
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


It's been 1 year and 9 months since Ling Han's birth, and today was the day the One True Supreme Sect was holding its first-ever tournament since its creation. the sect took in all types of cultivators and gave them a powerful cultivation art known as My Will Is Supreme cultivation art.

A cultivation art that can convert one willpower into talent, a cultivation art that Ling Han happily gave away as he wanted this sect to be home to the best of the best. To Ling Han, this was his farm, where he would raise the strongest martial arts he would one day fight to help improve his Absolute Combat.

Many things happened in these few months, for one Ling Han had broken through to 1 Xiantian. This breakthrough was huge, it would have caused a huge phenomenon if Ling Han had not entered the Tower of Heaven. From the range that the phenomenon had covered the Tower of Heaven, the Tower of Heaven measured that if he had stayed outside, both this universe and the nearby universe would have been in the stage of the phenomenon.

This breakthrough did increase my strength, to say the least, I was already above level 10 Saint King's level of power. I had to first tell you about the realms above the Saint King realm to give you a good measurement of how powerful I was. 

First thing, what made Saint Kings so powerful? There was a huge Gap between the Core Formation realm and the Nascent Soul realm. a gap made thanks to how a Nascent Soul cultivator doesn't simply have higher cultivation but also can comprehend the law. 

To reach the Saint King, one needs to master a Law and make said law to open the path to the Saint King's realm. this gives them great power compared to others. this is why there is a huge Gap between the Saint King and the Greater Saint King. Above the Saint King realm was the Loose immortal

The Loose Immortal was an odd cultivation stage as it had a few other mini stages to it, False Loose Immortal had 3 levels. Lesser Loose Immortal which also had 3 levels, High Loose Immortal which also had 3 levels, and lastly Peak Loose Immortal which had 1 level

Each one of these Mini Stages had a huge power gap. while at the Saint King, one only needed to master 1 Law, the requirement grows once you wish to reach Loose Immortal. As one progresses in their cultivation, they would find that cultivation wasn't the most important thing and all that was needed was Comprehension. Comprehension would take a long time, more than enough time for you to already have the energy needed for a breakthrough and more, all that was needed for your understanding to catch up.

To become A Loose immortal, you need a mastery of laws to form your Dao. Think of the Dao as something that transcends the laws, at the False Loose Immortal realm, your Dao is just a seed. at the Lesser Loose Immortal, that seed starts to grow and by the time one reaches Peak Loose Immortal, the Gao is a Dao Tree... and yes, their power is jar-dropping.

Just a Level 1 Loose Immortal could fight over a million Peak Saint Kings... The strength boost they get from having their Dao is just huge. Once they reach the peak, one Loose Immortal is all thats needed to destroy a whole universe. 

One should know, that this is not a universe from Ling Han's past life. this is the universe in this world, an unending world filled with an endless amount of dimensions. with each dimension being parallel to each other, just destroying a dimension shows you are powerful. to destroy them all... well, that was just scary.

Of course, after the Dao Tree grows, one needs to plant it. So above Loose Immortal is the Mountain And River Immortal. The inner world of a cultivator has been growing ever since it was formed when one enters the Saint realm, from there the inner world, grows alongside the cultivator.

at the Mountain and River Immortal realm, Also known as the Mountian and River tier, an immortal starts to form mountains and rivers within their inner world. and yes, for every dot of dirt and drop of water they form, they are empowered by it. Depending on how compressed each dirt and water is, it would determine how much power they give you and could also determine how long each breakthrough would take you. At the same time, the stronger your Dao True, the more compressed each dirt and water has to be.

Well, with all that said, how strong was Ling Han? Ling Han was equal to a False Loose Immortal, or a level 2 Loose Immortal. That was impressive in combat strength, Ling Mei and the others were a step beyond him in strength. of course, Ling Han was still stronger thanks to his treasury which held every treasure that came from this universe and still had fate with this universe.

All of his treasures were of the High Ancient Grade. which was equal to a High Loose Immortal. To say the least, Ling Han was powerful and had the power to destroy a whole realm.

Another thing that happened in these few months was Ling Hongwa entering Ling Han's treasury. She entered and thanks to Ling Han's current strength, she was able to get slightly stronger from staying inside. She was born strong and never needed to do anything to grow stronger. but at the same time, her level of power was fixed to never grow. So, she was moved by the fact staying in the treasury allowed her to grow stronger. of course, even if she stayed in there for a trillion years, her strength would not grow by 1%. but every slight improvement was something that moved her greatly. 

