
The Omnistore System

Discord link :- https://discord.gg/VYpeADXd38 join for character artworks *ZZZr Zzrz Zzrzzr* However, an additional source disturbed his sleep, filling the room with a buzzing sound. The boy furrowed his brows in annoyance, his eyes still closed. He searched his surroundings and discovered a glass-like slab. With closed eyes, he slid his finger across it and placed it near his ear. "Hello..." he mumbled in his drowsy voice, which carried a hint of depth. "Hey, Pissed-up Prat, where are you?" a voice laced with disdain emanated from the slab. The boy, referred to as the "Pissed-up Prat" by the irritating female voice, recognized it as a voice he heard frequently but couldn't recall its owner. With his eyes still closed, he inquired, "Who is this?" "What do you mean, 'who is this'? Wake up, come home, or eat shit for breakfast if you prefer!" the voice behind the transparent slab retorted before falling silent. The boy, still not fully awakened, gazed at the half-opened glass slab with a mixture of confusion and surprise. As his eyes darted around the room, he became increasingly shocked. As he recollected the fragmented memories from the night before he lost consciousness, his gaze fell upon the entrance of the shop. Once old and damp, it now bore a different appearance. While not transformed into a luxurious space, it had undergone improvements compared to its previously dilapidated state. The shop took on a rectangular shape, with one longer side adorned with wooden shelves intricately patterned. Rows of empty glass jars lined these shelves. On the opposite side, there was another wooden shelf, also displaying empty jars. Towards the beginning of the counter, where the boy had been sleeping, there stood a peculiar machine. Confusion etched across his face, he murmured to himself, "Whose shop is this?" In response to his question, a mechanical voice resonated in his mind. [The Omnistore belongs to you, host.]

J_a_zzy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
372 Chs

Land of Goo and Grit.

"Why the hell is it so hot here?" Lorelie shouted, her sweaty body glistening in the dim light as if she'd run a marathon in a sauna. Confusion written all over her face, she realized she was in an unfamiliar room, like the aftermath of a wild party she couldn't remember attending. The memories of the previous night rushed back like a relentless hangover, and her expression turned from confusion to disgust.

"I'm going to kill that bastard," she muttered, her teeth gritted like she was plotting an evil revenge plan against Kevin and his smirking face.

"Argh! Who the heck turned the heat on in the middle of summer?" she grumbled, feeling as overheated and irritated as a chili pepper in the desert. The embarrassing memories from the night before were roasting her, both physically and emotionally.

With determination hot as a jalapeno pepper, she jumped out of bed, ready to unleash her fiery wrath on the culprit behind this unbearable heat. As she stormed towards the screen embedded in the wall, she mentally prepared her fiery complaint.

But oh, the plot twist! To her astonishment, the scorching heat wasn't coming from some faulty room heater or a cosmic heatwave; it was her very own supercharged energy, her yang qi, going bonkers like a pyrotechnic show in her abdomen.

"This... this yang qi is so strong!" she exclaimed inwardly, as if she had just discovered her own internal volcano. It felt like she'd swallowed a sun and become a living furnace.

Without wasting another minute, Lorelie sat on the bed, crossing her legs, and began to focus on harnessing the potent yang qi within her. Despite her initial anger and discomfort, she saw the potential in this encounter.

An hour later, Lorelie excitedly opened her eyes, her expression shining with newfound vigor. "Hahaha, that ugly bastard is truly amazing. His yang qi is so much stronger than anyone I've encountered before. I should definitely ask the pimp about him," she mused with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Proceeding to leave the room, she gracefully picked up her clothes, but as she did, a paper slip accidentally fell from the garments. Curiosity getting the better of her, Lorelie picked it up, and a smile slowly spread across her face. "He's quite old-fashioned," she chuckled, tucking the paper slip away.


"Ah, die, you hideous bugzilla!" Kevin bellowed, charging valiantly towards the massive caterpillar that could easily be mistaken for the star of a horror movie. It was a whopping 4 feet long and 1 foot wide – a real heavyweight contender for the title of "Most Disgusting Creature in the Misty Mountains." Its white gooey substance oozing from wounds and those tiny dark hair-like things covering its body were making Kevin wish he had taken up knitting instead of monster-hunting.

