
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Tiktok FIght

The next day back in the basement, I sat on the stairs, just looking at my parents who were shaking in fear as I just looked at them, doing nothing. the fact I was so quiet, and just looking straight at them scared them shitless. They tried to make themselves smaller, unable to even cry as they used up all of their tears overnight.

"I have been thinking a lot..." I said softly, I looked away from them and looked at my palm.

"After I left yesterday, my mind was filled with what happened here. I had a hard time understanding what was going through me... until I realized I was disgusted with myself." I said with slight tears in my eyes

"I want to make you two pay, but is it worth it if I become you?" I asked softly while covering my head. this caused the two to freeze, not knowing how to react to this. 

"I'm better than this... I'm giving you two fools too much power over me. I'm letting my past control me, and it's undoing all of my growth." I said while removing the tears, before looking at them.

"It was nice enough burning your lives down... do what you want after today. Kill yourselves, or try to rebuild your lives. I have nothing to do with you." I said while waving my hand, freeing the chains around their neck, and got up and left, leaving them in the basement.

I stepped outside, and looked into the sky, looking at the bright clear sky. I looked at it for some time, before I sighed and smiled. There was some disgust in me for what I did yesterday, but that disgust couldn't trump my relief from walking away from it all...

A few hours after I had left, the door opened and Megan and David slowly walked out, they stepped out and began walking off, and slowly they picked up their speed, not daring to stay at that house for a second longer...

"You're here again?" Jason asked with a sigh looking at Jenny who was in his home. Ever since Lana returned from her trip, Lana had completely changed, and Jenny was doing her best to try and fix the marriage. but Jason wanted that woman to die, but Jenny's attempts to be there for both of them hurt. for as long as he could remember, he had not been there for her, he ignored her existence and even forced her to remain home, not wanting her to go out and embarrass them like those spoiled kids who get into drugs and stuff. In a way, Jenny was a backup for Lisa...

"You're going through a hard time... Mom went on her trip, how about you and I go? " Jenny asked causing Jason to freeze slightly. he didn't know what to say, that felt like a good idea, a chance to just go and relax... but he didn't want to go with her. 

"... can Alex come?" Jason asked, making Jenny blink slightly, caught off guard by the request, but she shook her head.

"Alex is going to be busy this whole month. He is working on many things, I don't think him leaving to go on a trip would help." She said to which Jason nodded in disappointment. this made Jenny feel somewhat uncomfortable, she was putting herself out there to be there for her parents, yet like always she felt ignored. 

"It's alright, i'm not in the mood for a trip. Go be with your mother, I understand her reasoning for everything, but that doesn't mean I can forgive her. A divorce is the only thing for us right now," Jason said to which Jenny nodded lightly, and watched him walk off.

Somewhat annoyed, she went to see her mother who had rented a small apartment to stay at. She knocked on the door, and after a moment her mother opened the door.

"Oh, Jenny. I thought today you would be with your father." Lana said softly, to which Jenny shook her head.

"He'd rather be alone... what are you doing?" Jenny asked while looking at the bags in her room.

"I just came from shopping," Lana said softly, letting Jenny in. Jenny looked around and her eyes instantly landed on a jar that held her grandmother's ashes. It was an expensive-looking jar as Lana wanted the best for her Mother's remains. 

"I told you I can help you out." She said while looking at the little stuff in the house, there were no chairs, no TV, or even wifi.

"No!" Lana said with a look of fear, which confused Jenny. Lana opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say for some time, before speaking.

"I don't want to use you," Lana said with some tears, which honestly broke Jenny's heart, she went on to hug her, calming her down while explaining how she wanted to help her because she loved her. But Lana wanted to stand on her own two feet, as help from others just made her feel like she was using them. 

So, Jenny offered Lana to go to therapy, and she would pay for everything. To this, Lana nodded. after, she helped her mother with the stuff she bought.

"So, what job are you thinking of getting?" Jenny asked, causing Lana to smile slightly.

"I always dreamed of being a chef. I plan to go ahead and take cooking classes." Lana said with a smile. Jenny nodded lightly at that, secretly planning to get her some cooking stuff. She was about to say something when her phone suddenly vibrated. Taking her phone out, she saw one of her friends had sent her a TikTok.

At first, she was going to ignore it... until she saw her mother was in it. confused, she played the video and there she saw a woman standing in front of a paused video.

"So, I was on an airplane a few days ago. I will not say anything more about it, just watch it for yourself... ignore what I was doing in the first part of the video.." She said with slight embarrassment before she disappeared. what followed was the paused video playing. it showed her checking herself out, trying to get a good selfy until the voices behind her caused her to frown.

