
The One Above All

a high school senior seeking power to get back at his worst nemesis gets more than he bargained for when he's turned into a vampire. Now he navigates his new life as one of the most powerful creatures on the planet while also one of the strongest vampires. But the vampires are not the only race besides humans. He will have to navigate the others as he figures himself out. The vampire princes, the highest authority wielding and most powerful vampires on earth currently, are intrigued by his new transformation as well as all the vampires but without any way of knowing how to effectively harness his new found strength, lots of things go wrong for him.

toxicshrimp · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Last Goodbyes

'It is time for the hardest goodbye' I thought to myself as I watched the phone ring. Diach looked down at it and back up at me a few times before I looked back up at him. He could not have known who was calling from the name but he knew it was going to be a hard conversation as he got up to leave.

"I am going to give you some time to answer this alone. I get the feeling it is family or someone like family." he said intuitively. As soon as he exited, I picked up the phone to talk to the principal.

"Hey, Skytel, what's up? Have your parents come back? It has been a few days since you came to school and I know when they come back, you like to spend time with them." The principal said hopefully.

"No, they will not be back for a few weeks still." I said back trying not to alarm him.

"What's been going on then, buddy? Something happening that is keeping you from coming to school? You need my help with anything?" The principal asked worried. His voice has just a tinge of regret. Just from how he was tip toeing I could tell he thought I was back on steroids.

"No, I am fine. And I have not started the steroids again. That was an especially bad time in life and I promised the cheerleaders I would not go back on it." I said trying to ease his fears. It sounded like it worked from his next sentence.

"Oh, so then Lindsay came and talked to you then? That is good. She is usually the only one who can talk any sense into you. Her grades the last few days have been sloppy since you left. You really should get back if you care about her graduating and getting into a good university. You know they will not take someone who just casually lets their grades slip.

She has not turned in any work, she rarely pays any attention in class but keeps looking down at her phone instead. I assume she is checking for message from you. The staff is not really sure what is going on with you but they asked me to check on you since I am the closest to family you have. Your parents love you but they have to leave to make sure you can stay with your friends and live in that house." The principal said trying to comfort me. His voice still had a little worry in it but he seemed to be relaxing.

"I know and I appreciate them for it but they just cannot save me this time. No one can. This is something I have to get through alone." I said rubbing my head having to tell him that.

"So there is something going on. Why don't you tell me about it and we can figure it out together." the man said tenderly. He did not want to let me fall into another downward spiral. I could tell through these last 2 years that he still blamed himself for the steroids and not being able to stop me before it happened. My mother had to come back home from her trip during it and it really threw a wrench in everything. My father and I had lost touch since then with him avoiding me the few times he came back. His life would only improve when I left but it was going to crush my mother.

"Do not worry. I will take care of it all. I have to. But this will not be the last time you hear from me, I guarantee it." I said determined to come back in the near future to ease his worries. He was already pretty old and I would not let him die with regrets about me. My phone started beeping so I had to get off the phone.

"I will call you back tomorrow but I have to take this. Someone is on the other line." I said rushing him along. As I switched lines, Linz was in a panic on the phone.

"Motoro is on his way to your house. When I told him you were leaving, he said he was not going to give you the chance. Skytel, be careful, he said he was bringing his friends along." Linz said panicked. Just as she finished saying the last sentence, I heard a crash into one of the cars in the driveway.

"I have to go. Something is happening." I said as I begun to hang up.

"What was that? Skytel, answer me. Skytel?" Linz said before I hung up. I stormed out of the house to see one of Motoro's friends laying against one of the cars. Diach was already all geared up ready for battle, wings, claws, everything. The gang peaked towards me but looked back at Diach. He had their main focus.

"What the hell happened to my car?!" I screamed in frustration. The group was standing around the one in the car so I could guess but there was so much damage. That car was the one my parents were going to pass down to me when I graduated. It was a luxury SUV and now it was certainly totalled. Anger just filled my head. My mind was blank except for rage and bloodlust. As I walked closer, my claws came out, my teeth changed, and my wings stretched from my back.

"Whoa, look at this boys, looks like Skytel came out to play." Motoro said to his group half-taunting me. Diach stepped in front of me and put his hand on my chest.

"Skytel, I can handle these nobodies. You have got to calm down." He said seriously as I looked at them driven. When I grabbed his arm, he bent over in pain from the force I was unknowingly exerting.

"I am going to kill you all. You think you can just come here and do as you please? I will kill you and kill all of your families." I said maniacly. The rage I felt was blinding. Only, Motoro's group and me existed in the world now. As I walked forward, each step built rage. Motoro's henchman tried to punch me but I did not even feel it.

He looked back at the leader for encouragement but it shocked Motoro as well. When I punched him away, I felt bones shatter under my punch. The man lied gasping for air in front of the rest of the group.

"Hyde? Hyde, talk to me." Motoro said in fear. The kid struggled for breath before lying still. Without even looking towards him, I continued toward the group. They were all full Moonwalkers by now. One of the others jumped towards me to, I assume, bite my neck and put me down but as he descended I grabbed him by the neck and begun to apply pressure. The wolf clawed at my hand and left long gashes down my hand and arm but it did nothing. Just before he lost consciousness, I dropped him.

The man struggled for breath before coughing to regain his surroundings. I grabbed him by the fur on his head to bend his neck back.

