
The Omniverse System

Transmigrated to travel and become stronger to fight in the omni-war.

Juwon_Oh · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Genin Teams

I would recommend rereading the first chapter as I had made some changes to the system.


After consuming the spirit tempering pill, he rolled another 10x roll.

[Sherlock Holmes(L)

Brain Finch(UR)

8x Candy(J) ]

Seeing Brian Finch, from the Limitless Series I quickly absorbed in the Hopes of acquiring the NZT boost. Once I did, I was soon hit with a brain-melting headache. While enduring the pain, I soon fell onto the floor. I do not remember passing out, but I soon woke up with the sun hitting my face.

As the sun rises I woke up from the floor. I could still feel the lingering headache from integrating Brian Finch card. However soon I could feel my brain feeling like for the first time in my life I was truly thinking. Everything was so clear. To what I needed to do and how to get there.

I looked at my inventory for my gains. I saw the legendary Sherlock Holmes card with nine candy cards. I quickly realized how lucky I was. I could simply take out the candies and absorb Sherlock Holmes and roll another ten later tonight.

Remembering that I was going to be assigned a jonin sensei and a team, I quickly got ready for the day. Once I got downstairs, I saw my grandmother eating.

"Have some breakfast before you leave, dear," said Mito

"I'm okay grandma," said Shin

Suddenly I felt a chill from my back.

"I think you should eat," said Mito with an Oni appearing behind her back.

I quickly sat down eating breakfast not wanting to anger my grandmother.

Once I was finished I ran out the door making my way to the academy. When I entered the room, I saw that most of the graduating kids were already waiting. I sat down in the back waiting with the rest of the class.

When Sensei entered the classroom, he pulled out a clipboard. He started to call out people in threes and assigned them team numbers. Once the teams were announced they were told to head to a certain training ground to meet their jonin senseis.

I was soon left in the room alone. The teacher told me that I was called to the Hokage's office, and that Hokage would explain everything.

I soon arrived at the Hokage's building. Once I enter I told the secretary my name and reason for the visit. After waiting ten minutes I was called in.

"Hello, my boy. You've grown quite strong since I last saw you," said the Hokage.

"Hello, Third. I've focused on growing stronger these past years," said Shin

"You must be wondering why I haven't assigned you to a team or a jonin sensei. Well, the truth be told. Right now the Senju clan is being targeted by the great villages in fear of wood release showing up again. Also, the other villages have heard about the Senju Genius. So that has put an even bigger target on your back currently. I have decided to offer you to be in Anbu," said the Hokage

"May I ask a favor from you, Lord Third?" asked Shin

"Go ahead," said Lord Third

"I would like to be taught directly by you while I serve in the Anbu," said Shin

"I would love to teach, however, the paperwork...," said Lord Third with a tired expression.

"If I could give you a way to reduce the amount you have to do will you teach me?" asked Shin

"Of course," replied Lord Third with excitement on his face.

"The shadow clone Jutsu," said Shin

Soon the look of realization hit the Third. I could see the disbelief in his eyes. He said tomorrow we will start your training. Go home for now. Before I left the room I saw him use the multi-shadow clone jutsu. Seeing this I simply left the office and headed home.

On my way home I saw Nawaki.

"Hey, Nawaki," said Shin

"What's up, who's in your team?" asked Nawaki

"No one, I was told it's to dangerous for me to be in a team right now. So the Third will teach me himself," said Shin

Nawaki's mouth soon hit the floor.

"I can't believe it. Being taught by the third is unbelievable," said Nawaki

"Let's head home. I heard grandma's cooking some dinner for us tonight," said Nawaki

"Hehehe, alright," said Shin

Shin and Nawaki walked home together, laughing and talking about childish things.

After eating dinner with his family he soon asked to be dismissed. He went up to his room and looked at his inventory. He saw that he currently had an explosive tag, and the bulletproof vest. He saw that upgrading inventory will cost him 150,000 points.

Shin decided to wait to roll until after tomorrow. He clicked on Sherlock Holmes to absorb him. He closed his eyes to brace for the pain, but it never came.

'Jarvis, how come there isn't any pain?' asked Shin

'Sir, your brain has already been changed enough that absorbing sherlock holme would not cause too much of a strain,' replied Jarvis

After sitting there for a minute processing the information, Shin decided to go to bed.