
The one eyed ghoul.

Title: The One-Eyed Ghoul Simon Ichigo, a teenager, is brutally attacked by his lover, who reveals their true nature as a ghoul. As Simon lies dying, he is transformed into a half-human, half-ghoul creature, earning him the moniker "One-Eyed Ghoul". Forced to flee his home, Simon is trapped by his ghoul lover, who is building an army to destroy humanity. As Simon struggles to maintain his humanity, he is torn between his loyalty to his fellow humans and his newfound connection to the ghoul world. With his existence a threat to both humans and ghouls, Simon must navigate this treacherous new world and find a way to escape his captor's clutches. But will he be able to reclaim his life, or will he succumb to his new existence and join the fight against humanity? This dark and thrilling tale explores the blurred lines between love, loyalty, and survival, as Simon fights to maintain his humanity in a world where he no longer fully belongs.

midshiftbeliever · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


After the short reunion, which blew in my head but not physically. I got up and after she review a few details on how they were taken and who could possibly do it. It was clear why she hid around the city as no one decided to help her. But I was here now, maybe disguised but I was here.

I followed her to a supposed stake out location, we could see everything from where we stood. I stared at a warehouse near a dock sail, perhaps the people who took them were criminal. Clearly in need of money but either way, I would ruin their lives.

I offered her to stay put that I would be the only one entering the wear house. I made he promise that she won't enter no matter what she heard. Although, she kept asking me questions about her brother and not calling the police. I strolled calmly into the place and took my time, blowing the front door open.

I wanted to end this who stuff quickly, before man hunters shows up. Just as I thought, it was criminals who needed money. I took my time, ignoring there annoying speech at me. The sight of my parents tied up, in a chair made me pissed but I remained calm. I knew I couldn't fight with my ghoul Kagune, so obviously I will have to use my hands in this fight.

"Hey punk, am talking to you. What the hell are you?! A man in a black singlet and baggy shorts snapped at me. He had an orange hair cut and mustache.

I sighed as imagined this battle to be pretty easy. I glanced around the small warehouse and counted them. 7, no 8. I hissed as this seemed stressful but I can get my family back on track now. At least, I might be a ghoul but I can save them. But first I need them to be the one to attack me first and of course, have to use normal weapons and not my Kagune. I didn't want my folks to know I was a ghoul or whatever.

"Come at me, bastards". I muttered in a low voice and had them launch themselves at me. I dodged a their attacks and launched a counter. It was pretty easy, since I was already trained to fight and clearly was a boss at it. I beat them all up and had them laid on the ground.

I sighed and stepped over to my terrified parents, who mumbled words as their lips was sealed. I paused as I heard a rolling sound, turning back slowly to see a grenade being thrown by one of the men. I swinged my right foot and kicked it up in the air, it blow up and creates a dust filled cloud.

"Thank you son. Who are you exactly? My father asked as I ripped his cuffs apart. I kept my eyes away from his questionable gaze as I refused to answer the question. But I can assure they were watery with tears.

"He's Suzame. A friend of Ichigo! Eugene snapped out and came out her hiding place in the corners of the barrel.

"Eugene?! I snapped out and she ran over to give me a sweet hug. I had my body shiver as she muttered.

"thanks…Suzame". I wanted to come clean and explain who I was but before I could even say a word. I felt my father's hand on my shoulder, my mother's beautiful smile at me. I was starting to give in, even further when my father muttered.

"You sound…just like Ichigo, our son". My father stuttered and I turned and looked at him.

"True… amongst all his friends, I haven't met one named Suzame". My mother muttered rubbing her chin.

"M…m..". I bite my lower lip, underneath my mask as I was hurting inside.

"Thanks again for saving us, kid or should I say…Ichigo". My father spoke and I widened my vision. He called me by my name, tapping my back again. I turned to look at him as he give me an assuring smile.

"Ichigo? You're Ichigo right? Eugene asked and I couldn'tbreak myself to speak. I fell over and screamed in agony. I felt the reunion of a family brewing and I was surly not going to stop it.

"How did you know? I asked as I took my mask off.

"Easy. The voice, battle stance remembered me of my early days, you know. Plus when you were dodging their attacks, I caught a rare glimpse of your face and that's how I knew, you were Ichigo".

"Dad, mother, Eugene". I cried out and gave them a hug. We hugged for a long time, seeing them a excited and happy to see me.

"where have you been? My mother asked and I knew I had to lie.

"I travelled with Milo. We got lost a bit but made it back". I muttered and expected a scoff somewhere.

"Come on son, no need to lie to your old man". My father grinned.

"Fine! I sighed and looked back at them, with a look of seriousness. "I was at Yumeko's. She had me there and my phone was in bad shape, so I used hers to contact Eugene after I heard

"what happened". I scoffed and got a wide stare.

"Yumeko? Oh yeah, the beautiful girl. But big brother, why wear mask. It's like you didn't want to know it was you". Eugene asked and I snarled, biting my lower lip as lying was not in my strong suit.

"that because, he didn't want you to know who he is". A voice muttered and stepped forward. I and my family turned to see Suzame, standing with his playful cloud tool and smirking at me.

"Suzame? I muttered in a low voice.

"That's right, it's bad when you take someone's phone". He muttered and smirked again.

"Who is he? Do you know him, Ichigo? My father asked but I was still processing the situation and couldn't answer.

"Am a man hunter! Silver rated case. Killer of ghouls, right Ichi? He called out even my nick name given to me by Yumeko and j staggered with fear.

There were other foot steps heard nd two extra man hunters stepped forward, taking to his sides. One of them was using a gun and I remembered him immediately, he was the one who shot me in the head in the early chapter. The second one, colored green eyes, brown hair and serious face was using a sledgehammer.

"shit…" I muttered as I knew I would definitely need to use my Kagune now and my family will discover that I am a ghoul.

I just want to say Thank you to everyone who have been reading so far. I really appreciate the love and support.

I urge you all to keep supporting me. Thanks alot.

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