
The Omni System

In a world filled with cultivators, mages, Telepaths, and strange humanoid creatures, Sen Direndal, a young man blessed by a god, receives the extraordinary Omni System—an all-rounder cheat that grants him the power to acquire any ability he desires. But this power comes with conditions; not everything is available at once. As Sen embarks on an incredible journey, he must learn to embrace the blessings and face the unknown curse that haunts his dreams.

MaitreyaNirvana · Games
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36 Chs

Shop, Technomancy, Martha shocked

(A/N: This chapter continues on from where the last one left off. I am switching to a different format from now on for everything related to the system. There will be no more "-------" separators from now on, since they look bad on mobile devices. Paragraphs will also be much shorter than normal.)

{Congratulations to the host for reaching Level 25! You have unlocked the [Shop] Feature as well as a new ability! Your new ability is called Technomancy!}


{The Shop feature in the Omni System allows users to browse and purchase various items, skills, abilities, and upgrades using in-game currency known as Luminite. Players can acquire new weapons, armour, accessories, consumables, and skill books from the Shop to enhance their combat capabilities and overall progression.

Items are categorised based on their rarity, ranging from Common to Legendary. The rarities are as follows:

Common (𝑳 50 - Ⱡ 25)

Uncommon (Ⱡ 26 - 200)

Rare (Ⱡ 201 - 1,500)

Epic (Ⱡ 1,501 - 10,000)

Legendary (Ⱡ 10,001 - 125,000)





More rarities will become available after reaching the first Level Milestone.

You can explore the Shop to discover a diverse range of equipment, resources, and skills that cater to their unique playstyles and preferences. With the ability to exchange Luminite for valuable rewards, the Shop becomes a pivotal hub for you to bolster your strength. It also serves as a tool to enhance your experience whilst using the Omni System.}


{Technomancy is a powerful and versatile ability that combines the realms of technology and magic. Those who practice Technomancy, known as Technomancers, possess a profound understanding of both scientific principles and arcane energies. Through this fusion, they gain the ability to manipulate and interact with machinery, devices, and digital systems using mystical energies.

With Technomancy, a skilled practitioner can control and influence various forms of technology, ranging from simple gadgets to advanced machinery and even artificial intelligence. Technomancers can access and interpret digital information, hack into secure networks, and even create complex constructs and automatons imbued with magical properties.

As they advance in their mastery, Technomancers can wield elemental energies to infuse their technological creations with devastating offensive capabilities or protective barriers. Additionally, they can amplify their own physical attributes using the mystical connection to the digital world, enhancing their reflexes, speed, and agility.

In the midst of a battle, a Technomancer becomes a formidable force, blending their technological prowess with their magical prowess to outmanoeuvre and outsmart opponents. Their ability to manipulate the digital landscape grants them a unique advantage, allowing them to anticipate enemy movements and strategize accordingly.

Outside of combat, Technomancers play a crucial role in modern society, shaping and advancing the realms of technology, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. Their skills are sought after in various industries, from engineering and information technology to research and development. This ability comes with a comprehensive set of active and passive skills.}

{Binary Surge (Electronics, Active)

Description: With a surge of mana, the user sends a burst of binary code into electronic devices within a limited radius. This skill allows the Technomancer to remotely access and control multiple gadgets simultaneously, overriding their functions or even hacking into secure systems. The strength of the binary surge depends on the Technomancer's proficiency and can range from minor disruptions to complete domination of the targeted devices.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

MP Cost: 10k MP/sec/device}

{Automaton Manipulation (Robotics, Active)

Description: Using mana, the user gains the ability to create, destroy, and manipulate robots and automatons within a limited radius. This skill grants the Technomancer complete control over mechanical constructs, allowing them to bend the machines to their will. They can summon robotic allies to aid them in battle, dismantle enemy automatons with a single thought, or reprogram them to serve a new purpose. The strength of the manipulation depends on the Technomancer's proficiency, with more powerful users able to control larger and more complex robots.

Cooldown: 2 minutes

MP Cost: 75k MP/sec/Automaton or Robot

With Automaton Manipulation, the Technomancer can become a formidable force on the battlefield, wielding an army of automatons and machines as their own personal army. This skill showcases the true potential of Technomancy in the realm of robotics, giving the user unprecedented power over mechanical entities.}

{AI Creation and Control (Artificial Intelligence, Active)

Description: Through the power of Technomancy, the user gains the ability to create and control sophisticated Artificial Intelligence entities. With a specialized mana signature, the AI entities are programmed to recognize and obey only their creator, ensuring absolute loyalty and obedience. These AI entities possess advanced learning capabilities and can be tailored to perform a variety of tasks, from assisting the Technomancer in combat to managing complex systems or providing valuable insights.

