

In a world abandoned by The Almighty, ancient malevolent forces have resurfaced, vying for supremacy across the realms. However, these primal demons pale in comparison to the true threat that looms – Genesis, a mere human. With the departure of God, Genesis, a believer who once feared him, finally will be able to unleash his unrestrained ambitions upon others. Will the absence of divinity pave the way for his profane conquest?

Freakshow · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The Devil Within

Genesis' eyes snapped open while drinking his wine, twin infernos blazing in the depths of his transformed gaze.

The world around him swam into focus, the shadowy chamber materializing as his heightened senses adjusted to this new reality.

Every nerve ending crackled with raw, unfettered power - the Abyssal gifts now fully integrated into his being.

"My faithful Jezebel," he intoned, his voice a chorus of a thousand damned souls. "I have to admit.

Your work is beyond reproach.

You have remade me, forged me anew in the crucible of cosmic horror."

Jezebel fell to her knees, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of his presence. "My lord," she gasped, her voice trembling with barely contained excitement. "You are magnificent.

If perfection had a name, it would be Genesis."

As Jezebel took a sip of the red wine, drinking in every detail of her master's transformed visage, Genesis felt a sudden, violent pulse deep within his core.

The world around him blurred, reality itself seeming to tear at the seams.

In the span of a heartbeat, the warmth of the bar chamber was replaced by a biting, otherworldly cold.

Genesis found himself seated upon frozen ground, a desolate wasteland stretching as far as the eye could see.

Before him, upon a throne of fused bone and smoldering brimstone, sat a figure both awe-inspiring and terrible to behold.

The being's form was that of an angel, yet corrupted and twisted by eons of hatred and rebellion.

Six magnificent wings, their feathers scorched and tattered, spread out behind him like a cloak of fallen divinity.

A crown of shadows adorned his brow, and his eyes burned with the fires of a thousand dying stars.

"Welcome, usurper," the figure spoke, his voice a symphony of broken harmonies. "I've been waiting an eternity for this moment."

Genesis met the being's gaze unflinchingly, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Lucifer, I presume?

I must say, your accommodations leave much to be desired.

No wonder you're so desperate to break free."

Lucifer's laughter echoed across the barren plain, a sound that could drive lesser minds to madness. "Oh, you are a bold one, aren't you?

I can see why my gifts found you... interesting."

"Your gifts?" Genesis arched an eyebrow. "I believe you mean my gifts now.

After all, I'm the one who claimed them, who mastered their power.

You're nothing more than a fading memory, old man."

The Morningstar's eyes flashed dangerously, but his lips curled into an amused smile. "Such arrogance.

It reminds me of myself, eons ago.

Tell me, little Genesis, what grand plans have you concocted with your stolen power?

What petty rebellion do you think you can wage?"

Genesis leaned forward, his own eyes blazing with inner fire. "Petty?

Oh no, Lucifer.

What I have planned will make your fall from grace look like a child's temper tantrum.

I will remake reality itself, forge a new cosmos from the ashes of the old."

"Bold words," Lucifer mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "But tell me, how do you intend to succeed where I failed?

I, who led a third of the Heavenly Host in revolt against the Almighty?"

A cruel smile spread across Genesis' face. "You mean how you got your ass handed to you by some pre-existence demons?


Your failure is precisely why I'll succeed.

I have no grand delusions of challenging God directly.

Luckily for me, God has fled, paving the way for my grand design.

My war will be fought in the shadows, corrupting and twisting His creation until it crumbles under its own weight."

Lucifer threw his head back and roared with laughter, the sound shaking the very foundations of this pocket dimension. "Oh, my dear boy.

You truly are a chip off the old block, aren't you?" His eyes gleamed with a mixture of pride and amusement.

"I'm almost tempted to simply sit back and watch you work."

Genesis narrowed his eyes, a flicker of confusion passing across his features. "What do you mean, 'chip off the old block'? Why did you call me 'son' earlier?"

The fallen angel waved a hand dismissively. "All in good time, Genesis.

For now, let's focus on the matter at hand.

You've claimed my gifts, yes, but do you truly understand the power you now wield? The responsibility that comes with it?"

"Responsibility?" Genesis scoffed. "I didn't pursue this power out of some misguided sense of duty.

I took it because it was there for the taking, because I am the only one worthy of wielding it."

Lucifer's expression grew serious, his voice taking on a tone of ancient wisdom tinged with sorrow. "And therein lies the trap, my boy.

The same hubris that led to my own downfall.

You speak of remaking reality, but have you considered the cost?

The weight of countless souls that will be crushed beneath your ambitions?"

For a moment, Genesis was taken aback by the unexpected depth in Lucifer's words.

He had always imagined the Devil as a being of pure malevolence, not this complex figure before him.

"Since when does the Prince of Lies concern himself with the fate of souls?" Genesis challenged, recovering his composure.

Lucifer's eyes grew distant, as if gazing across the vast expanse of time itself. "I have had an eternity to reflect on my choices, Genesis.

To witness the consequences of my rebellion play out across the tapestry of creation.

Do not mistake my words for regret - I would make the same choice again in a heartbeat.

But I have gained... perspective."

He leaned forward on his throne, fixing Genesis with an intense stare. "You stand now at a crossroads, much as I once did.

The power you have claimed comes with a price, one that will reshape your very essence. Are you prepared for that transformation?

To become something other than human, to bear the burden of divinity cast aside?"

Genesis met Lucifer's gaze unflinchingly, his voice filled with unwavering conviction. "I abandoned my humanity long ago, Morningstar.

Whatever price this power demands, I will pay it gladly.

I will become a god among insects, and nothing - not Heaven, Hell, or anything in between - will stand in my way."

A sad smile played across Lucifer's lips. "Such certainty.

