
- Reunion

She stood over a table.

It displayed a map of the city, and markers were placed over it to represent the state of the battle.

Information was relayed down to their base outside the city from atop the walls, detailing troop movement, engagements and losses.

She looked up as commander Garnell entered the tent. Accompanying him was a woman, shrouded in black clothing and hiding her face behind a mask.

"Elanor, give us the room for a moment," he ordered her.

She obliged and stepped outside. Alone, she took a deep breath. News had reached her earlier in the day of the death of a former friend. Despite the distance between the two that had grown in half a year, she still felt some form of sorrow at the news.

The tent had been put up just outside the city, and functioned as a command centre for the ensuing battle. As such, the walls of the city loomed over her as she stepped into the fresh air.

Outside, near the gate, two people were locked in deep conversation. They seemed to be a similar age to her, and were dressed in similar clothing to the woman she had just seen inside.

'Who are these people,' she thought as she watched them.

She made eye contact with a pair of green eyes. The girl said something to her companion, who quickly glanced at Elanor with surprised eyes, before swiftly looking away.

'Hang on, don't I know those...' her thoughts trailed off. It couldn't be him, he was long dead.

Despite her thoughts, she was unable to control herself. "Marcus?" she blurted out, aware that he had died in the fire at the orphanage.


"I don't know if I can stay any longer, I might take off alone."

"Why, because of two shitty people wearing guard uniforms?"

"It's not just that. They felt like it was their right, like they could do that and get away with it. We're supposed to be the evil side of the military, the ones who do anything to win, but it doesn't really feel like that now. I don't want to serve a hypocritical system like that, I'd rather do what I want for me."

"Watch out, someone just came outside. Be careful what you say."

Marcus turned around to look.

He saw a girl he knew from his childhood, except her eyes held a forced maturity.

He quickly looked away.

'Lox, what happened to you out there?'

"Marcus?" the girl asked.

"Busted," he murmured.

He turned around.

"Hey, Lox," he said as he turned.

Before he had finished she was already hugging him.

"I thought you were dead," she said, her face buried into his chest. "I thought you died."

Marcus squeezed her tightly. "I missed you, Lox."

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked her, feeling her tremble in his arms.

She shook her head. "It... it's horrible. Being there is like being amongst a pack of rabid animals. I was only chosen for my mind, and people exploited that."

"Lox, what happened to you?"

She burst into tears. "I... they..." she shook her head. "My fears are back. I'm afraid of the storms again."

"Then I'll just hold you until you feel safe, just like when we were kids."


Marcus woke late in the night.

Struggling to get back to sleep, he decided to take a little walk around the orphanage.

He slid his feet into his slippers, threw on his gown and left the room.

He loved the atmosphere at night. The light given by the moon, illuminating the old halls gave a very spooky vibe to the place. Tonight, this was improved by the storm that raged outside.

Wind howled through the trees and bushes that surrounded the orphanage. Intermittently, lightning slashed through the sky, flashing light into the hall that resembled daytime.

After walking past a couple of doors, Marcus heard a sound coming from the room he was outside. Upon closer inspection it was a child crying.

Marcus knocked on the door. After a moment, it opened. Blue eyes stared back at him. Standing in the doorway was a girl, a little smaller than him.

"You're the new girl, right?"

She nodded, wiping her eyes.

"I'm Marcus," he said.

"Elanor," she sniffled.

"Are you okay, Elanor?"

She shook her head. "I get scared by the weather, and my parents aren't here to hug me."

He hugged her. "Better?"

She nodded.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" he said as he turned to leave.

She grabbed his hand. "Can... can you stay?"

"Alright," he said after a pause.

Marcus found little sleep that night, instead making sure the girl felt safe.


"Who's she?" Elanor asked after a little while.

"That's R-"

"Roxanne," she interrupted, holding out a hand.

"Elanor," she responded, taking her hand. "How do you two know each other?"

"I was recruited to this thing after the incident at the orphanage. She was a part of it."

"So you replaced me immediately?" Elanor asked in a semi-serious manner.

"Don't be stupid. I couldn't replace you," Marcus responded. His compliment made Elanor blush.

"I'll ask more about this 'thing' shortly. First, I heard that Bran died in the city. We grew apart, but even still, I'm sorry, Marcus."

"Why did you grow apart?"

"He allowed himself to fall in with the wrong people," she answered, confused about Marcus's lack of emotion at the revelation.

"Wrong people? Like the ones who hurt you?"

She nodded.

"Bastard. I didn't do enough."

"What do you mean?"

"We were in the city. As we turned a corner, we saw two guards harassing a woman, then they tried to fight me for getting involved. One of them was him."

"Did you...?"

"Did I kill him. No. The person I knew is long dead. I merely killed the creature that wore his skin."

She was too stunned to reply.

"As for this thing. It's a secret team that does the dirty things the Nation doesn't want to be associated with. That way, the precious guard can keep their hands clean. Only for them to pull shit like this and prove they're no more than the cultists we just slaughtered."

He placed his hands on Elanor's shoulders. "Lox, I can get revenge for the orphanage without them. I can slaughter the cultists myself. Leave the guard, and come with me. I've missed you, it'll be nice. Plus I don't want you being hurt anymore. Roxy, you too."

"I'm in. You know I am," Roxy said enthusiastically. "But do we need her? She's weak, it sounds like she'll be a liability."

Marcus glared at her. "Don't ever say that about her." He looked back at Elanor. "What do you say?"

"You killed him? Would he really do that?" she thought aloud. After a one-sided conversation, she made her decision.

"One condition. We-"

"We don't harm innocent people. No other rules. Do whatever you want to our enemies, I don't care."

"Okay, deal."

"What about her?" Roxy asked with a nod of her head.

Marcus looked in the direction of the nod. Tess had just left.

Marcus approached her.

"Tess, how long have you been doing this for?"

"About eight years? I joined when I was fifteen. Why?"

"Do you ever feel like it's pointless?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're supposed to be the dark that mirrors the guard's light. But is there any point when that light never reaches its destination?"

"Quit dancing around. What's your point?"

Marcus explained the situation to her.

Once he finished, she was silent for a moment. Marcus couldn't figure out what she thought, despite looking into her eyes.

"Do you really think you can do it?" she said, finally breaking her silence.

"I do."

She sighed. "They'll come for us, you know."

"Then we'll stop them."

"I suppose I would like to see change in this nation. Shit, I'm in."

Author here.

This chapter practically closes the first part of the story; the one that set's up the main character's motivations and personality.

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