It was between a woman who was unsure about something, it was hard to hear. it was even more so when the female didn't say the last part out loud. The male voice also entered her ears, he was far more quiet compared to the female, trying to keep things to themselves. but what she did hear was the part where he would help her fix herself.

This caused her to frown, she was about to stand up, just for her attention to be caught by a woman who suddenly felt the holy ghost in her, and wanted everyone to join her in prayer. She was stunned and it clearly showed on her face, but she snapped herself out of her shock and went on to turn back, pointing the camera at Lana and Alex.

"You're disgusting, telling this beautiful woman she needs to fix herself. Just who do you think you are? Look at you putting her down. girl, you are perfect just the way you are." She said righteously, and before the camera, it showed how Alex just froze not knowing how to react to his dirty acts caught on camera.

It also showed the poor Lana who had been beaten down emotionally by that cruel man. It made one wonder just how much she had been manipulated and gaslighted to make her feel worthless. Poor thing.

"No one is perfect. It's messed up to tell someone they are perfect, thats even more so when you don't even know them, and lady, it's rude to put your nose in things you don't understand," Alex said, clearly This man wanted to save his image before the camera.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands," a group of drunk men suddenly began saying the allegiance, causing her to turn the camera towards them. but this led to someone else speaking, unhappy with the loud noise 

In the video, one can also see Sophia who was fearfully hugging Hope as she was in the center of all this. the video was suddenly covered with Alex who flipped over and went on to try and relax the scene, just to end up acting in self-defense, easily twisting a man's finger, before knocking out the remaining two guys. after, he put them back in their seats before looking at the Mother where he made sure they were okay. after, the video came to a pause.

"Now, seeing this I was scared. that guy was sitting down, I didn't see just how crazy his body build was. That guy must be on drugs or something... cough, well. After seeing that, I was sitting there scared that that woman was being abused or something by him. I know some of you might not think so, but what about this?" She said while the video played once more

it showed the scene where Sophia came to thank Alex, just for Alex to forcefully take her arm, while Sophia being the poor and defenseless woman panicked. The video went on to show how that cruel man gave her a paper, most likely having his number. It was clear he was hitting on her.

"She came to try and thank him, and his next move was to hit on her with who I'm guessing is his girl right next to him. That was sexual abuse right there. Girl, if you're watching this. run and get help. but I can understand how leaving might be hard, but there are people out there willing to help. Please, if you know this woman and that man, help her out." She said seriously, before the video came to an end, leaving Jenny blinking her eyes, not knowing what to say or do for a moment.

Jenny's face twisted in annoyance, how couldn't she be annoyed when her boyfriend was being framed for something he would never do? She had to make a TikTok and come out with the truth before this exploded anymore. there were always thousands of people who had seen this, the truth had to come out quickly... and so Jenny got into a fight with someone she might never see. maybe it was her way of letting lose her annoyance, but she had thousands of people following her thanks to her new streaming fame, this caused things to reach heights both sides didn't expect...

{Name: Alex Smith

Age: 23

Race: Human

Bloodline: [Human Bloodline]

OP: 100 million

Abilities: [Strengthen Condition (Lvl-3)]. [Cyber Mind (Lvl-4)]. [Extreme Speed (lvl-3)]. [Intuitive Aptitude (lvl-4)]}

I looked at the screen before me, before looking at the shield I had just created on my own using the Nanonites. For the past few days, I have been trying to learn how to gather atoms together and recreate just about anything. it took some time, but I quickly learned it.

Now, I can recreate things and just sell them to the system to get money. This shield was something I created, it was pretty much Captain America's shield. It was able to absorb kinetic energy, making it almost impossible to be destroyed.

I could sell it, and get 3 billion OP... but did I want that? after the whole thing with my parents, I realized I didn't want to do the whole travel the Omniverse stuff, and gain unmatched power. So long as I can live a happy life, I can die peacefully of old age without trouble.

I understood that strength could be used to protect those around me, but there was a risk of being swallowed in the whole power thing and ignoring the things I truly care for. As I saw things right now... I was happy. I could die right now and look back and say the past few months of my life were the best.

I got to be a kid for once thanks to Hope, I got a loving girlfriend, and I have stopped myself from turning into something I didn't want with my parents. I have a friend, which was Sarah, and I saw myself and Jason one day becoming friends. I didn't need much in life, just one true friend made me feel complete. I was full, and I just wanted to sit back and enjoy what I had.... so I didn't sell the shield. Instead, I went on to drop everything I had planned for the month, all but Zeus and his mission in the world of Mages...

Little did I know, in the upcoming future. I would come to regret this... maybe if I wasn't satisfied, if I wasn't so sure of Zeus and Odin's capabilities... then my world wouldn't shatter like it did. And when I looked back to this moment, moments before I died... regret will be the only thing flowing through my soul.