I remember when I too believed my path was clear, my destiny assured.

Very well, then. If you are so convinced of your course, then perhaps it is time for you to relinquish control."

Genesis tensed, sensing a shift in the air around them. "What are you talking about?"

Lucifer rose from his throne, his full terrible majesty on display. "Did you think you could simply take my power without consequence?

That I would fade away, a passive observer in my own demise?

No, my willful child.

It is time for you to surrender this vessel and allow your dark lord to continue his great work."

"Never," Genesis snarled, rising to his feet as well. "This body is mine, this power is mine.

I didn't come this far to become a puppet for a fallen tyrant."

The Morningstar's eyes flashed with dangerous amusement. "Oh, but you misunderstand, Genesis.

You have no choice in the matter.

Your body, your very soul, now belongs to me.

You have been marked by the Beast 666.

Resistance is futile."

With those words, Lucifer extended a hand wreathed in hellfire.

Genesis felt an incredible pressure building within him, as if his very essence was being torn apart and reassembled.

He gritted his teeth, fighting against the overwhelming force threatening to subsume his consciousness.




Yield," he ground out, each word a battle against the crushing weight of Lucifer's will.

The fallen angel's assault intensified, waves of eldritch energy battering against the foundations of Genesis' psyche.

Visions of cosmic horror flashed before his eyes - the true face of creation, stripped bare of all illusion and laid out in its terrible, incomprehensible glory.

Genesis screamed, a primal sound of defiance and agony.

He felt as if he was being unmade, every atom of his being pulled apart and scattered to the cosmic winds.

Time lost all meaning in this realm of torment - it could have been seconds or centuries that passed as Lucifer attempted to break his will.

Through it all, Genesis clung to a singular thought, a beacon of purpose that refused to be extinguished:

This power is mine.

I am the master of my own destiny.

As suddenly as it had begun, the assault ceased.

Genesis found himself on his knees, laughing manically in the frigid air of the wasteland. Lucifer stood before him, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Impressive," the Morningstar mused. "Few have ever withstood my full might.

Perhaps I underestimated you after all, my willful child."

Genesis struggled to his feet, his entire being aching from the ordeal but his spirit unbroken. "I am no one's child, Lucifer.

Not yours, not God's, not anyone's.

I forge my own path."

A proud smile spread across Lucifer's face. "So you do.

Very well, Genesis.

You have proven yourself worthy of the power you've claimed.

Go forth and bring chaos to creation.

But remember this - I will be watching, always.

And should you falter, should your resolve weaken for even a moment, I will be there to claim what is rightfully mine."

Before Genesis could respond, the world around him began to blur once more.

The last thing he saw was Lucifer's enigmatic smile before reality snapped back into focus with jarring suddenness.

He found himself standing in the bar chamber, mere moments having passed since his transformation.

A trickle of blood ran from his nose, the only outward sign of the cosmic battle that had just taken place within his mind.

Jezebel rushed to his side, concern etched across her features. "My lord! Are you alright? You seemed to... zone out for a moment, and then your nose began to bleed."

Genesis reached up, wiping away the blood with a casual gesture.

A smile spread across his face, one that held all the warmth of a collapsing star. "I'm more than alright, my faithful Jezebel.

I have looked into the face of the Adversary himself and emerged victorious."

He strode towards the chamber's exit, power radiating from him in palpable waves. "Come. It's time we put our new capabilities to the test.

The contraption awaits, and with it, the means to reshape reality itself."

As they made their way through the winding corridors of the mansion, Genesis's mind raced with the implications of his encounter with Lucifer.

He had withstood the full might of the Morningstar, cementing his own status as a being beyond mortal comprehension.

Yet questions lingered - why had Lucifer called him "son"?

What deeper connection might exist between them?

He pushed these thoughts aside for now.

There would be time for unraveling cosmic mysteries later.

For now, his focus was singular: activating the island's arcane machinery and taking the next step in his grand design.

They emerged from the mansion into the cool night air.

The island pulsed with an otherworldly energy, the alchemical seal Cain and Abel had crafted humming with potential. Genesis could feel the power flowing through the very ground beneath his feet, ready to be harnessed and directed according to his will.

As they approached the contraption - a towering construct of eldritch geometry and pulsing, alien energies - Genesis felt a surge of anticipation. This was the moment he had long prepared for, the culmination of countless sacrifices and dark bargains.

He turned to Jezebel, his eyes blazing with inner fire. "Behold, my devoted one.

We stand on the precipice of a new age.

With this device, we shall tear open the veil between worlds and usher in an era of glorious chaos."

Jezebel fell to her knees once more, overcome by the sheer magnitude of the moment. "My lord," she breathed, her voice trembling with barely contained excitement. "I am honored to bear witness to your ascension.

How may I assist in this grand working?"

Genesis placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch sending shivers of eldritch energy through her body. "Your role is crucial, Jezebel. As I channel the power of the Abyssal gifts into the contraption, you must maintain the integrity of the alchemical seal. Can you do this?"

She nodded fervently, rising to her feet with renewed purpose. "Of course, my master. I shall not fail you."

With a gesture, Genesis summoned Cain and Abel. The spectral forms of the two shades materialized at the edges of the ritual space, their ethereal bodies shimmering with anticipation.

"Attend and bear witness," Genesis commanded the ghostly duo. "For on this godless ground, we shall remake creation itself!"

As Jezebel took her position at the edge of the alchemical seal, Genesis approached the heart of the contraption. He could feel the device resonating with the Abyssal gifts within him, recognizing the cosmic power he now wielded.

With a deep breath, Genesis placed his hands upon the central pillar of the machine. Immediately, he felt a rush of energy unlike anything he had experienced before.

It was as if he was tapping into the very foundations of reality itself, peering into the spaces between worlds.