
The One Promise

The story follows a man who reunites with one of his old high school friends that he hasn't seen since they graduated from high school. He supposed made a promise to her that she's never forgotten, but he ended up forgetting it. A tragic death of his friend takes place because of the promise he ends up forgetting. After the death of the person he loves, he wishes he could go back in time and change events so he could keep the one promise he made her, the promise that could change her life. "I made a promise to her...an important promise and I couldn't even keep it because I forgot it. I'm so stupid! Why..? Why did I have to forget. I have to fix this, no matter what."

UltimateWriter · Fantasy
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3 Chs

First Steps

The school day went by as normal. The first day of school is always pretty chill. Courtney and I only had three of the seven classes together. Out of the three classes we did have lunch period together, so that was a relief. Overall it was a good first day. The bell rang and the final class ended.

I looked at my phone and had more questions for the system in my phone. As I walked down the hall, I noticed Courtney talking to some guy that I didn't know. He had short and spiky black hair with golden eye contacts, and wore diamond earrings on both ears. He wore a black light leather jacket with a white t-shirt and black pants that had chains attached to it. He wore black boots and had necklaces around his neck.

I ignored it since she was probably trying to make new friends. I went outside and went to my mom's car then got in.

"Hey, sweetie. How was your first day?" Mom asked and smiled.

"I mean it was just only the first day, I guess it was pretty chill." I shrugged.

"Meet any cute girls?" Mom asked.

I closed my eyes and blushed a bit. "Come on, can you drive? You're holding the line."

"Oh alright." Mom laughed then drove off.

I looked out the window as mom drove home and thought about the conversation I had with the system in my phone today. I couldn't wait to get home and ask more questions to find out what all I can do with it and what I can't do with it.

We made it home and we got out the car then I made my way into the house while my mom stayed out in the garage and smoked a bit of weed. I walked upstairs and into my room then flopped on my bed then looked at my phone.

"Hey wake up." I said.


"Alright let's talk about something. I've been thinking about out conversation and I want to know what I can and can't fully do and what you can provide for me." I said. "Can you provide me with some super cool abilities or something like they do in anime and shit?"

[Pfft! If I could, you would've had a harem already, but I can't do that. The most I can do is turn back time when I feel it is necessary. Now onto what you can do with me, you can manually time travel.]

"Manually Time Travel?" I asked and sat up on my bed.

[To Manually Time Travel, all you have to do is take a picture of literally anything. You can do this up to only three times per day because this form of time travel actually drains your phone's battery by 33%. If your phone dies, I can't operate meaning if anything happens I can't save you unless your phone is at least able to turn on.]

"Is this the part where you tell me to try it and I waste my battery for no reason?" I asked.

[As if. Your and Courtney's future now depends on your phone.]

"Oh yeah I have a request." I said.

[I'm listening.]

"Can you also protect my mom? She was also very important to Courtney and mom has to be alive if I want to guarantee Courtney's happiness." I said.

[Sigh. Yeah alright. Any other human you wish to have me protect?]

"Not at the top of my head, but I also want to ask you by what you meant by eliminate Courtney's father from the equation." I said. "You see that could mean a lot of things especially killing someone."

[I see I have to be more specific. At the bare minimum, have him incarcerated or sent to jail. Right now you have literally zero proof of anything and I doubt Courtney will share such experiences with you since technically you and her just met today. Yeah you manage to woo her, but any hot guy can do that. You gotta show her why you are worth the time, only then can you get closer. That's all I can tell you.]

I laid back down on my bed then noticed Courtney had texted me on Instagram.

xXCocoXx: Hey, sorry I didn't text earlier! I guess I'm more famous than I thought I'd be lol

Me: The new girl generally is always the highlight of the first day lol

xXCocoXx: I guess so! Also it seems we have first period, third period, and fourth period together! I know this school year will be interesting haha!

Me: "Haha"? Geez you're more of a dork over the phone than you are in person.

xXCocoXx: And the way you text makes it seem like you're very uptight and boring~

Me: Oh haha. I do better on calls, but we are still pretty new to one another so I'm a bit cautious. I did get your Instagram a bit easily so I wanna make sure it is really you.

I didn't receive a text back from her. Instead, I received a voice note from her. I clicked play on the voice note.

"Is this good enough for you, detective?~" Courtney spoke on the voice note with a giggle.

