
The One Above All

a high school senior seeking power to get back at his worst nemesis gets more than he bargained for when he's turned into a vampire. Now he navigates his new life as one of the most powerful creatures on the planet while also one of the strongest vampires. But the vampires are not the only race besides humans. He will have to navigate the others as he figures himself out. The vampire princes, the highest authority wielding and most powerful vampires on earth currently, are intrigued by his new transformation as well as all the vampires but without any way of knowing how to effectively harness his new found strength, lots of things go wrong for him.

toxicshrimp · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Becomes the Hunter

The man was just sitting there looking at me waiting for a reply. I felt this was a trap but with the bloodlust pulsing through my veins, I could not turn him down.

"Hmm, this seems too good to be true. How will you help me get revenge?" I asked the man seriously but not expecting any decent answer. He shrugged his shoulders and left me to ponder and answer. After buying the protein shake and coming back out, the man was standing up now. He was somewhat taller than I was expecting. At least as tall as I and I was a decently sized kid. If I guessed, I would put him right around 6 foot.

"I will take your offer. What do I need to do?" I asked in between gulps. He said nothing and was in my face instantly. It scared me and gave me a coughing fit. As I struggled to catch my breath, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. He bit me! As dirty as I got from being tossed around during lacrosse games, this was unsanitary. The germs that spread from getting bit were disgusting.

When he finally released me, there was an intense pain in my neck and head that made me faint. It was indescribable.

The next few minutes were a blur as he carried me back to my house. Without any instruction, we ended up right at my front door. He must have been watching me for quite some time to have known where I lived. As I got myself under my blanket on the bed, the man went back downstairs and did something on his own.

I was going through a feverish dream that showed me as some kind of creature. It was almost like a Vampire except more ferocious. There were brief glimpses of me as a Vampire but not many. I wore a white suit when I was the animal thing and a red suit as a Vampire.

I woke up the next day to the phone ringing. It was the school calling saying I was marked absent for my first period class. In a panic, I checked the time and it was almost 9 am. In a rush, I dashed upstairs and threw on some clothes. When I got to the top of the stairs, I turned around and looked down.

'Wow that was fast. I must be overthiniking what happened.' I thought to myself. To test the theory, I ran full speed into my room and slammed into the dresser. Without realizing, I had overshot where I wanted to be and hit the drawer.

'Okay, definitely not overthinking it. I am moving faster' I thought to myself. I rolled my shoulders before opening the drawer and almost threw the drawer across the room. It was practically weightless and the safety on the edge did nothing to stop the force I was opening the drawer with. Along with the speed, I was much stronger than before but I did not look it. It was curious dilemma to deal with but I would have to save that for another time.

After getting some pants and a new shirt along with my varsity jacket, I jumped down the stairs and landed effortlessly. It was a 22-step flight so hitting the ground from the top usually would cause some damage to the knees and feet. There was no pain or anything this time. As I reached for the door, the man stopped me.

"I would not do that if I were you." the man said simply facing away from me. He was sitting at the dining room table reading one of my father's books.

With a jump, I said, "How did you get in my house?" But he made it seem like he belonged there. I did not have time to fool around with this homeless man either way so i opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. As soon as the sun touched me, my skin was on fire. It was like the molten core of the sun everywhere the light touched.

"Ahhh, what the hell was that?" I screamed out in shock now back inside my door. I turned towards the man to direct the question at him.

"I told you not to go out there. Now you understand why. It is a common problem among our people: the sun. It is how equilibrium is reached between us and the humans. Imagine in all those movies I am sure you have seen if vampires could go out in the sun. They would decimate the human population." the man replied now facing me with a smirk.

"Back it up a little bit. Did you just say vampire?" I asked in disbelief. I must have misheard him but I am sure that is what he said.

"Indeed I did. How else would you explain the pain you got from merely stepping into the sunlight? It is your vampire side." the man explained as he went back to his book. Just then I remembered when he bit me the night before. That must have been when he made me a Vampire.

"You still have not answered my question: why are you in my house?" I repeated. He had to answer me this time. I was not going to let him shirk the question a second time.

"You are awfully ungrateful to your director. I brought you back here last night after you fainted. As with everyone, you fainted but you sure did fall out fast. Usually it takes at least a few minutes before the person hits the ground." The man said half taunting me. There was no way anyone dealt with that pain for a few minutes before falling unconscious.

It was something that could not accurately be put into words. Either way, there were other matters to discuss.

"Is that why it seems my strength and speed has increased? My vampire abilities have come out and now I am an all powerful superhuman?" I said getting cocky. The speed and strength were going to help me accomplish my goal faster than anticipated.

"Calm yourself a little. You have not even begun to be able to use your speed and strength to it's full potential. You will be much faster and much stronger after some training but what I have given you so far will be enough to accomplish your goal. I will watch over you while you take it to make sure no unforeseen circumstances arise." the man said quizzically. It was almost like he was speaking in riddles.

