
The Omniscient

When you see and know everything that has happened, when you can hear and see through the treacherous world, and when you know the secrets hidden deep in their memory. The more he knows, the less happy he is. Looking up at the starry sky, Huang Ji feels the malice from the entire universe and the despair that awaits mankind. He is just a small farmer in the countryside all he can do is sigh : “I know too much.” Whether it’s technology, mythology, or the hidden bugs in the universe… they cannot escape the perception of information. In the face of human beings being raised by higher civilizations without knowing it, Huang Ji is the only one who can compete with the aliens as no one knows more than him! *************************** It is a Sci-fi novel where MC can see the world as information . It makes him semi-omniscient where he can know everything about the object or person as long as he knows the basic knowledge of it. Example, as long as he understands what age is, he can see the age of anything. Read the first few chapters to understand more

spacepirate · Urban
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50 Chs

Prying into their hearts : Part 2

Wang Meng touched his chin and said, "There are a few old houses on the other side of the mountain. They are all run-down bungalows that no one lives in anymore."

"Uncle, the bungalow over there has been abandoned, right?"

The head of the village nodded and said, "Yes, there used to be an old fortune-teller who lived there, but when the fortune-teller died the house was abandoned. It has been several years since anyone lived there."

After listening about this, Huang Ji turned his head to look at the mountain. He saw the top of the house from his position. He then inquired for information, and knew that there were four people inside.

"Really there..." Huang Ji smiled.

So, this matter should not need him anymore.

He then saw the Team leader quickly take out a map to ask the village chief to mark the location. He then asked: "Anything else?"

Then, the village chief marked a few more places, some were unoccupied houses in the village, and some were old air-raid shelters. He even marked the abandoned wells.

Soon they began to investigate the places one by one, searching the several points marked by the village chief.

Huang ji knew that the 4 people were in the old bungalow.

So he had already arrived near the scene, and found a hidden place to observe silently.

He had to see that Dr. Liang was safe before going home.

It is worth mentioning that he found many small warning traps around the bungalow.

Although they are hidden so normal people can't find them all at, the trap is completely meaningless to him.

No matter how concealed the trap is, its information clearly tells Huang Ji: there is a trap here.

However, if you don't pay attention to this the criminal police may alarm the kidnappers in advance.

"Fortunately, I'm one step ahead." Huang Ji smiled, stepped forward lightly, and silently removed all the traps.

These traps are not dangerous, but once they are triggered, a small horn will ring frantically.

He had already seen through the whole mechanism, and easily removed it without making a sound.

Huang Ji then walked to a place 20 meters away from the old house and hid there.

The room is dark, but the people inside were using their mobile phone torches. With the light from the mobile phone screen Huang Ji can also vaguely see their figures.

He was right, the group of people were Wang Zhen, Hu Feng, and Lu Zongmin.

Direct observation, Huang Ji can understand almost all of their information, including their memories.

Of course, there is too much information in their entire memory. And his perception speed is not fast for that now.

Huang Ji had once tried to perceive a person's half-minute memory in one breath, that is, to compress a half-minute memory into one second to be perceived by him.

The result was Huang Ji going into a coma.

If he needs to understand a person's 20 years of memory he has to read it for 20 years . So it was a 1: 1 ratio for now.

This is obviously impossible for him. Huang Ji does not have the time to do that.

So he just makes a focused inquiry in their memory.

For example, if he wanted to know a person's memory about the time they were scared the most, then Huang Ji can retrieve the most terrifying life experience that the other person had felt according to their cognition.

Similarly, he can also inquire about their saddest , or most cherished memories.

Or if Huang Ji wants to know something, he can then search to see if the other party's experience with it.

This kind of operation can make him understand a person very well. He does not need to observe them for too long. A rough understanding of their life would be more than enough.

Huang Ji's ability allowed him to know basic information about everyone here.

"They aren't here for money but for the Buddha statue? Wang Zhen and Hu Feng are still wanted..."

Huang Ji was speechless. Wang Zhen and Hu Feng are wanted. Even though they had successfully run away, they have been hiding their names and living fearfully.

The only person who's life went well was Lu Zongmin. When the police cracked the case at that time, they didn't even know that he was a part of it.

But for the Buddha statue, Lu Zongmin had come here in person this time .

This person is quite careful compared to others. Wearing a mask, changing his hairstyle, hiring a thief named Lin Yong to steal a van.

He later used this car to act as a bait by letting Lin Yong drive it away by himself. He took the two brothers and dragged Liang Yuan out of the car and hid here again.

If Huang Ji did not check the information, the police might not have opened a case yet.

Even if the case was filed, they would probably be still looking for the van.

Even if the police forcefully caught the driver named Lin Yong later, they probably would not be able to find Lu Zongmin.

Lu Zongmin would have achieved his goal and went home.

However, Lu Zongmin probably never expected that someone learned his name directly from his footprints, and then pretended to be him and wrote a blackmail letter to the police, and left his real name...

"Cough cough cough..." Liang Yuan was tied inside the house, her face was covered with cloth, Wang Zhen held a bucket of water and forced her face inside it.

After she was brought back Lu Zongmin uncovered the cloth covering her mouth. Liang Yuan was finally able to breath. She was almost choked to death by the water.

"Why don't you tell me now? The police already know that you are missing, I don't have so much patience anymore..." Lu Zongmin said coldly.

Liang Yuan was tired but still said: "I really don't know, I haven't touched the money nor the Buddha statue..."

Lu Zongmin looked at her in disappointment, he was thinking about really killing her.

Seeing this, Huang Ji almost couldn't help standing up, he could clearly perceive Lu Zongmin's intent at this moment.

He also knew very well that Liang Yuan really didn't know where the money or buddha statue was!

The money and the Buddha statue were both with Liang Yuan's adoptive parents. After Lu Zongmin found Liang Yuan he hurriedly kidnapped her without investigating further. This was a huge mistake.

Lu Zongmin thought that Liang Yuan knew where the buddha statue was and she was in this county which was mostly deserted, which would make it easier to kidnap her, so he did .

He didn't expect that even after torturing her for a day, nothing was gained.

Huang Ji searched for information and found that Lu Zongmin had tortured Liang Yuan for almost ten hours. He shaved Liang Yuan's face, and burned her hands and feet using fire. He used water torture and whipping, and even chopped her finger.

However, she was still saying that she didn't know anything. Poor Doctor Liang , she didn't know that her adoptive parents had abandoned her. The moment they heard the news, the two ran away.

Huang Ji clenched his fists. He might be able to deal with Lu Zongmin alone, but Wang Zhen and Hu Feng are physically strong. He might not be their opponent at all.

"Why are the police so slow..."

He is just an ordinary person, except that... he can see their information.

At this moment, he can only observe the information of the three people constantly, thinking about what he could do.