tips of my nose brushing against the shocking sight.

"Hora-hora, are you truly capable of withstanding the overpowering scent of this magnificent beast that has already conquered countless elves in its wake!"

Shit, the twisted fiend forcefully pressed the tip of his member against my nostril. The creamy essence that unexpectedly flowed from the tip enveloped my senses.

"Damn, the smell..." It has sent shivers through my body, igniting sensations I never knew existed...

A warm sensation begins to envelop my body, igniting a slow burn that spreads, while an undeniable itch stirs in my lower half.

"Let us discover, oh valiant captain knight of the elves, can you truly withstand the intoxicating allure of elven poison?" Buhihihi

No... My vision blurred, the thick fluid from that wretched thing seeping into my nostrils and coursing through my veins, enveloping me in a haze of confusion and desire.

My body is aflame with desire, a tantalizing itch that begs for relief, yet I find myself restrained, unable to indulge in the sweet release I crave.

I can sense it, the slow unraveling of my sanity as those warm, intoxicating fluids seep into my nostrils.

The relentless grip of that bastard's hand on my head rendered me utterly powerless, while the cursed magical rope tightened its hold, binding me in place and leaving me at their mercy.

My queen, Alicia, and all those who surround us...

No... I would rather be dead than be a slave to his possessions...

Gently, tears cascaded down my cheeks... My mind feels utterly consumed...

*Sniff* *Sniff* Please... Whoever you are... I need your help...

"Kukuku, Hahahaha," Witness the unraveling of a formidable elven captain, renowned for her bravery and unyielding spirit. Yet, in a moment of vulnerability, she succumbs to the intoxicating effects of an orc's essence, her composure slipping away like sand through her fingers.

My vision seems lost... My hearing too... that made cannot hear what this bastard said...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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