It would not bother me for a while, not while I had more pressing matters to attend to. But it seemed like my plan would have to be reworked since I was not going out into the sun any time soon.

"What is your name, 'mentor'" I asked him before doing what was coming

"You can call me Diach (pronounced die ahck). That will be good enough." the man replied simply.

I called Fias and told him the plan had changed and got him to give details to Motoro of where to meet. The news traveled around the school fast and when the night came and it was time to meet up, there was a crowd around the construction area. The building was usually locked but I pulled the lock off with little difficulty.

As everyone came into the yard, I dropped from the building when the crowd was large enough and Motoro came in with his usual crew. Fias and my crew were already here waiting by the time they came. When I hit the ground, it caught most of them off guard as there were some whispers and a few jumps.

"Finally grow the balls to face me like a man?" Motoro said taunting me. His petty remarks would not shake my resolve. I was going to put him down.

"You are going to pay for what you have done, Motoro. I will crush your heart in my hands." I said filled with rage. His crew all stood up and began walking towards me behind him. This made Fias and my squad get up but I waved them off.

"Do not worry, I can handle them all myself. Just keep a look out so he does not try to sneak more fighters in." I directed Fias. They spread around and made a large circle around me and them. It was strange. I could smell all the people's blood around the circle. Motoro and his gang smelled slightly different. I could not pinpoint it but something was off about them.

Diach also had a different smell about him but his was off from Motoro and the others. He had a more bloody/dead body smell about him. Motoro smelled like a pack of wild dogs. It was stomach churning constantly smelling him now.

The first one of their group stepped up and threw a punch that I did not even try to evade. Figured I needed to know just how strong my body was so I took the punch head on. It barely made me even turn my head. The boy looked shocked as he had put all his power into it. They were trying to end this fight quickly to embarass me even more. I grabbed his arm with all the strength I currently had, which was a considerable amount, and held it in place as I brought my foot across his face twice.

He fell unconscious from the impact of the first but the second was just for good measure.

They were in a group of six and after seeing how quickly the first went down, they doubled up in the next wave. The two next thugs stood on opposite sides of me and just threw punch after punch. With little effort, I was throwing their punches down and having fun with them. Motoro was fuming watching me toy with his friends.

"What are you doing? Get in there." Motoro barked at one of his other friends. Now there were three and the new one was standing in front of me. He threw a punch but I ducked under it and kicked his legs to make him stumble. As he fell forward, I kicked out in front of me and caught him in the chin. The boy fell backwards but was not knocked out like I thought he would be. The kid on my right threw a punch that I parried before elbowing him in the sternum as hard as I could.

I felt his bone fracture just a little but that did not stop him. He was still attacking even though he was clearly struggling to breathe.

I caught him by surprise with a sweeping kick and made him fall over. The instant he hit the ground, I stomped down into his chest and felt his heart stop as he let out a long breathe of air. He was unconscious from the skip of his heart beat. The one left was of little notion as I simply gave him an elbow to the side of the head coupled with a spinning kick to the same side. He ragdolled to the ground after.

There were only 2 left now, Motoro and his sidekick. The sidekick put up quite a fight, though. As we battled back and forth, I could not seem to get in a deciding blow. Finally, summoning all my strength, I punched him directly in the face and knocked him out.

Motoro started to walk over but he looked different from even a moment ago. He had almost a wolf's snout and teeth. He was changing into something else. He looked dangerous as he changed. With only the human martial arts training I had, I did not think I would be a match for him. Diach jumped down from the rafters just then and thank goodness he did.

"You all need to get out of here. It is going to get dangerous." Diach said to the group of kids standing around in bewilderment at what they were witnessing. I was taken aback a little too, though, so I could not blame them.

"I said GO!" Diach screamed which sent all the kids running away. The rest of Moloch's gang were standing back up and had the same look as he did. Fias and my crew were still standing behind me but they had gotten a little further away for their own safety.

"What the hell is that?" I asked Diach worried. I had never seen anything like it.

"That is the other breed of undead, the Moonwalkers, or werewolves as you know them. I figured he was one of them from his smell. You will not be enough by yourself so I will help you." Diach said without looking away from their pack.

"Why have I never seen this before?" I asked curiously. All the times we had gotten into fights and I had never seen him transform like this.

"The Moonwalkers, and us have to keep ourselves hidden from the humans. There would be absolute anarchy if we let everyone see us. He was keeping the pact of his clan alive and never showed his true form." Diach said. They all looked like proper werewolves now. The group was snarling and ready for battle.

Really was only planning on making this chapter about 2 thousand words but had to add the end talk in to make it make sense. The fighting in this chapter was better layed out then the fight before, I'd say. Let me know what you all think about it and how it is compared to the other one.

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