I smiled and decided to sent my own voice note. "Yes, that's good enough for me."

She saw my message and I noticed she hearted my message then we began to chat throughout the night. She soon went to bed and I put my phone on the charger and got out of bed to get some dinner and take a shower to prepare for bed.

The next day arrived and my alarm sounded off and I groaned softly. I opened my eyes and turned off my alarm then sat up. I yawned and got out of bed then prepared for the morning. I walked downstairs and yawned then walked into the kitchen and noticed mom sipping her coffee while leaned against the counter and reading the newspaper.

"Ugh, who still reads the paper..?" I asked and opened the refrigerator.

"And good morning to you too, darling." Mom said and smiled then looked at me. "Surprised that you're up this early."

"Well...I guess I'm gonna take my senior year more seriously. Kinda." I said.

"And there it is." Mom chuckled and stopped leaning against the counter. "Make sure to be back downstairs before 8:30 alright? I got an important meeting at nine today."

"Gotcha." I said and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

She walked off as she heard her phone ringing. "Probably my supervisor right now calling me about some dumb shit."

I watched Mom walk off then smiled and began drinking my orange juice. I scrolled through my phone and noticed a post Leonidas made talking about the party that's happening in a few weeks. The host was one of his good friends and of course he was inviting me and Aden. It was a given, we were always the life of any party we went to. I did get my party animal side from Mom before she settled down. I placed my phone in my pocket and walked to the sink to wash out my glass then went back upstairs to get prepared for school.

After getting ready, I walked downstairs and met up with Mom in the garage and we got in the car then she drove off. After a few short minutes, I made it to school and got out the car then walked into the building. I walked to the cafeteria and noticed Courtney sitting alone, eating breakfast.

I sat beside her and adjusted my shirt. "The new girl shouldn't be sitting alone." I teased.

Courtney smiled and took another bite from her sausage biscuit. She closed her eyes and wiped her mouth with her napkin. "And a bad influence like you shouldn't casually be hanging around me."

I chuckled softly and lowered my head. "And who told you that? Was it Melanie?"

"Miranda." Courtney smiled.

"Yeah I figured. She's only saying that because I rejected her last year. Hey, a man's got his own tastes..." I said.

"You rejected one of the most attractive girls on campus. I hardly think you've got any taste." Courtney giggled softly and looked at me.

"Yeah? How would you define 'attractive'? Most of the guys are attracted to her tits and ass. Her face included. Yeah she's got a banging body, and a gorgeous face but that's not what defines attractiveness to me." I shrugged.

"For a guy who looks like a natural heart breaker, you're surprisingly wise." Courtney smiled.

"I am more than a handsome bad boy that the women will drop to their knees for." I smiled and stood up seeing Aden and Leonidas. "We can talk more in first period alright?"

She nodded and stood up as well to go throw away her garbage.

I made my way to Aden and Leonidas then walked with them down the hall. "Alright, how are we taking over this party? Aden, you're always the one with the reckless plans."'

"But you are the smartest one of the three, I think you should come up with the plan to take over." Aden said.

"There will be no taking over this time. This is an important party and I need this one to be in one piece alright?" Leonidas said.

"What even is this party? Why hold a party so early? I mean it's still the first semester." I said.

"It's my friend's birthday and she wants a party that won't end in you beating someone's ass." Leonidas said.

"That's fair." I shrugged.

"When is it happening?" Aden asked.

"The 21st of September. In like four weeks I believe." Leonidas said.

"Alright bet, we'll be there." Aden nodded.

The bell rang and we all headed to our first period. As we walked down the halls, I noticed two women looking at me. One of them had long black hair and green eyes and the other girl had long blonde hair and blue eyes. I noticed Courtney with them and they pointed at me as I walked down the hall by myself after splitting from Aden and Leonidas. The black hair girl was Miranda and the blonde hair girl was Melanie.

"Okay I'll see you two later!" Courtney smiled and hurried over to me. She walked beside me. "Hey, bad boy~"

"Ugh don't let those petty broads convince you that I'm some delinquent who stirs up trouble." I said then rubbed the back of my head.

"I mean you have a history based on what they say and you did say you basically rule the school." Courtney smiled.

"I never said I rule the school. You just put words in my mouth besides my history isn't even that bad." I playful bumped into her.

She smiled and stumbled a bit. "Riiiiight..~ Let's go with that..~"

I rolled my eyes and smiled.