But no time for existential crises now! Determined to reach the silvery stalk of grass the caterpillar was guarding like a precious gem, Kevin steeled his nerves. After all, he didn't come all the way here to be outdone by a giant worm on steroids.

As he ran towards the caterpillar, knife in hand, the creature gave him the stink-eye with its beady little orbs. Clearly, it wasn't happy to see this tiny human charging at it like a maniac. Not wasting any time, the caterpillar shot a sticky liquid projectile from its mouth like it was trying out for a spot on the Spider-Man casting list. Kevin, channeling his inner acrobat, managed to dodge the gooey mess with style – if only the Olympics had a category for dodging caterpillar spit!

Undeterred by the slimy welcome, Kevin pressed on, his goal getting closer with each determined step. Now, just a meter away, he leaped into the air, wielding his knife like a pro lumberjack taking down a redwood tree. The caterpillar must have thought it was starring in a slow-motion scene from a suspense thriller, as it watched the knife coming for its beady eyes with dread.

With a swift swing, the blade met the caterpillar's soft skin, and it let out a high-pitched screech that could rival a banshee's cry. In retaliation, the creature tried to slimify Kevin again, launching another round of sticky liquid projectiles. Alas, this time our hero couldn't escape the gooey fate, and he got a new makeover that merged his red blood with the caterpillar's milky substance. Fashion-forward or not, Kevin wasn't too thrilled about the style statement.

"Shit!" he exclaimed, his face contorting like a contortionist at a circus. But he didn't let the discomfort get to him – he was a monster hunter, after all, and he had a job to do. With determination that would make a stubborn mule proud, Kevin plunged the knife into the caterpillar's already wounded face and executed a slice that would make Gordon Ramsay envious.

The caterpillar wriggled and writhed like a contestant in a dance-off, but it was no match for Kevin's unwavering resolve. He emerged victorious, grasping the precious silvery stalk of grass that the caterpillar had so fiercely guarded, now looking like a trophy he'd won in a twisted game show.

"Take that, you slimy villain!" Kevin boasted, giving the caterpillar's squirming carcass a mock victory dance – his version of the monster hunter cha-cha.

As he wiped the goo off his face and cleaned his trusty knife, Kevin couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of his adventures in the misty mountains. This wasn't just a quest for greatness; it was a rollercoaster ride through a bizarre theme park of monstrous misadventures. But hey, at least it gave him some good stories to tell around the campfire, right? And with that thought, Kevin marched onward, ready to face the next chapter of his "Unbelievable Exploits in the Land of Goo and Grit."

"Oh, no more goo, I've had enough of this bizarre adventure; I'm packing my bags and going home!" Kevin declared, stuffing the silvery grass into the wooden box with a determined pout.

Five days in the misty mountains had been quite the ride for Kevin. In this short span, he had stumbled upon a total of 24 Irista flowers and went head-to-head with at least 35 monsters – each one more ghastly than the last. But this particular encounter with the gooey caterpillar took the cake – and made him almost lose his lunch... or maybe lose his breakfast... or maybe both.

Leaving the forest, he couldn't help but reminisce about how it all began. He had spotted the dewy caterpillar lazily perched near the precious herb, the silver grass. At first, he was hesitant to approach it, but then his greed, that little devil on his shoulder, whispered enticing promises of grandeur and treasure. Like a kid drawn to a candy store, he couldn't resist and lunged at the critter.

Oh boy, that was a decision he'd remember forever! The caterpillar didn't hold back; it gave him the full gooey experience and a side of nausea. Not the best combo, let me tell you!

But hey, it wasn't all doom and gloom in the misty mountains. Kevin had secured quite a collection of valuable herbs and monster parts, and that could translate to a hefty payday. He could already hear the clink of gold coins in his dreams.

So, with mixed feelings of triumph and queasiness, Kevin trudged onward, eager to return to civilization and share his tales of monster-mashing and goo-dodging. Surely, they'd be eager to hear about his heroic feats and, of course, his heroic hurls.

But hey, not everything goes as planned, as Kevin caught sight of something horrifying.