
The one eyed ghoul.

Title: The One-Eyed Ghoul Simon Ichigo, a teenager, is brutally attacked by his lover, who reveals their true nature as a ghoul. As Simon lies dying, he is transformed into a half-human, half-ghoul creature, earning him the moniker "One-Eyed Ghoul". Forced to flee his home, Simon is trapped by his ghoul lover, who is building an army to destroy humanity. As Simon struggles to maintain his humanity, he is torn between his loyalty to his fellow humans and his newfound connection to the ghoul world. With his existence a threat to both humans and ghouls, Simon must navigate this treacherous new world and find a way to escape his captor's clutches. But will he be able to reclaim his life, or will he succumb to his new existence and join the fight against humanity? This dark and thrilling tale explores the blurred lines between love, loyalty, and survival, as Simon fights to maintain his humanity in a world where he no longer fully belongs.

midshiftbeliever · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Traces of blood.

    Taking a battle stance and pulling off his jacket. He's confidence level went up and

his smile became even more convincing. He let out a short chuckle and glared at

me with those brown eyes.

"The practice round is over. Time to get


         This fight just got fascinating, and injured Suzame, got his new gear weapon. A three section staff connected by three rings between

the joints of the weapon, it was called the Japanese playful cloud. Color red and looked dangerous in his hands. It was a hard weapon to handle, mostly used by high level samurais but how did he get his hands on it.

  "don't disappoint me now…one eyed ghoul". He muttered and launched himself at me. Swinging his playful cloud at me. I dodged it easily but the shear great force of wind

was enough to push a car. I attacked him with my Kagune, and he replied with his weapon holding it out. The ground crashed as our weapons clashed, he let

out a smirk and pushed back. I was rather shocked as he repelled me back and

held off my Kagune, such strength but he is bleeding. How can he move like

this, a bleeding person.


lose now! Suzame snapped and rushed forward again. I used my Phoenix dive to rain

spikes on him, he dodged it quickly and appeared in my face.

"what the- I muttered to myself as his

movements were fast and completely unpredictable. He kept snarling this entire

time and wiped his playful cloud in my face. I blocked it with my Kagune, but

he swirled quickly and wiped me in the neck with third staff end. I crashed

into the wall and groaned in agony, I was shocked as the teen stood. Glaring on

me in disappointment and disgust.

"I thought you were strong. Pfft, pathetic". He

muttered and heard me chuckling. "what's so funny? Suzame asked and I got up.

"One hit, ain't gonna cut it. Loser". I

murmured and vanished, reappearing behind him and wiping him aside with my

Kagune. He rolled along the surface of the ground with speed, using his weapon

to get a hold of himself. He cough out blood and looked to see me up in the

air, crashing down on him again.


shifted just in time and I slammed my feet against the empty ground. I tripled

my Kagune and hastened my wiping speed, sending multiple slashes at him. He was

faster than expected, using his weapon to repel every slash. We kept this on,

for at least two or more minutes and then he placed each staff to the ground,

forcing the pressure to propel his body up. I looked up and as he dragged his

weapon down to hit me, I too had mine up to wipe him.


clash was loud and huge, sending waves that destroy the entire houses around

the scene. The ground shattered into a thousand pieces and the area vibrated. I

groaned and waved him upward. He landed behind me, not stopping as he launched

himself at me again. I wasn't definitely going to lose, so I pumped up more

adrenaline and rushed at him. Both of us snarling with confidence as we neared

each other. We apparently passed through each other, installing cuts on each

other. He crashed to the floor, looking all weak and tired. I had snapped his

right hand, breaking it and clearly, ending any possible move of an attack from


"Guess it ends here". I murmured as my wounds healed. He got up from the floor, struggling a bit and bleeding profusely. He glared at me, clearing his blurry vision that was blocked by blood, that dripped from his hair.

"guess you are actually stronger than I thought. But…I can't give up now". Suzame muttered and raised his head, tears slid down

his left eye and my eyes went wide open.

"You're crying, Suzame". I murmured and stepped closer to him.

"Stay away! You have no idea what it's like,

coming home to an empty house. No papa or mother, nothing but your own guilt

and pain". He snapped and I paused. I definitely could relate to what he just

said. Besides I had left home, away from my parents to join Yumeko's community.

"I know what's that like. To lose your family,

I lost mine to. My family think am lost or perhaps dead". I muttered and caught

a glimpse of his stare.

"shut up! My family was murdered my a ghoul. I ran away with my little sister, I couldn't even protect her. I joined the Manhunter core, vowing to kill all ghouls, until I found him". He snapped again and groaned at his broken arm.

"Well, you can't defeat him with that body". I

murmured and heard him wailing out in pain and frustration.

"I hate you…I freaking hate you. You monsters,

man eater counts. You are all the same, I kill every last one of you". He snapped trying to get up to his feet. Eventually, he ell over and blood spilled right out his mouth. He gripped his limb as it hurt him and I stared with a

sympathetic face.

"One hit and you're dead". I whispered from my position as my Kagune was still souring in the hair.

"I'll do you one better. I find the

ghoul and kill him myself. Tell me, what's he look like? I asked and he glared

at me, unresponsive. I glared back at him and felt odd at my own statement.

"Like you can kill him". Suzame scoffed and I squeezed my face.

"my offer ain't gonna last long". I said in a

serious voice. He let out a smirk, whispering words to himself.

"I won't let you kill him. He is my responsibility, but I can assure you this duel of ours, I don't go down easy. The ghoul I seek is in your community, so you can't help me kill him. I also hear that he is in fact among your high ranked officers". Suzame said and I

thought to myself who would that be.

"Fascinating. There are a lot of them". I

muttered and he scoffed.

"he wears a blue cover all, just like yours but

blue". He emphasized and looked aside.

"There's nothing you can do about it.

Besides, only I will kill this beast". He grunt and groaned again in pain. He

jumped up, limping on leg for a while and then picked up his weapon.

"Hey clown face! He called out and I didn't

respond, but glared at him. I was thinking of what he had just said, but he

didn't care more or less.

"It was nice practicing with you. Next time I see you, I do sure to kill you". He said with confidence and walked away, dragging

his playful cloud on the floor.

      I stood there glaring at him as he walked away. My mind fixated on a certain

thought. The monster who attacked Suzame's family is in our community and high

on ranking as well. Wears a blue…

"Blue? Blue? Blue?...Blue? I kept stuttering

the words as I remembered a member of Yumeko's men on a blue cover all. It was

none other than him.

"So Suzame, you are saying that the ghoul who murdered your family is Blue bird".