
The One Who Chose Me

Athena's life was never good her mother's gone her dad hates her. Her beloved nanny left and her step family hates. Nothing was going her way until one weird comment.

cclove · Teen
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4 Chs

My beginning/ background

My name's Athena like the Greek goddess of wisdom, that's the name my mother gave me before she died. She wanted to raise a daughter with wisdom, so that I'll know what to do when trouble comes and knocks on my door.

At least that's what my nanny told me. Looking back on it now. I think my mother knew that I'd need to be smart enough to get through some of the things that i went through. Which is understandable since I wasn't really born with the best circumstances.

I was born into a rich family in New York they were one of the four most powerful families in North America. They're known by the name Charlets. As in the Charlet jewels and entertainment company. I know you've heard of them. My family doesn't really like me cause I'm an illegitimate child of a musician.

My family sees me as the child of a home wrecker nothing less but also nothing more. I don't even bare their last name. Though I don't mind and you'll soon know why.

When Henry which is the name of my father went on an overseas trip for his company. It was at night and father was tired so he went to the balcony. That's where he met a lady singing singing she was so gorgeous. Atleast that what I've heard. My father felt drawn to her.

My father would pursue my mother daily for her affection. But my mother would never allow him to. That was until his 15th attempt she grew soft and fell for him.

But at the time my father was married, however he asked his wife for a divorce, but my stepmother's family wouldn't accept it so he left my mom and went back that is until he heard of my mother's death and the baby her never knew.

I was six when he finally came for me. Even though my mother dies I was never alone cause I had my nanny to take care of me. And I am very grateful towards her even till now, because she was like a second mother to me.

When my father finally came for me. It wouldn't be a surprise if I said I was elated, because what six year old kid wouldn't be happy to see their father after so long.

When we reached to my new home I learned that I had a stepmother named Elaine and an younger sister named Cantera. My father introduced me as Athena Stellar that which was my mother's last name ( now you know why).

Honestly I was glad I could keep it, it's a beautiful tribute to my mother and I want to shine like she did.

Anyways I can already tell off the bat they didn't like me. But I was a naive kid, so I did everything to make them love me. My father didn't ignore the way they treated me he would sometimes tell them to stop but that's all. Sadly even he also grew to hate me.But I didn't blame him cause he's my dad.

Fast forward to May 10th my birthday. And as usual nobody remembered except for my nanny who my dad surprisingly allowed me to bing with me. My first and last gift from him I guess.

My nanny was the only person that loved me and i know she would do anything for me. She bought me a piano and I loved it with all my heart. Till even she left me a few days after without warning.

I was almost driven to madness my mother's dead, my family treats me like crap, my father now hates me and now the only person I could trust left me. But when I stop to think I know my nanny loved me.

I looked to the left and saw the piano she gave me. And a thought came to me to sing a song. To sing a song that would reach her. And to let her know that I love her and I don't blame her for leaving this hell.But deep down I wished she brought me aswell.

My nanny loved it when I would sing to her. So I opened my computer so that I could record a video. And that would be my goodbye gift to her. I don't know if it'll reach her? But I'll still try.

There's a song that I made when I was 15 and only me and her knew I could sing. So it was special to us.

But before I played I wore a half cut mask of silver. So my family would never know it was me.

And even though I don't know how to play the piano when I saw it something clicked and I began to play. This song we both know so mellow and sad in minor. I started to record.

"hello. I'm playing a song to my two mothers one that have ascended and the other who left please enjoy"

Every love I've ever known left me

But you stood by me through it all

Even though your not of blood my mother you shall

Forever and my bestfriend

Now your gone I wish you the best my freind

Now your gone I hope that you remain

Even though your far I feel you

Even though your far stay with

Protect and love me as you've always

Mother dear

"My only true friend and support"

I posted it on the internet and their they were people from far started to complement me . And from them I saw two comments that surprised me. One that was kinda weird

From Prince it said

'I've now chosen you to be my mine'

While the other I know was from my nanny

'I wish you the best and I'm sorry but I know we'll meet again star'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. also this for entertainment purposes please forgive me if some of the facts on my settings are wrong.??

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