"You so desperately want your friends, fine. I can do that." I said sadistically before kicking him to his group. He slid across the ground as he tripped another member of the group.

"All of you, get him!" Motoro screamed at the rest of his group. They all rushed forward as a gang to attack. I had not yet tested my wings consciously and did not know if they would hold me up as I flew or if it was a vestigial organ. Before stepping forward, I started to spin and gain momentum. Just before the group reached me, I jumped into the air and caught one of them with a spinning headbutt in the stomach. The force and motion of the spinning sent him spiraling back.

'My wings at least helped build momentum so they must have some function' I thought to myself in the middle of the group attacking. With minimal effort, I evaded all their strikes and parried them to decrease their numbers if even for only a moment. On instinct I stabbed my wing down into one of the group's shoulder. He yelped from a mixture of surprise and pain but did not stop attacking. The others had got back into the fray by this point. Diach stood back up releasing his arm and jumped over to me in the middle. Upon smelling him as he got close, it was like I knew he was a friend instinctively yet I still was not thinking straight. We stood back to back and had little difficulty breaking their numbers. There were only eight of them to our two but from what Diach had said previously, he was very strong.

"You will have to do better than that if you want to get at us." Diach called out tauntingly to Motoro. Now Motoro was going to join the battle. He usually stood around and waited until he was the only one left but after Diach beat them last time, he must have decided against it. As we fought, Motoro gradually got to me and focused only on me. Eventually it was me against Motoro and Diach against the others. Motoro was faster and stronger than everyone else in his group for some reason. He was also somewhat bigger than the others but I did not let it bother me. Against me, he was little more than an ant that needed crushing.

Again, the more I fought, the stronger I got. Motoro was just slightly weaker than Diach so he took less time to overpower. At first, he was match me punch for punch and blocking me but now his arm crumpled every time he tried. The wolf left a long claw gash on my chest through my shirt. Just being touched by him make me more angry. He tried to claw me again but this time, I blocked him at the arm before kicking directly into his leg to trip him and elbowing him as he fell forward. The force of the blow sent him directly into the middle of the street. Some neighbors had come out before from the car but now everyone on the block was standing on their porch. A few had phones in their hands calling the police but most were watching in fear before going back in their homes. From what they saw, they must have known their doors would do little to stop any of us from getting them if we so chose.

"Kill... I kill... I will kill" I mumbled as I walked forward. The wolf wiped the blood from his mouth and it must have clicked that he would not win this fight. He called the others still conscious to him but I was not planning on letting them escape.

"We have to go and get more. We cannot win like this!" Motoro called to his friends. They started to run away on all fours but I flew towards them at an incredible speed. The instant Motoro turned and saw me, I grabbed his throat and slid his back across the pavement. His fur did an incredible job stopping the friction from ripping his skin off. As we got further down the street, he planted his front paws on the ground and kicked me off from him. Diach landed next to me as the others caught Motoro. They were all holding various body parts from damage watching us in fear. They knew they would die here if we deemed it so.

"We have caused enough damage. We need to get out of here." Diach said before I started walking towards them again. I would not rest until they were dead.

"I will kill." I said hyper focused on their group. They walked back as I got closer trying to keep distance.

"I am sorry about this, Skytel. We have to get out of here." Diach said as he chopped me in the neck again and I blacked out. I woke up in a hotel in the middle of the city later. All my stuff was already packed so Diach must have just grabbed it and brought me here. The hotel had very dark shades over the windows as well as us being pretty high up.

"What happened to the wolves?" I said snapping to Diach. Their deaths were the main thing on my mind.

"We had to let them go. Do not worry. They will not let this go so easily. You will have more chances to get them back for your automobile." Diach said deep in thought. Then I remembered I never left a note for my parents when they got back.

"We have to go back. I have to let my parents know that I am gone." I said panicking. They would never forgive themselves if their only child just left and did not say a word especially after what happened with my sister. Diach looked up at me in concern when I said that.

"We cannot go back. Not now and not anytime in the near future. We have to give the humans time to forget what they saw here tonight. We could rip through the authorities but that would not be good. The vampires try to keep as friendly a relationship with the humans as physically possible." Diach said seriously. If he was not going to take me back, I would go alone.

"Fine, you can stay here but I am going back. I will not worry my parents like this." I said determined to go back.

"If there is really no convincing you, we will go back but wait a few nights. We can go in 4 nights when things have settled down at least some. If we go now, we will be greeted with a squadron of police with their guns traine on us. I have been shot; both back in my human life and as a vampire. While it is not fatal as a vampire, it is still quite annoying. I would rather not deal with that if it is possible not to." Diach said. I did not know the effects of bullets in this new body personally so I had to go on his word.

I watched the television as the nights passed and my house was all over the news. My house, my family, everything about my life was in the news. This was going to turn into a major problem by the time my parents got back if I did not do something about it but I could not risk having a showdown with the city police. I would have to go about this smart.

"Call the police force if you see this boy. We are told his name is Skytel Tojira. His parents work for the national archaeology institute and are often out of town as they are now. I am being told he is armed and extremely dangerous. Do not approach if you see him. No reward is being put on him as he is only a minor but citizens are urged to call the police if he is seen." The news person said holding his ear. He was listening to whoever was in his ear piece as he reported on me. Going out now really would have been a very bad idea.