
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


"Hurry up? just what's taking..." Lisa who was searching for Alex for taking too long to get ready opened his door, just to freeze seeing Alex who was struggling to find clothing that fit. Alex was pretty much butt-naked. he only had on shorts, which he used as underwear since it was the only thing that fit.

Lisa's mind went blank, how come she never noticed Alex had such an outstanding physique? If she knew, then she would have had him walk around without a shirt, he was the perfect eye candy.

"None of these clothing fit," I said with a slight frown, since I had the clothing on when my physique improved, my shirt was still wearable, even though it was ripping apart. To remove my clothing, It was easier for me to just destroy the shirt.

I had clothing, my wife thought it would be embarrassing if I walked around with the same old clothing at all times. So, I had to have clothing, or else it would look poorly on her. I of course was just happy to have more than one pair of clothing that fit. I didn't care for what type of clothing.

I was going through all of my clothing, trying to find what pair of clothing could fit me. in the end, I found only 2 shirts that I could wear. and 1 pair of pants I could wear. it's just that these clothes were no good for the party... but on second thought, why did I care?

I went on to put on the simple white shirt, and the black baggy sweatpants. Seeing me put this clothing on snapped Lisa out of her daze.

Alex's physique was eye candy. He had a lot of muscles, but they didn't show themselves unless he flexed. Just standing there, his muscles relaxed made him the perfect eye candy. but as soon as he flexed, he became a muscleman.

"Didn't I tell you to throw those clothing out?" Lisa asked displeased, this clothing was something she had wanted John to throw away. Why? because they were old and cheap. these were clothing Alex bought, Alex only bought stuff wanting to grow into them. so he never really got stuff that was a perfect fit for him. Alex didn't throw it away, he wasn't the type to waste money.

"Let's go," I said calmly while walking past Lisa and heading towards the car, Lisa almost popped a blood vein at me ignoring her. I of course didn't care for her. Taking a shower, I had time to clear my mind.

I needed to change. many things have been planted into my mind, rules I had to follow, things I couldn't do. how I have to walk on eggshells around others, and the list went on... have I ever lived for myself? I needed to change, and that meant living by my own rules and respecting myself.

"Alex, if you do not change!" Lisa roared, but I ignored her while picking up her car keys and went outside. Lisa was left too stunned for words, normally I wouldn't even dare to make her angry... well, she held no power over me. 

Angrily, she came outside and entered the passenger seat, She glared at me, hate filling her eyes. I ignored her and went on to drive toward where the family meeting was going to be held. when we got married, her grandfather gifted us this home. back then, she was living with her mother. the house gifted to us on the day we got married wasn't simple it was a 3-story mansion, that was on top of a mountain. 

The meeting was being held within one of the restaurants under the Smith family's control. Like the Willaims family, the Smith family also had many businesses spread out all across the city. The Smith family should have or will soon hit the milestone of a net worth of a billion dollars. 

Pulling up to the restaurant, workers came to greet us while taking the car away to park. the car was expensive, being a custom-made BMW and all. Lisa had saved up to buy the car, which she treasured

We entered the restaurant and went to the highest floor which was cleared with the Smith family. I didn't bother to go with Lisa and instead went to the bathroom where I made a call to my uncle.

"Hey uncle, I was wondering if I could get some help to get a divorce?" I said softly, 

"I already have someone working on this. I have arranged a butler to handle everything on your behalf, you also have a new home. He should be calling you soon when everything is ready, and he has the paper ready." He said softly, to which I thanked him before heading off to the party.

the highest floor of the restaurant was large, it was only the 6th floor. but on this floor was a stage, along with a bar and a kitchen where only the best chef cooked. I went to sit at the bar and ordered something to drink,

'I wonder if I'm like Captain America and have a high strong alcohol resistance.' I thought while looking at the shot of alcohol given to me. I never drank alcohol, this would be a first. I looked at the drink, lost in my world and thoughts.

"I didn't know you work out Alex, is Doordash that much of a workout?" A handsome young man who worked out came to sit by me. his words were loud, loud enough for everyone to be drawn over towards us.

His words caused everyone to notice that the red hair at the bar was Alex, how did Alex build up such a physique? it had to be drugs he was on, and instantly everyone had the same thoughts.

"What do you want, Daniel," I asked with a tired sigh. Daniel was a bully, the guy had money, looks, and a cool physique. he was what every guy wanted to be, that was true for me in the past. but the guy was a total dick and loved to make my life hell.

"What, I just want to know how you built such an outstanding physique." He said while placing his hand on my shoulders and pressing down with his full body weight. but he was stunned as I didn't move, instead, I reached out and grabbed his hand and slowly began to tighten my grip.

"S-stop. W-wait!" He cried in pain as he tried to break free from my hold, he wanted to move, he felt as if I was some unmoveable wall. My hold was tight and it did hurt, but I was nice and let him go, causing him to stumble backward before falling to the ground. 

"Just leave me be," I said calmly, but of course, Daniel who just lost face in front of the whole family and his girlfriend wouldn't take that. enraged, he quickly got up and punched me while my back was towards him.

this was a sneak attack... but my senses were superhuman at the moment. I could feel it, his heavy breathing, his heavy footsteps, and the sound of his fist shooting through the air. it was odd as my senses were not this sharp, but now they just grew sharper in a moment of danger. now I should look deeper into this later

I moved my body to the side, dodging the fist. Daniel was of course shocked that I dodged his sneak attack, he was even more stunned when I grabbed the fist before pulling him closer, and grabbing his face.

As I slowly crushed the face, he began to scream in pain while badly clawing at my arm, trying to break free. but it was all pointless. His attempts to even hurt me were pointless, as my skin was far more durable,

With ease, I picked him up and threw him away with one hand. he fell heavily to the ground and began to start crying. he was a rich boy, when was the last time he felt the concept known as pain? 

I sighed softly while looking at him, to think I looked up to this guy. but just as I was about to speak, my phone rang. I ignored everyone and went on to answer the phone.

"Mr. Alex. I'm Clizby, your butler. I had everything stelled for you along with the divorce people. where would you like to have them delivered?" Clizby asked respectfully.

"Thats perfect, deliver them to me. I'm at the restaurant owned by the Smith family," I said with a smile.

"Thats perfect, I will be right there," Clizby said before asking me if I needed anything, but I just said no and hung up. I looked at everyone there for a moment, saying nothing and just waiting for Clizby.

People went to check up on Daniel, after all, he was still crying. just as a group of them wanted to gang up on me, they froze when on the stage, an old woman walked on. this was the wife of the current head of the Smith family, instantly everyone went before the stage with gifts and warm smiles.

I ignored it all and just looked at my phone. the reason she called everyone here today was because the Smith family had just reached a net worth of a billion dollars. it was a great day, and they were looking forward to expanding their reach to other cities.

She was happy, but her joy couldn't help to drop when she happened to look towards the bar and saw someone ignoring her. everyone who was paying close attention to her looked towards Alex, and quickly Lisa's face turned bright red in rage. but before she could do anything, someone else made a move.

"Alex, you going to get grandmother mad." a blonde-haired girl said. I looked over, and seeing who it was, I smiled slightly. I had one friend, and it was her. Lisa little sister.