
The one beauty

After a relationship gone wrong, Mia locks herself in her new apartment and never comes out. She looks at the mirror everyday and hates her appearance, her boyfriend left her for an old classmate and called her hideous and that’s why she was acting like this. She wasn’t what people would call pretty in fact she was the opposite, she didn’t have a good appearance and she had no talents. She couldn’t take it anymore and jumped off her apartment roof She speaks with a voice that claims god has taken pity on her and she suddenly wakes up in a room..... she’s a kid?! And her family is hiding her because she drop dead gorgeous? Mia is transported into a world where men are as handsome as they can get and women are the opposite how will she survive knowing she’s the most beautiful girl in the world? “Um god this isn’t what I meant when I wished to be beautiful”

lazypotato21674 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Meeting mom and dad

I opened my eyes to see a hideous woman looking at me

" my baby girl your awake!" The woman screamed while sobbing

I sat up straight and stared at her with eyes wide

The woman was to busy crying to notice

I observed her

She had blue metallic like hair, and amber eyes, her hands were wrinkled and her head was a little to small for her body

Suddenly it felt like someone slapped me in the face i quickly layed back down and groaned

Suddenly all these memories that didn't belong to me began forming in my mind

[ this must be what the voice was talking about when they said I would receive the original host's memories] I thought

I looked at the woman again and spoke

"It's ok mama I'm ok please don't cry" I said sweetly

[ woah~ my voice really changed I like it! ]

I used my hand to wipe the tears out of her eyes

She chuckled and kissed my forehead

At that time a very attractive man walked in

The memories told me he was my father but this man was so incredibly handsome

He had wavy amethyst hair and blue eyes that shown like crystals

" well looks like the little stinker finally woke up" my dad said as he jokingly rubbed my head

"Ouch dad stop it!" I screamed while laughing

"Ok, ok akemi quiet down" he said grinning

I nodded but was smirking at how funny my new father was

In my other life my parents hated me and favored my other siblings (mostly because they were more successful, career wise)

My mother wiped her tears and said

"Well I'll serve you some breakfast, you just rest here" she said

My father put his arms around my mother and hugged her for a bit then they both walked off together holding hands

[ how romantic ] I thought while grinning at their cute behavior

I got up for the bed and almost tripped

[ ouch this is a really weak body, I'll have to try to train it to be stronger ]

I wobbled to a mirror and stared at awe at the person looking back at me

I looked just like the photo the voice showed me

I had my mothers silver - blue hair and my fathers crystal light blue eyes, my skin was as smooth as milk, and my overall appearance was stunning

I stared at the outfit I was wearing although the dress was unsettling to look at her appearance and face went well with it some how

"Who knew that all I needed to do to be happy was be pretty" I whispered to myself in a low voice

I crawled up onto my bed and lay there for a few minutes before mother came back with some food

The meal she prepared was eggs, two strips of bacon, and an apple

I ate it all (which made mother really happy)

After eating, my parents told me to take a nap and rest a little

While laying in the dark I started remembering the memories I got minutes ago

My new name was akemi Yamamoto

[ Just like the voice said it would be ]

I'm a daughter of a poor farmer, I sleep and eat in the basement because of my parents fear that someone will see me

To make up for it they try their best to raise me with the best luxuries they can afford

[ Which isn't much but that doesn't matter ]

The only people who know I exist is my mother,father, and some VERY close family members

Other then those people nobody in the public knows about me

I'm not able to attend school because once again, my parents are afraid of how I'll be treated with the appearance I have

In this world a person can only have one lover so my parents remind me constantly that I need to be careful when picking someone

Thinking all of this through I let all this information sink in

"Well god you made beautiful enough to the point of my parents being scared of it" I whispered softly

"Um god this isn't what I meant when I wished to be beautiful" I chuckled softly as I let the silence of the night put me to sleep