
The Omnistore System

Discord link :-https://discord.gg/VYpeADXd38 join for character artworks *ZZZr Zzrz Zzrzzr* However, an additional source disturbed his sleep, filling the room with a buzzing sound. The boy furrowed his brows in annoyance, his eyes still closed. He searched his surroundings and discovered a glass-like slab. With closed eyes, he slid his finger across it and placed it near his ear. "Hello..." he mumbled in his drowsy voice, which carried a hint of depth. "Hey, Pissed-up Prat, where are you?" a voice laced with disdain emanated from the slab. The boy, referred to as the "Pissed-up Prat" by the irritating female voice, recognized it as a voice he heard frequently but couldn't recall its owner. With his eyes still closed, he inquired, "Who is this?" "What do you mean, 'who is this'? Wake up, come home, or eat shit for breakfast if you prefer!" the voice behind the transparent slab retorted before falling silent. The boy, still not fully awakened, gazed at the half-opened glass slab with a mixture of confusion and surprise. As his eyes darted around the room, he became increasingly shocked. As he recollected the fragmented memories from the night before he lost consciousness, his gaze fell upon the entrance of the shop. Once old and damp, it now bore a different appearance. While not transformed into a luxurious space, it had undergone improvements compared to its previously dilapidated state. The shop took on a rectangular shape, with one longer side adorned with wooden shelves intricately patterned. Rows of empty glass jars lined these shelves. On the opposite side, there was another wooden shelf, also displaying empty jars. Towards the beginning of the counter, where the boy had been sleeping, there stood a peculiar machine. Confusion etched across his face, he murmured to himself, "Whose shop is this?" In response to his question, a mechanical voice resonated in his mind. [The Omnistore belongs to you, host.]

J_a_zzy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
423 Chs

The miner slut (R-18)

Kevin arrived at the checkpoint and was slightly disappointed not to see Sia there. Instead, a middle-aged man greeted him, his expression tinged with jealousy as he observed Kevin's impressive haul. With a sense of curiosity, the man weighed the crystals, which totaled 6.780 kilograms, earning Kevin exactly 1356 units. It was a substantial amount for a young, impoverished teenager.

Kevin, or Norman as he was known before, reflected on how this was a different kind of earning compared to his previous experiences. Pleasuring others had been his means of making money, but now he had worked hard physically to achieve this result. It was a unique and satisfying feeling for him, knowing that he had earned through his own efforts.

"That's the last bus heading towards the city for the next two hours," the men at the checkpoint informed him. They pointed him towards a bus that had its engine running and was about to depart.

"Thank you," Kevin said hastily. He quickly grabbed his metal card from the table where the men had been sitting and rushed towards the bus. The metal card served as a form of currency, similar to a debit or credit card on Earth.

Kevin used the card to receive payment for his work that day. Exhausted, he sprinted towards the bus and managed to board it just in time.

"Phew, made it just in time," Kevin muttered,then glared angrily at the driver, who hadn't stopped despite seeing him running towards it. Kevin glanced inside and discovered there was only one other passenger besides himself, which excited him.

it was none other than Sia. "Hey, Sia," Kevin greeted with a smile as he walked over and took a seat beside her, catching her off guard from her contemplative state.

Sia turned her head, her face seeming surprised as she recognized Kevin. "Oh, it's you," she said, a mixture of curiosity and amusement in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

Kevin chuckled, feeling a sense of excitement building within him. "Well, it seems we're on the same bus heading back to the city. Mind if I join you?"

Sia shrugged, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Sure, why not? I could use some company."

Sia asked, "How was your first day?" as she noticed Kevin's still sweaty body.

"It was good. I managed to mine about 6 and a half kilos of crystal today," Kevin proudly replied, surprising Sia.

"Really?" she exclaimed, looking at the numbers on his glass slab that displayed his latest transaction of 1356 units into his bank account. "You really did mine that much, huh?" she added, clearly impressed.

Kevin smiled, putting the slab away. Sia questioned, "Why are you returning so early, then?"

"I got tired," Kevin answered, to which Sia smiled and playfully teased, "Don't get tired like this when you get married, or someone with more stamina might steal your wife away."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Even if someone tries, they can't outdo me in that field," Kevin confidently replied, unlike before when he would blush at the slightest teasing.

"What makes you so confident?" Sia asked curiously inquired.

"Give me your hand," Kevin said, extending his hand to her. Sia, with a smile, gave him her hand. Kevin, with a mischievous grin, guided her hand towards his crotch, making her feel his "third leg" resting inside his dirty trousers.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sia exclaimed, her tone raised in surprise.

"Just showing you the source of my confidence," Kevin responded, revealing the substantial bulge in his pants, indicating his "grithy meat road."

'It's so big.' Her eyes widened with shock as she caught sight of Kevin's well-endowed member. Thoughts raced through her mind as her gaze lingered on its impressive size.

Noticing her curiosity, Kevin offered, "You can touch it. It won't bite."

Sia glanced towards the bus driver, then back at the noticeable bulge in Kevin's pants. She boldly placed her hand on it and remarked, "You're right about one thing. This thing will ensure your wife won't stray, but it'll also present quite a challenge for her to handle."

Kevin, feeling her hand caress his erect penis, placed his hands on her muscular thighs and squeezed them. "It doesn't seem troublesome to you," he responded, a mix of excitement and confusion filling his mind.

He gazed at her beautiful face, with sky-blue eyes and black hair styled in a boyish cut that added to her tomboyish charm. Her muscular body, common among miners, combined with her brown skin, heightened the appeal of her pronounced muscles in Kevin's eyes, arousing his penis. She was at least 30-year-old from looking a perfect age to be fucked senseless by his dick.

But he found it unusual since he had always viewed sex as work rather than pleasure. 'Why am I getting excited by this?' he pondered. and stopped when, without much consideration, his second brain took charge, clouding his first brain's judgments.

His hands squeezed her thighs, moving towards their center. Feeling a dampness, he boldly declared, "Sia, I want to fuck you."

Sia showed no surprise and continued to examine his penis. "I wouldn't have believed it if you had told me before, but with this size, you can definitely fuck me."

"But you'll have to wait until we reach the city," she said, glancing at the bus driver who was also stealing glances at them through the rearview mirror. Fortunately, the seat in front covered their activities, preventing him from seeing much.

Kevin noticed the driver's gaze and silently cursed him in his mind. However, he didn't withdraw his hand from her thighs.

Kevin's hands ventured beneath her shirt, sliding upwards to feel her hard abs. He remarked, "Then let's get you ready so we can start as soon as we reach our destination."

She didn't fully comprehend what he meant by getting ready until his hand moved from her abs to lower her trunks. Fortunately, they were not buttoned but elastic, making it easy for him to pull them down and pull them back up.