

After being stripped of everything including a home during a massacre, ten years down the road, Alpha Alex, is still trying to find a safe haven for the remaining pack members. He led his remaining pack members and learned to live among humans while carrying the burden of who they were. Along with the responsibility on his back, he struggles with accepting that maybe there was no mate for him. But after spending a night with a lady who left her scent on his bed and mind. A scent he regrets not understanding earlier. Being rejected was like carrying a dark mark on her forehead for Malia; her mother did it first, and her father held the painful candle longer, which became such a big scar for her. But when she wakes up in a stranger's bed after making a bittersweet decision, she will either regret it, or it could be a path she was searching for. She is with a piece of him, and he with her scent. Malia tries to come to terms with her new life, not knowing that her life had changed when she gave herself to him. She is the ONE, is all Alex sings, but he doesn't know where to find her. She could be the second chance for him to find happiness again, and him, a home she never had. If it's fate, it could be it for both Alpha Alex and Malia. Read the story to follow Alpha Alex and his Luna as they try to find a safe home for the wolves while fighting every thread on their way to happiness

Aloyo2008 · Urban
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93 Chs

Chapter 19

Alex looked at his friend, who looked like he wanted to die, and he felt for him. He loved Chris like a brother, and killing was not what he wanted to do. Picking his phone, he called old man Eliot, asked him to deal with all the others, and told him to send Cross over.

Daniel looked at his Alpha, and his eyes turned red. He felt Alex's pain; the need to punish Chris was evident because that is what an Alpha is supposed to do to anyone who betrays the family. But the question of what next bugged him too.

Alex knew that he would never forgive himself if he really killed Chris. Yes, Chris betrayed him, but there wasn't anything significant that he did that warranted his death. It wasn't a sin to be born as an enemy's son. Looking at Chris through the screen, he didn't see a hardened criminal; his heart still told him that the person sitting in the other room wasn't a foe but a friend.

'knock knock'

"Come in, Cross," Alex said softly.

Cross came in and bowed in respect to his Alpha. "You called for me, Alpha."

"Yes, I did. Take Christopher to a hotel and please get him clothes to change into and food to eat.

Daniel could only smile. He felt better after hearing that. At least his Alpha will sleep better tonight.

As Cross closed the door behind him, he seemed lost in thought as if trying to understand the Alpha's thought process. He at least breathed a sigh of relief. Most of them liked Chris; he didn't seem like the monster Denis put him to be. Yes, he might have done some things behind the Alpha, but he never did much to make the others feel threatened.

'well, what do I know' Cross was confused the more he thought it through. It was better to leave the thinking to those who have the time. He will only act according to the orders given.

Back in the surveillance room, Daniel pat Alex on the back in a comforting way and bowed "Alpha" He left the room since he needed to go and see his crazy mate who wouldn't stop calling him.

Alex stood up and left, too; he needed to go back to the office because of pending work, especially since he had cut his business trip short. While he waited for the elevator to open, a call came in from his assistant Arnold.

"Yes," He answered, and a loud voice came from the other side of the line. He had to pull the phone away from his ears.

"Arnold," He warned. His secretary was always enthusiastic about one thing or the other, and he never cared whether it was through a phone call or a physical report.

After the call with Arnold, Alex seemed to be in an improved mood. But, apparently, Mr. Malcom, the client he had traveled to meet with, was displeased by what he did and decided that he would travel to meet him physically.

Whatever it was, the situation was a win-win for Alex. He settled the issue with the hunters, not all of it, but he somehow managed to calm the waters. Alex believed the peace and quiet could last them for some time at least. He was sorry to the family of the two wolves who had died fighting, but anything beyond financial help, there was nothing else that he could do.

While in the elevator, thoughts of Malia crossed his mind, but he also didn't forget that she was human. one who was probably ignorant about the existence of werewolves and too innocent. He feared tainting her, but she was his, which pleased him a lot. He looked at his hands and remembered how soft her body felt when he had carried her earlier. Her hair was silky, accompanied by her smooth skin. The moon goddess might have really witnessed his pain and decided to give him perfection as a Luna. He didn't know her that much but he was never a bad judge of character and he wasn't going to start by analyzing his mate.

As he stood there in the elevator, Alex was ignorant of the smile plastering his face, had he not seen it through the mirrors in the elevator. He coughed and straightened his court as if to caution his behavior, but he couldn't help the smile that was escaping. He was indeed happy to find a mate.

Daniel drove to his apartment, which was now shared with Luna. He didn't know how he was supposed to behave with her since the Alpha said nothing, and Luna was also ignorant of who she was. What are the odds that Luna turned out to be the best friend of his mate? He just prayed that she wasn't another crazy lunatic like Amber.

Yes, he loved Amber, but that girl was something else when she was angry or worried. He was so scared in the hospital when he saw her but became concerned when he saw her crying. With all her craziness, he would definitely kill for her. Daniel loved Amber with all that he was and he wasn't afraid to show her.

Anyway, he was glad that he had her and that now the Alpha had Malia too. As he drove, he passed by a snack store and remembered that Amber loved to eat specific snacks. So he decided to get her some and buy more since she had company.

When he got to the door of his house, he didn't know whether to ring the bell or go indirectly. The apartment was his, but his Luna was also in there. To respect everyone, especially his Alpha, Daniel knew what to do. What a disturbing situation. He decided to call Amber and asked her to pack him a bag. He, later on, sent the Alpha a message telling him that he was going to spend the night at his.

Amber had really missed her mate, but she didn't know how to act given the situation. Had it been earlier, when Malia was just an average human, she would have gotten her a place to live. But now, she turned out to be her Luna. Therefore, even if the apartment belonged to her and her man, they had to wait and see what the Alpha would do.

Malia came into the living room and saw a bag of snacks. She was excited and decided to pick one to eat. As she munched silently while watching, Amber, who was in the kitchen drinking water, looked at her and thought sarcastically, 'please eat more, Queen.' The fact that she turned out to be Luna made her the boss.

The snack seemed delicious to Malia, but she decided to control herself when she felt h finger wanting to pick another. She didn't forget who she was despite the kindness shown to her. She had seen Amber taking a bag out, but she returned with snacks. It might have been her boyfriend Denis, who, out of respect for her decided to lodge somewhere else.

She felt so guilty and told herself to find somewhere else to live. With a promise to go apartment hunting tomorrow, Malia got up and left to go to the guest room. She wasn't going to be an inconvenience forever.