
The one intended to protect

Marcus, a guard of a rich house, has been interested in a new game for sale called “Fantasia” because the functions were unusual for him. The system offered you three different class options tailored to your tastes or what you wanted to be. [Guardian of the capital] [Rare class]. A prestige position you will make sure that no monster or suspicious person passes the gates of the capital at any cost including your life. [This class can evolve]. [Dungeon guardian] [Rare class]. You make sure that no monster leaves the dungeon and that no adventurer passes without paying. [This class can evolve]. [Progressive guardian] [Rare class]. You will start from the bottom of a guard, but you will also be able to climb from the top of the guard job. [This class can evolve.] But the world of “Fantasia” was more than just hunting monsters, manufacturing monsters or waging great wars, you could say that it was child's play. This novel will contain several delicate issues.

therock · Fantasy
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27 Chs


I covered the arrow with my round shield and tried to attack the archer, but I saw that more arrows were heading towards me, I tried to block as many as I could with my shield or dodge them, but my shield was not big enough to be able to block the impact of all of them, so an arrow hit my shoulder.

"Ambush!" I shouted I couldn't hold with so many arrows I didn't know their number, but they were more than ten and also with my shout I put the other guards on alert.

More arrows came towards me, I tried to dodge or block them, but again an arrow hit me in the other shoulder my shield and sword handling had reduced I tried to get closer to the archers, but a sword came out of the bushes I dodged the sword getting closer was not an option they were a bigger group than our caravan.

I didn't know what to do, we were surrounded, and it was a matter of time before they would finish us off, I had to do something but what?

Another batch of arrows headed towards me and I did my best to dodge them this time none of them hit me, but I was more tired I had to make a decision I heard battle noises from the other side of the caravan, so I guessed that all the guards gathered to fight together and left me alone on this side.

If I was going to support them, I was already wounded, and it was possible they would surround us if I retreated to the other side. I had to make the decision to support them or resist on this side and wait long enough for the other guards to take care of their side and help me.

Choose to resist.

The arrows are not infinite, at some point they would run out, but at what point? 

Didn't I feel too much pain, was this still a game? I really died, and now I'm in the game if that, so shouldn't I kill humans from now on? But I've never killed a person, and in my situation I had to kill, or I would be killed. Camus had no idea what to do. 

Camus' whole body was shaking with the thoughts in his head, he was becoming a coward, and in that moment of Camus' confusion the archers fired once more.

Camus with his attention clouded in his thoughts did not expect the arrows, it was as if he had never been in a battlefield, as a result of losing his concentration five arrows hit different parts of his body.

I am losing too much blood, I need to concentrate or I will die, I will redefine myself at the right time.

I dodged round after round of arrows while dodging I tried to gather information with the little time I had before they fired again there were 10 archers shooting at me, I only knew it was one for now it could be more, so I moved away from the bushes.

After a while the arrows stopped coming, in total there had been 15 rounds of arrows each man was carrying 15 arrows and shooting them at the same time the arrows were gone, but the threat was still here.

I was too tired, my body was covered with arrows and I was bleeding out very fast, but I had to keep resisting.

The bushes moved five men with swords came out of them and went straight at me as I got into defense position the ten archers came out with swords at me, a total of fifteen against me.