
The Once And Future Digital King

Once upon a time, you saved the Digital World, united the Digimon and became the King that brought a time of peace and prosperity to the Digital World. Time moves differently in the real world though, a lot slower. Thousands of years have passed in the digital world, while only a few have for you. Your partner digimon, long dead to the sands of time, and the kingdom you built as a child forgotten. Yet, it seems, the Digital World isn't quite done with you yet. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Return Of The King 7

With that done, you made your way back with Wizardmon to the top of the rocky plateau. Airdramon opened a portal for you both when you got to the bottom and you stepped out to see a massive, massive pile of stone, metal and wood material piled together.

Ogremon stood before his exhausted looking subordinates with a massive, proud grin on his face and his muscular arms crossed over his chest, "How's that boss man?" he asked, "Didn't even take us an entire hour to get all this crap up here."

"Good job guys," you gave them a thumbs up, "Take a rest for now huh?" you held up your digivice.

"Eh, what'ya gonna do with that?" Ogremon asked.

"I'm gonna put you guys inside it for now, then while you're in there, I'm gonna see about making you guys immune to those black rings," you replied, "Don't fight the pull effect, it isn't that strong so I can't bring you guys in if you don't let me."

Ogremon shrugged, "No idea what you're talking about, but you're the boss, boss!" the dual club wielding champion agreed, "You heard him, don't resist!" he barked at the mass of ten champions behind him.

"Yes big bro!" they shouted through groans.

You snorted in amusement, before holding your digivice up, and in a glow of flashing light from the screen, all the digimon around you, including Airdramon and Wizardramon were taken inside.

"Now let's see, first, I'll set up the castle building program." you mused. With the materials already brought up. All you had to do, was create a program through High Coding that built the castle. It would refine the materials all around into shape, and slot them together. Honestly, it was more like an automated lego building program than anything else.

It would take longer to design the castle than create the program honestly. Mostly because, you already had experience using these programs. But really, it didn't take long to get it started up, because you'd already designed sme castle schematics in advance.

And you had one that would be fine for your initial base, more practically designed, than extravagance.

In just a few short minutes, all the materials began floating into the air as if by magic, and began changing shape, rough rocks splitting apart and refined into rectangular bricks, wood carving into different shapes to be slotted together and more.

"Now to deal with the anti-coding for those dark rings." you hummed once you were done, and sat down, bringing up the data you had gotten from the dark tower and the High Coding keyboard.

You had a direct reference for its mind control frequency now. You just had to make an anti-frequency that continuously ran through you subordinates data bodies.

'Perhaps an adapting program? In case he changes the frequency later down the line so the program itself will adapt to any frequency of the like and counter it?' you pondered.

By time you were done and succeeded in creating the program you were aiming for, an entire two hours had passed. You would have got things done sooner, if you were aiming for just the same frequency the dark towers used now, but, you thought it was better to prepare, just in case.

From what you saw, the power of the dark rings and the frequency of the tower, while good enough to hold most, would struggle to control any strong ultimate, and any stronger and it would fail completely.

Once the fool figured that out, if he eventually ran into any strong ultimates before you dealt with him, he'd no doubt look into upgrading the dark rings and frequency.

Around you, a general slight building layer had already been formed, so you stood up and made your way out of the building assembling itself and overlooked the Nigh Plains from the tip of the rocky plateau.

"What to do now?" you mused. You'd already added the coding to your digimon subordinates, but you were limited on what else you could accomplish here and now with just your digivice. It was only a single terminal after all, and while on par with your supercomputers back home, it still didn't have the same quantity as them.

You could head back to the real world and bring them back with you. You'd already taken the coordinates of the television portal you came from. And then when you got back you could use multiple terminal facets to begin building more.

There was that, or there was the fact you could venture out a bit and see if you could find any more places with digimon. You were itching to go find more of those dark towers. by your reckoning, you only needed a good thirty or so of them, and you could revive your partners from their egg form. Your goal of reviving them was so closely in sight that it was making you a bit impatience and antsy.

'What to do, what to do?' you mused. It was unbefitting of a king to be so undecided, but at this moment, you couldn't decide what was the better option.

In the end, you decided to head back to the human world. While you were desperate to revive your partners. It wouldn't do to get too reckless and over extend. You'd practiced caution a lot in your first venture, no use doing away with what let you save the digital world and become king in the first place.

Besides, stocking up on a bunch of food for an extended period of travelling in the digital world was a good idea.

You left your castle to build itself, and using your digivice, returned through the television portal, and finding yourself back in the unused classroom with your laptop in it.

You grabbed the laptop and put it in your bag, before heading out. The school was almost eerily quiet and empty.

Looked like you were in the digital world longer than you thought. School had already ended for the day.

You made your way out, walking through the empty school grounds, but when you got to the gate, someone was waiting for you. An older, voluptuous and familiar girl. You'd met her in passing once, when you attended a concert as publicity for your company.

Amano Nene, third year high school student and student council president for the high school division of the school. And celebrated idol and singer. There had even been mentions of her being hired as the possible heroine when the digimon movie based on your game went into production.

Oddly, she wasn't dressed in her school uniform, but a simple, light purple checkered sundress and a white coat.

"Hello Artus." she greeted you with a mysterious looking smile when you reached the gate.

"Nene," you greeted with a simple nod, "Something I can help you with?"

"Well when the most famous student in school, above even an idol like me ditches his afternoon classes on the first day of school, teachers understandably panic," she shrugged, "It's my responsibility as the the student council president to investigate these things."

"Is that so?" you raised an eyebrow, before shrugging, "Well, it's a waste of your effort, I already discussed with the principal in advance and told him I may just ditch classes altogether, he was very forthcoming about it, since I'd bring more publicity to the school alongside the fact I donated a bunch of money."

"I know," Nene stuck her tongue out cheekily, before pushing off against the wall she was leaning against, "I just needed an excuse to speak to you.!

"Oh, and why's that?" you asked, your interest peaked.

"Hmm, I wonder?" Nene hummed and teased you, "Did you have fun in the digital world today?"

'Well now, what's this then?' you wondered, interest deepening all the further.