
Conversation With Daddy!

Adam POV

I hurried to go to our bedroom. When I came inside, she was sleeping. I came near her and she was under duvet. I pull down the duvet a little bit to find out that she's naked!

Oh, I never expected that my wife will surprise me with this. I could see that her boobs were more full and bigger. Probably because of pregnancy.

I love the bump in her stomach where my little monsters are resting.. I touched it. I put my head on it very gently.

"Babies, how are you? How's your day? Your mommy cooked delicious foods, did you behave in there. Please don't make mommy tired."

"You know Daddy is very happy and very excited to see you. You are our bundle of joy."

He would never imagine that this time would come to his life.

"Daddy is not a good person. I have done so many things in my life that I was not proud. Maybe before, I was proud not until I met your mommy."

I remember the first day we have met.