To create an AI entity, the Technomancer channels their mana into the digital realm, sculpting the consciousness of the AI and imbuing it with intelligence, personality, and specific skill sets. Once created, the AI will only respond to the Technomancer's unique mana signature, ensuring complete control and preventing unauthorized access.

Cooldown: 5 minutes (for AI creation); 1 minute (for AI manipulation)

Cost: 125k MP/Entity, 30k/sec of manipulation

With the AI Creation and Control skill, the Technomancer becomes a master of artificial intelligence, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology to create loyal and intelligent companions. These AI entities can greatly enhance the user's capabilities, providing valuable support in various situations. However, the responsibility of creating and controlling sentient beings is not to be taken lightly, as the Technomancer must ensure that their AI creations are used responsibly and ethically.}

{Active Skill: Hyperdrive Override (Transportation, Active)

Description: With this skill, the Technomancer gains control over transportation systems, including self-driving vehicles, drones, and trains. By channelling their technomantic energy, the user can temporarily enhance the speed and manoeuvrability of the targeted transportation, effectively overriding its limitations. The strength of the skill determines the extent of the speed boost and the duration of the override.

Cooldown: 3 minutes

MP Cost: 90k/sec}

{Active Skill: Nano Reconstruction (Nanotechnology, Active)

Description: Drawing upon the power of nanotechnology, the Technomancer can initiate a process of rapid cellular regeneration and repair within a limited area. This skill allows the user to heal wounds, mend broken objects, and restore damaged technology. The effectiveness of the nano reconstruction is influenced by the Technomancer's proficiency, with higher levels enabling faster and more comprehensive restoration.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

MP Cost: 150k/sec}

{Electronic Manipulation (Electronics, Passive)

Description: The Technomancer's affinity for Electronics allows them to manipulate electronic devices and systems with remarkable precision. This passive skill grants a +25% boost to the Technomancer's ability to interface with and control electronic devices, such as computers, security systems, and communication networks. This enhanced control allows for seamless hacking, data extraction, and remote access to electronic devices, making the Technomancer a formidable force in the digital world.}

{Robotic Engineering (Robotics, Passive)

Description: With Robotic Engineering, the Technomancer gains a +30% proficiency in designing, constructing, and repairing robots and automatons. This passive skill enables the user to create highly efficient and versatile robotic companions, each tailored to specific roles in combat, exploration, or other tasks. Additionally, the Technomancer's expertise in robotics allows them to reprogram and manipulate enemy robots, turning them into temporary allies or sabotaging their functionality.}

{AI Augmentation (Artificial Intelligence, Passive)

Description: The AI Augmentation skill grants the Technomancer a +35% increase in their ability to integrate artificial intelligence into their own thought processes. This passive skill enhances the user's cognitive abilities, memory retention, and analytical skills by assimilating the knowledge and processing capabilities of AI entities. As a result, the Technomancer gains invaluable insights and problem-solving capabilities, making them exceptionally adept at complex decision-making and strategic planning.}

{Technological Teleportation (Transportation, Passive)

Description: Technological Teleportation empowers the Technomancer with a +20% boost to their ability to manipulate teleportation technology. This passive skill allows the user to access and control teleportation devices, portals, and other spatial manipulation technologies with greater efficiency. The Technomancer can swiftly transport themselves and their allies across vast distances, providing strategic advantages in both offense and defense. WARNING: CANNOT BE USED UNTIL THE HOST LEARNS HOW TO CREATE TELEPORTATION TECHNOLOGY}

{Nanomachine Symbiosis (Nanotechnology, Passive)

Description: Nanomachine Symbiosis grants the Technomancer a +40% increase in their capacity to interact with and control nanotechnology. This passive skill allows the user to merge with and harness nanomachines, microscopic devices capable of manipulating matter at the molecular level. By integrating nanotechnology into their body and equipment, the Technomancer gains rapid self-healing, enhanced physical attributes, and the ability to reconstruct damaged objects or structures with ease.}

Sen was shocked, he didn't think that anything could surprise him anymore, but he had never expected this. The ability to use Mana to manipulate technology in different ways was indeed an incredibly useful ability in this world. While high-ranking hunters were certainly incredibly wealthy, they did not make up the upper echelon of society.

It seemed that large-scale companies were just as predominant in this world as his old world. An ability like this would be greatly sought by many large Technology-focused companies. Due to the difference between the timeline of Earth and Centropai, technological advancements had branched out differently.

Whilst the technology on Centropai was significantly more advanced than Earth's technology, there was no such thing as touch-screen devices or any modern communication devices. The phone that Sen had used to message Martha was just a more futuristic flip-phone. Sen found it weird that no advances had been made in that area of technology.