But when she entered, the treasury saw Ling Han as to have collected the fate of the sword. this is because Ling Hongwa was an unmatched sword. with it collected, I gained 96% of every sword across existence Fate. To say the least, Ling Hongwa and the Tower of Heaven had to hide this from the eyes of those powerful experts.

but those powerful experts shall now be able to sense as their souls are being recreated within my treasury although the recreated sword would be weaker. at the same time, if I'm ever close enough to them. they would be able to tell I'm what stole the fate of the sword... but I had Ling Hongwa, I will just pull her out. and yes, I could handle her power for some time now. Also, thanks to the way I viewed her, Ling Hongwa wouldn't be recreated and would instead be seen as the original sword

With my father becoming the supreme ruler of the universe, he slapped away the other universe and went on to go visit them. pretty much, he took all of their treasures as payment for the many years they had been weakening this universe... oh, he also forced them to submit. He didn't really care for the schemes and other such stuff that had been in motion for millions of years now.

he didn't even care that this enraged some powerhouses within the immortal realm who had been secretly behind it all. He just gave them the Finger, while going on to have the whole multiverse behave before the power of the Ling Clan. There were other stuff, but those were the biggest stuff that happened.

"Oh my god! He is so cute. Crown Prince, I love You." As Ling Han walked onto the stage, the crowd went crying seeing the cute adorable doll he was. Ling Han tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn't help but blush slightly.

"Oh my god! he is too cute. Crown prince, marry me!" A man yelled, causing countless females to turn towards him with stiff head movements, almost like something out of a horror movie. Their killing intent was fully out in the open, causing the heavens to shake slightly. 

Within the One True Supreme Sect, who dared announce their love towards the crown prince? whoever does always goes missing for some unknown reason... it's not like the disciples killed the person to remove competition or anything like that. Nope, thats a stupid thought.

The man's face turned pale seeing so many eyes on him, hell even some males were looking at him as if he was their worst enemy. the world seemed black and white at the moment, the see of killing intent was just too much. 

"Cough, do I start now?" But the most adorable voice under the heavens saved him, how could anyone pay attention to him under this sweet voice? they all looked at Ling Han who was looking at an elder, who nodded at him. Ling Han nodded slightly, before pulling out a paper. 

"Awwww." The scene was too cute, Ling Han tried his best to keep a straight face, but the waves of sound made him blush in embarrassment. 

"Today, the One True Supreme Sect is taking its first step by holding a huge tournament. The One True Supreme Sect doesn't seek talent, but those with the willpower to push on even if the heavens say they can't grow. Step forward and take fate into your hands, put the world and effort and you will one day become an immortal." Ling Han said calmly while looking around.

"The tournament being held is going to be simple, as the sect had eliminated those who didn't make the cut to take part in this event. only 1,000 people would be taking part. but thats still a lot of people. so the tournament is the sect had decided to have is game... the floating islands." In my words, the stage began to break apart while they flew into the air. their size grew, becoming a floating arena. 

Ling Han stood on one of them as screens appeared before everyone, allowing everyone to be able to see and switch between any arena they wanted. But all of them used this chance to zoom in on Ling Han's face, causing many of them to faint on the spot.

"The rules are simple. the more people you defeat the higher up you shall go. you can be defeated many times, but each time you are defeated you shall drop down to the bottom where you have to start all over. at the same time, each time you are defeated your island gets smaller while the person who defeated you gains the lost mass..." Ling Han went on to explain everything to everyone, before telling them the rewards. rewards which were heaven-shaking as among the rewards was the chance to ask the sect for anything.

hell, if one asked to get to the main branch of the sect, then it shall be done. with all that said and done, Ling Han went on to go sit back and watch the tournament begin. 

'Xiao Yan, be careful of that kid. something is not right about him.' Xiao Yan who was watching Ling Han suddenly heard a voice in his head. He nodded slightly as he looked at the many people who had weird looks while looking at Ling Han,

'what technique is he using?' Xiao Yan asked, feeling chills at just how everyone seemed to turn into fan girls around Ling Han. 

'it's not a technique... his natural charms are so high. no matter what you do, always have something bad about him in the back of your mind. he is a natural-born ruler, people will follow him even if he does nothing.' the voice sounded, stunning Xiao Yan. he was also moved by Ling Han's looks at first, such an adorable little thing. it was hard to believe something so cute could be real. But he had snapped back to reality thanks to his master within the necklace.

