
World: Demon Slayer ~ The Next Step

It honestly went better than I dared to hope, I only had four Hashira level skill to await, but one is literally gonna be the strongest one in the decade, of course I'm talking about the Stone Hashira.

That was about a month ago.

Currently looking over Tokyo while eating a steak from New York, I reviewed my next course of action and what I should be doing next.

With the first piece of information I gave were the names of the Upper Moons, and gave them the freeby that some of the Upper Moons go by either pairs or group by some ranks.

Other than that, he was asked a particular question that he was sure Ubuyashiki and his family were trying to uncover for the past Mille nia.

What was his motive.

Which was kind of amusing to be honest, considering one of the options to accomplishing it.

"What is Muzan's goal" Kagaya asked with a straight face, having only recently signed over his employees strength away, not that they minded, like at all, which was fair since they were getting a good chunk of information and probably more of it later, and the price will only appear when they no longer require it.

I placed a hand on my chin, wondering how to word this, and once settled, I responded, "well, he only wants one thing, to be immune to the sun, since despite his power he views it as a insult that he has to resort to hiding in the dark,".

The Hashira looked at each other in wariness at such a thought, they didn't really consider the possibility that Muzan could for all intents become essentially invincible.

The only reason they were managing to keep up is mostly due to the breathing styles, but their problems would tenfold on itself if they didn't have one tool in their arsenal, a Nichirin katana.

In essence, weaponized sunlight, in an iron sword.

If the enemy were to conquer the sun, the weapon would render obsolete and wisteria was already known to be increasingly more minor threat to high level demons, where even more potent variants would just limit the movement and can quickly be neutralized.

I continued while they were thinking of this, I lifted two fingers, "as far as he is aware, he only knows two ways he can accomplish this, either to find the blue spider lily… or continue to create demons until he were to create one that manages to withstand the sun and proceed to devour them,".

Kagaya folded his fingers into themselves as he held his cup, though it probably long gone cold at this point, "so there's a reason why he multiplies his kind,".

"Of course, humans and most kinds of creatures are on the evolutionary side where they adapt to their surroundings via reproduction which their offspring continue to adapt and reproduce once more, they are not meant to last forever….demons however seem to be polar opposite, they improve unto themselves instead of reproducing, in fact I would go on to say Muzan does not want to make more of himself, since to his instincts it's like sharing room with another predator even if he is the strongest one among them,".

Having his first question be the general discription and names of the Upper moons, and now knowing muzan's ambitions, Kagaya asked his third, "where can the blue spider lily be aquired," he figured it was pointless to ask what it was, since the name was self explanatory and Muzan was looking for it to go out in the sun.

I smirked widely, "other than any other time where it looks like a weed? A few times in the summer in the middle of the day," my smile was downright trolling.

There was a pause, before the master of the house burst out laughing, baffling his pillars of the organization.

After calming down, "…well at least there is some good news, so it is downright impossible for him to find such a flower, considering the innumerable amount of weeds throughout the land, a human would hav to help him or have to acquire it through insurmountable amount of time searching through weeds that he honestly wouldn't know could be the flower,…which only leaves the gamble through the countless demons he creates,…which leads me to my final question,".

Having put his cup to the side the man breathes in and out, "what are the chances of a demon developing this immunity,".

I scratched the side of my head, "to be honest, it's questionable, there can only be two ways from what I have gathered, either the theoretical demon would have to possess the blood of a Sun Breathing user…"

Which caused the eyes of the Lord to widened at such a thought.

"…or the demon in questioned as to resist, for years in end, drinking any blood of the human, forcing their bodies to adapt,".

The information I gave is as true as I remember, including the last one, well more like I gave two possibilities, with me kind of hoping the latter possibility was the case…

Because if it was the former than it would mean it's only possible for a human with magical bloodline to potentially resist the hunger…

…and not because the human/demon in question was strong willed enough or pure enough to overcome it, sort of like a demonic enlightenment.

It might not seem like it, but to me it would be saying nezuko was only able to power through because Dance of the Fire God her family did and not through her own means any one else could've but succumbed to the hunger.

It seemed kind of a coup out of you know what I mean.

Getting away from the thought….it was time to set out to the new potential world, the last one was basically a dud, considering the mindset and the powers over there.

Summoning the power, he opened a portal, and stepped through.

…and absolutely didn't know where to begin questioning where I am, it looked like a jungle.

'Hmmm, Mexico!'

…and yet nothing happened, which implied this wasn't earth…so that wiped out several places of the list, he was thinking of the location Mexico rather than actual specific location in Mexico, so if this was simply prehistoric times where Mexico would be just a stretch of ocean, he would've just gone there.

'Ok, so just a bunch of isekais to sort through, and other worlds that simply didn't take place on earth'.

So he sat down under the tree, laid down after a min, and scrunched up his face as he begin to list through a bunching names that happen to come to mind.

" Lugnica" "Melromarc" "Ars of Asura" "Oomashu" "Katolis" "Beacon Academy" "Jurassic Park" "Waterdeep"…

And came a long Long list, at some point he gotten bored, and simply started listing out whatever popped up in his mind while he physically explored the area.

He figured it wasn't dinasaur time or something considering there were normal animals here, but it wouldn't be that big of a stretch considering Ark Survivial, Dragon Ball, or even D&D,

Until eventually

"Jade Mountain"

And was teleported to the foot of a mountain, a specific mountian

I blinked when I realized what that meant,…a book series that wasn't too popular but he greatly enjoyed in his preteen years, a book of dragons…

A world where 5000 years ago dragons overthrew humanity and began to rule in 7 tribes.

He was in Wings of Fire