In the last few days I have been helping people I didn't care if they paid me or not the food was enough in a way I also liked helping these people I was their [Guardian] after all, but I couldn't help thinking about how Jax's life is going I feel some guilt for leaving without even saying goodbye and of course I can't help worrying about Eva that's not what a man would do, but can I consider myself a man with all I have done? I don't even know.
I was carrying large logs in both hands, piling them up in one place for others to pick up, but suddenly I was hearing a small voice I looked around without any indication of finding that voice "Hey! You" I looked below me and found the voice I was looking for I bent down but still the girl looked very small "Sorry for not, noticing you earlier" Camus said as he scratched his hair nervously "Never mind are you Camus?" Spoke this stranger, his soft and melodious voice impressed Camus, and he responded instantly " Yes I am Camus, do you need help with something?" Camus responded with a certain respect " Come with me" Said, Camus without much more to lose accompanied her.
I accompanied this young woman until we stopped at a house that at first glance looked disgusting, although it also looked pretty big I took me inside the house, and it smelled really bad but not that bad I could still breathe normally but as I walked the wood creaked a lot I feared it would happen to me until I walked, and I heard a big "Crack" When I took my foot out a big hole appeared and several bugs came out "Young lady I think this needs something more than muscle" Camus said shyly as different types of insects I had never seen before came out of the hole "Young lady? " Camus pronounced louder "I'm a man" In his tone of voice I could tell he was annoyed "You're a man!?" I said still hesitantly as I stared at him more intently.
A snow-white straight hair a beautiful pale skin with no imperfections, the shape of his eyes was big and round accompanied by a beautiful green iris. {How could he be a man and with such a mesmerizing voice} "Hey, do you know that looking so much at a lady is impolite?". In her tone of voice there was mockery directed at Camus, but he was even more confused "You can't be a man" Camus spoke more firmly " Well I do, my name is Lin I like you" He said with a beautiful smile, Camus still didn't believe him "Well if you say so" Camus was still bent over and when he stood up again Lin became even more diminutive {What a problem}. Camus scratched his hair again it would be hard enough to hear him with that height, to Camus everyone was short, but he was the shortest thing he had ever seen.
{This damn helmet is so damn uncomfortable} Jax thought as he was pricing some products he had previously purchased, so why did he have the helmet? To get used to it and a change in appearance took time, plus the only place he could remove his helmet was at home, so though as he designated the numbers he saw something familiar that he couldn't help but stare at even if his gaze was reduced thanks to the helmet.
"Slaves..." Jax whispered, he hated slaves not for nothing did he earn his nickname " The Master" He earned this nickname because he played a game with the slaves if they answered correctly he would free them and if not he would cut out their tongues "Who was the previous dwarf king?" That was one of several questions that no slave could answer, and if hopefully the slave possessed some knowledge, he would free him. They see me into their eyes sometimes hoping to free them from their chains and just laughed in their faces in that game I always won even if they answered me I would free them anyway they would die from the beast's dehydration or starvation, from the first moment there was no hope. Although I still hated them, I had to change, and hopefully I could fulfill my childhood dream of being the best merchant.
But what was the reason for this hatred, even to give up his dream?
I had become indebted to several nobles to buy several products of great value, I exhibited them in a large street where the citizens looked with desire the objects that I sold, the nobles came and bought that day I remember it as a great triumph until the night.
Toss a gold coin from a cloth bag and speak calmly "Quiet guys" I was surrounded by several slaves who apparently had escaped, " Give us everything!" One of them pulled out a knife, i saw my somewhat terrified look and my face that started to sweat in the reflection of the weapon " I'm sorry I can't" I threw nine more coins, but they kept coming closer while the others picked up the coins I threw " Jax you should never have let those slaves free they told us all about you" A mocking smile formed on his face as he licked his knife.
That night I ended up naked.