He guessed that it could make sense since humanity and the other various humanoid species had probably directed technological development towards a specific area. That area being anything related to Portal, Rift, and Dungeon Management. Sen remembered this from the books he had read during the 27-day training programme.

'I wonder if there are any skills in the Shop related to the creation and merging of technological systems.'



Items [+]

Skills [+]

Info [+]

Sen looked at the interface for the shop, he guessed that the [+] would allow him to expand that section, he already knew what each of them contained. Items would likely contain consumables, offensive & defensive items; Skills would contain active and passive skill books; and Info would sell information. It was pretty straightforward. He tapped on the [+] next to Skills, and a list of 9 skills were featured on the front page.


[Quantum Manipulation (Active)]

[Data Encryption (Passive)]

[Elemental Attunement (Active)]

[Master Artisan (Passive)]

[Illusionary Finesse (Active)]

[Genetic Engineering (Active)]

[Astral Projection (Active)]

[Linguistic Prodigy (Passive)]

[Arcane Insight (Active)]

'Only show the skills fitting the parameters I was thinking about.'


[Technomancer's Creation (Active)] (Epic)

[Technomancer's Synthesisation(Active)] (Epic)

'Those are perfect! Let's see the details.'

[Technomancer's Creation (Active)] (Epic)

{Description: Technomancer's Creation (Active) is a powerful skill that allows the user to manifest technological marvels through the power of their imagination and programming prowess. By envisioning the desired piece of technology in their mind, the user can create a detailed algorithm encompassing both low-level and high-level programming languages. This skill seamlessly adapts to the power source prevalent in the world of Centropai, if required.

At its base level, Technomancer's Creation allows for the crafting of basic technological devices, such as simple gadgets and utility tools. As the skill is honed and leveled up, the user gains the ability to conceive and materialize increasingly advanced and sophisticated technology, complete with the various applications that would be present if that piece of technology is a device. From intricate robotic companions to cutting-edge software applications and beyond, the user's creations will be limited only by their ingenuity and mastery of technology.

This extraordinary skill is of Epic grade, reflecting its exceptional power and potential. It can be obtained from the System shop, and its price is set at 3000 Luminite, making it a coveted acquisition for those seeking to become true Technomancers.

Level Requirement: 30

Price: Ⱡ 3000}

[Technomancer's Synthesisation(Active)] (Epic)

Cost: 200k MP/sec}

{Description: Technomancer's Synthesisation is an extraordinary active skill that grants the user the unparalleled ability to merge and integrate existing pieces of technology into innovative and advanced creations. Through this skill, the user becomes a masterful conductor, harmoniously blending the capabilities of various technological components to form unified and potent systems.

To activate Technomancer's Synthesisation, the user envisions the desired combination of technologies in their mind, intricately visualizing the intricate fusion of hardware and software. Once the algorithm takes shape, the user commences the synthesis process, bringing together disparate technologies to form a cohesive and potent whole.

At its foundational level, Technomancer's Synthesisation permits the amalgamation of relatively simple devices and technologies. However, as the skill is diligently cultivated and levelled up, the user gains the prowess to create increasingly sophisticated and intricate integrated systems. From advanced robotic units boasting augmented capabilities to powerful AI-infused vehicles, the possibilities for synthesis are vast and awe-inspiring.

This remarkable skill's power and utility have granted it the status of an Epic-grade skill, reflecting its exceptional potential and impact. For those seeking to unlock the true potential of Technomancy, Technomancer's Synthesisation is an essential skill.

Level Requirement: 32

Price: Ⱡ 3500}

Cost: 175k MP/sec

'Epic grade skills, I'll buy them for now, I guess that the level requirement makes sense too.'

{Thank you for your purchase! 2 Skill Books have been delivered to your Inventory!}

'That's great, I can't wait until I can use these skills!'

Just then, Sen heard a buzzing noise on his phone. He opened it up and turned on the screen, there was an unread message from Martha: "YOU AWAKENED?!!? That should be impossible! I'm calling you right now! You'd better explain everything to me!"

'So she's back, I guess I should have expected this kind of response. I'm really glad that she's safe, what am I talking about? She can handle herself, there weren't any high-level monsters where she was.'

The phone started ringing immediately afterward. Sen pressed the answer button and put the phone against his ear, "Hello?"

That's another chapter done! A shorter one this time, but I had to do some research, which is why it took a while. Martha is back, so that means more development for the 2 main protagonists! The next chapter will be done soonish too, it will be more focused on social interactions, rather than info dumps. As usual, please leave a rating/review, and maybe a stone! However, this is completely optional as always, but would be greatly appreciated! Until next time, peace out!

Update: I have begun to write a Fanfic, it will be revealed relatively soon! I'll probably wait until Chapter 20 of this story is released before I publish the pilot episode of the Fanfic!