
The one in the Shadows

Grindelwald was said to have claimed the throne of the Dark lord which was later taken by Voldemort. But there is nothing about the Dark lord who made the throne, the one true Dark lord forgotten by wizardkind...The story of a wizard who changed the course of both the muggle and wizarding world alike. The story of a man whose deeds paved the path for the future Dark wizards who would overshadow him; Gellert Grindelwald and He who must not be named -- Lord Voldemort. This is my job as a benefactor of the wizarding world to enlighten all wizardkind of a this monster in man's disguise.

Thushar_S_A · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Somewhere, year-1399

It was raining heavily outside, the shore was barely visible outside, it was a storm. So was the situation inside the house. The mother had been in labour for the past few hours; each passing second an agony to her. She had already passed out a few times due to the pain. The helpers could barely do anything to reduce the pain except giving suggestions. It was nearly midnight when there was a loud rumbling of thunder; the clock chimed at the same time and the storm outside increased. It's sound was enhanced with the loud bawling of the just born child which was muffled by the sound inside and outside. He was born; the Dark lord was born. Burkhart König was finally born, already taking his mother's life in exchange for his breath.


Six years later,

Burk unlike the other children his rarely went out spending all his time either in the library or his mother's room or he used to call it, his laboratory. He barely used to come out for days together once he went into either the library or his mother's room. The boy slowly started to show signs of magic like the time he made a boy hang upside down for bullying him.

This incident finally earned his father's recognition, the members of the household were scared of what might happen between the father and the son; they had seen and experienced the wrath of their Master and their young master too. But what happened between the two was different from what they expected would happen. Mr. König took Burk to a lake where he started to teach the young man in controlling his powers.


After a few days, Burk was going back to the same lake he went the last time with his father this time, armed because he had been feeling that from the past few days he was being followed by someone. When he finally reached the lake, he saw his father lying face first into the ground and pool of blood all around him. He was suddenly jumped on by his bully who screamed for help; within a few minutes the entire village was standing murmuring between themselves and scolding the innocent boy. The entire village came to the descison to contact the sheriffs only for enforcers of the Wizengamot came to take him for a trial.

That incident changed the young six and a half year old boy into something they didn't expect.