
The Once And Future Digital King

Once upon a time, you saved the Digital World, united the Digimon and became the King that brought a time of peace and prosperity to the Digital World. Time moves differently in the real world though, a lot slower. Thousands of years have passed in the digital world, while only a few have for you. Your partner digimon, long dead to the sands of time, and the kingdom you built as a child forgotten. Yet, it seems, the Digital World isn't quite done with you yet. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Return Of The King 1

"Why'd you stop me Sora?" Matt scowled, "We've been waiting for years to confront this guy about the crap he's pulling."

"You can't just march up to him Matt, especially not at school." Sora admonished him.

The blonde rolled his eyes, "It's not like I was gonna pick a fight or anything, I'm not stupid," he pointed out, "But Diaboromon definitely said his name back then, and how many guys called Artus are there? It's not exactly a common name."

"He does make a good point," Izzy added himself, "It'd be little to go on if it was just Diaboromon, but the fact of the matter is, he personally designed a game based on the digital world, and a card game, and they're very accurate, even the levels, types and attacks. I suppose though, I Wouldn't be quite so suspicious if it weren't for the game itself, and a specific digimon in it."

"Machinedramon," Joe nodded, cupping his chin, "Most of the digimon could be passed off as collecting information from all the different digivice holders in the world now. But we were the only ones to see Machinedramon."

"Don't forget Metal Seadramon and Saber Leomon," Mimi cut in, "Like, only me and Joe out of us ever met Saber Leomon, and again, Metal Seadramon was a Dark Master like Machinedramon, and only we ever saw it."

"I don't really like it," Tk shrugged, his eyes narrowed a bit, "It went out of its way to humanize some of the most evil digimon there are. Like, Devimon, a shop keep, seriously?"

"I agree that he definitely has a connection to the digital world, but can we focus on what's important right now?" Kari huffed, showing off her phone, and the next message from her brother calling for help, "The gate is open and the digimon are calling for our help, and my brother needs us."

"Hey Kari!" a voice called out from the other side of the cafeteria and Kari sighed as Davis made his way over, a bright smile on his face, "What's going on, where's Tai? I was supposed to meet him this morning for soccer practice, but he never turned up."


Something odd was going on, you noticed. When you got to class, you luckily turned out to be in one with the youngest of the digidestined, Yagami Kari, and Takaishi Takeru, otherwise known as 'Tk'.

Class went as expected. The students of the class tripped over themselves in your presence, the teacher did too actually, just so unused to someone of your greatness within their general area.

One classmate, Davis, boldly greeted you and invited you to play soccer with him to get to know each other, though he warned he wouldn't be going easy on you. How cute.

Still, what was odd, was the palpable air of impatience surrounding the two digidestined, especially Kari. And when classes ended, and lunch began, the two practically tore out of the room, and Davis was hot on his heels. It seemed he had a bit of a liking to the digidestined girl.

The reason you came to this school in the first place, a place far beneath you that you had no need of, was because of the digidestined. The sooner you found a way into the digital world, the better.

There was a reason why you and Wizardmon had held off on using a digivolution item on him. On the off chance that it took decades to find your way back, with him, you could digivolve him into a Bakemon and steal the life force of the corrupt to keep your youth and increase your lifespan.

So, you bid your crowd of hanger ons goodbye with a prompt need to visit the bathroom. And stealthily followed behind them.

Thankfully, with the hustle and bustle of the noisy and filled school hallways, it wasn't hard to do so without being caught.

And you found yourself coming to a stop outside the computer lap. The door was shut, but you could see the digidestined, the entire group, within the room through the glass window on the door.

And Davis was there as well for some odd reason. Was he a digidestined as well or something?

"How odd," Izzy you heard Izzy comment from where he sat at one of the computers typing away, "The gate to the digital world is open. It hasn't been open for years now, why today?"

"Does it matter?" Matt asked, crossing his arms.

"Not right now it doesn't, my brother needs my help, and I'm not waiting anymore," Kari scowled, and pulled out her digivice, thrusting it towards the computer screen, "We can worry about the hows and whys later." she reaffirmed. How odd for the usually cheerful and kind girl to be so forceful.

It was a nice look, you had to admit. Really made those red eyes of hers pop.

Before she could do anything though, Sora lashed out and grasped her wrist, "Wait a second Kari, we need to make sure we get the right area," she said, "Our digivices can open a portal on any computer connected to the internet, but at the same time, it means we could end up just about anywhere in the digital world if we don't pinpoint where we want to go first."

...Well, well well. You didn't think your idea to come to this school would pay off dividends like this already. Your heart fluttered with excitement. It was that easy to go back? You pulled your own digivice out and eyed it thoughtfully. How had you missed that in its programming? Were there even deeper depths to these things that even you hadn't noticed yet?

'To think it was this easy.' you shook your head, disappointing in yourself. Though, to be fair to yourself, the way you got to the digital world was nothing like that. You were pulled in through a portal made by Jijimon. And in the end, Jijimon had passed that ability on to you so you could pass freely between the human world and the digital world.

You hadn't expected one day, for that ability to be blocked somehow. Even now, no matter how hard you tried with the power, reaching out for the digital world, it was like there was massive wall in the way blocking the route of the ability passed on to you.

'..Why is my specific ability to get to the digital world blocked, but not portals through computers with digivices?' You wondered idly. It was very suspicious. But not anything you could investigate while here.

"Alright, if Tai needs help let's get going to this Digital World or whatever!" Davis loudly exclaimed, breaking you from your thoughts.

"You can't," TK cut him off, holding up his hand and showing off his digivice, "Only special people, digidestined with a digivice like this can enter the digital world."

"Oh yeah?" Davis squared off against him, "Listen TJ or whatever your name is, if you can go, so can I!" he shouted loudly and proudly.

And then, the room erupted into bright light. And a trio of beams shot from the computer in front of Izzy, forcing the boy to juke to the side with a yelp.

A blue light landed square in in Davis' hand, while a pair of yellow and red shot through the door and you watched in interest as they peeled down the hallway and disappeared from your view.

How very odd.

"Woah, what is this?" you heard Davis shout and looked back, to see him holding a digivice of his own, though different than the standard make you had received and the digidestined had.

"A digivice?" Joe commented."It's a different model than our own," Mimi crowded around the boy, looking over the digivice. His face flushed at having the beautiful older girl in his personal space, "Did we just get replaced? Bummer."

"Enough of this!" Kari stamped her feet, "Izzy, is it at the right area or not?" she demanded of the boy laying on the floor from where he juked to avoud the lights.

"Y-yes it is."

"Good! Digi-Port open!" Kari commanded, shrugging off Sora's arm and thrusting her digivice at pc screen, and the room erupted into white light, and before your eyes, Kari was absorbed into the computer.

'So that's it?' you grinned in delight. Turning, you made your way down the opposite side of the hall, just as you heard shouting and a short boy and lavender haired girl tore up the hallway and burst into the computer room.

You instead, made your way into the adjacent room. Well, it was locked, but it wasn't hard for you to 'gently persuade' it to open for you.

It was just an empty, unused classroom.

Making your way over to one of the dusty desks, you set your bag down and pulled out a laptop. You always had one on you, just in case.

You turned it on and held your digivice out to it, "Digi-Port, open." you ordered, simply.

And before your eyes, the desktop screen of your was replaced. Showing a black system file, and a red glowing square in the middle.

A moment later, the red disappeared from view in the small square, showing a landscape in the background. And a rushing, tingling sensation went through you as light filled the room.

You welcomed the feeling, like an old familiar friend, and suddenly, you were moving, falling through cyberspace and no longer stuck within the limitations of the human world.