Ling Han's every word held some power that warmed his heart and mind, making his guard against him soften and soften. He wanted to trust Ling Han and make him his brother... but now he was disgusted. to think such a disgusting thing existed. what was the difference between mind control here?

"You finally recovered?" Ling Han asked while sitting back in a room and drinking some tea, behind him, a green-haired woman appeared.

"You knew?" She asked slightly shocked,

"Of course, trying to break the agreement we had is something I would be able to sense. Although I'm surprised your eyes allowed you to even sense the oath." I said with a smile, the green-haired woman was quiet for some time at my words.

this woman was the spirit who turned truth to false, making it so that the humans were the overlord of this world. While this world is at first head peak cultivation of level 3 Saint King, she managed to reach half step level 4 Saint King. With her eyes Of Truth, she can turn truth into falsehood and the other way around. these were one of the heavenly pupils, one of the strongest eyes out there. 

Back then, she used these eyes which left her needing to rest for some time. she tried to do it again 9 months ago, to remove the deal. She didn't trust humans and couldn't trust me, In her eyes all lifeforms but spirits should die. but she couldn't break the agreement leading to her suffering from a backlash.

"I recovered 5 months ago... I have been watching to see if you truly meant your words." She said softly before lowering her head.

"thank you." She said. I have given the spirit race their land to rule over. at the same time, I have also given the wild beast their land. if they wanted more, they could fight for more, but there were core lands to other races but the race I have given the land to could touch.

"I came to... both thank you and apologize for my actions, I don't want my actions to impact your views on the spirit race." She said softly, to which I turned around to look at her.

"NO needs... I'm more interested in your talent. You would have cut the sky and gone off to explore the galaxy hundreds of millions of years ago. yet you stayed back for your race, you are both talented and strong-willed. I have been wanting to use your capabilities for now." I said calmly, stunning her. She touched her eyes for a moment, wondering if I was talking about her pupils. but seeing that, I shook my head.

With a breath, I also turned a lie into the truth. creating an illusion that turned real. becoming a real-life, pure-blooded dragon that slept on my palm. seeing this, her pupils shrank in horror as my breath was lightyears above her eye.

"I'm talking about your mind, become my right hand. something like an adviser." I said calmly, stunning not only her but also Ling Wong and Ling Mei who were at the side.

"Young master... she just tried to break the agreement. She only submitted because she had no other choice." Ling Wong said with a deep frown, to which Ling Han shrugged.

"I don't really care... plus, I want someone from every race. Human, Spirit, wild beast, and soon heavenly beast." I said calmly, stunning Ling Wong who frowned deeply.

"... doesn't lady Fireheart..." Ling Mei couldn't continue as Ling Han glared at her. Like hell, he would allow that bully to be anywhere near him. Plus, she was only partly firespirit and part Firebird, he was looking for pure blood of each race.

"... It would be my honor." The green-haired woman said with a slight bow, her name was Daoleaf. She used to be a leaf, but after absorbing the blood of 2 powerful experts, she had gained wisdom. It's because of this she was able to quickly break free from her pure and innocent mindset after birth, she began to see the world for what it was. A world where her kind was fated to be resources for others' benefit.

She had come to this realization when she was about to be eaten by some powerful expert, she luckily awakened her eyes to the truth at that moment and didn't simply save herself, she took root within that expert and took control of his body and even soul. From there, the groundwork for the Spirit Race takes over started.

"Well, as my thinking tank... you think on my behalf. I'm too lazy to do anything else. Just run major things through me or my mother just in case." I said lazily, to which Daoleaf nodded slightly.

"Also... find a copy or something of me. he would 'Be me' while I sit back and sleep." I said calmly, things were now stable. I could grow in peace and didn't need to worry about anything. 

yes, the immortal realm might be troublesome, they would have more than enough time to come down here. 1 day down here is like 1,000 years up there. So yeah, we are pretty much frozen in time. but at the same time, those experts would blink, and like a billion years had passed for them

Even the mind of immortals had limiters. it makes it so that they can't process every second like a mortal. could you imagine a mortal trying to withstand what it's like living for a billion years? for them, 1,000 years might as well be a second. unless they were doing something that forced them to process a second, they would never feel a second pass by.